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Everything posted by AJS71

  1. I've heard of the F word and the C word, so now I have to include the J word? Ah the PC police are everywhere...nothing like taking a forum post and rapidly taking it off topic! Outstanding Nev what a team we make. Cheers Anthony
  2. No no no...CASA has said its fine as the aircraft is not powered by a Jabiru engine! Now that's a humorous effort Nev, wouldn't you agree?
  3. Camel Isn't living in a democracy great? You have every right to be outraged, but just remember that sometimes it's better to walk away from the keyboard if you're angry. Rage can sometimes be translated into bread and butter cases for legal types! I'm referring here to personal attacks on civil servants via emails and/or letters. As angry as they make you, they will always win if you get personal. Don't want to sound all high and mighty Camel, just speaking from experience. I too am appalled at this current farcical situation and as I said in another post a while ago...CASA seems to think that they'll achieve safer skies for all by grounding all the aircraft! Good on you for taking a stand Camel, go get 'em...carefully cheers
  4. Yes you're spot on Merv, but this is unfortunately what we've come to expect from our elected officials, at all levels of Government. Nevertheless, it's engaging a civil servant, getting them to produce something tangible. Even if it leaves a bad taste 'so to speak'! Shame you compared this farsical situation to a ballet though...some will think we're uncultured swill. Hahaha Definitely more like an episode of yes Minister, don't you think? What's frightening to me is the lowering of sale prices of Jabs currently for sale on the Interweb. I fly someone else's Jabiru and I really hope for them that this mess gets sorted soon.
  5. Good on you JEM for writing to the Minister. I note 'significant number' is once again given a run. No surprise that the Minister is endorsing the actions of CASA also. I'm impressed that the letter ends in a faux positive way too. Thanks again for writing to the Minister, I didn't but I'm grateful that you and others have. Cheers
  6. Given the thread topic...what about the Jabiru LSA55? Having just under 40 hours on type, it's almost like doing aerobatics on approach and late final... Given all the doom and gloom re the mighty Jabs elsewhere on this forum, this is my attempt at some humorous banter. Incredibly successful attempt if I do say so myself! Cheers
  7. Hi Ian I only view the forum on my iPad.
  8. Cannot speak highly enough of John and Dave at Daves Flying School at YOAS...got my PC with them recently. Very reasonable rates, no nonsense instruction and above all else they will not let you do anything unsafe. Plus they are great blokes too. If you read Sport Pilot magazine check out my contributions to the Learn to Fly column throughout 2014. More than happy to talk to you regarding this post, PM me and I'll give you my contact details... Even if you fly with them or not, call in to the airfield and have a cuppa with them. The atmosphere will be relaxed and the humour guaranteed. Cheers Anthony.
  9. Great videos, thanks for sharing them with us...
  10. And folks wonder why people in this country don't want to go flying in light aircraft...unfortunately people believe what they read in the papers and see on the TV! Stories loaded with sensationalised accounts and little or no factual information. Every now and then a positive aviation story is covered, however far too often it's all doom and gloom. It was explained to me long ago that for many journalists it's a case of misinterpret what they see and make up what they don't! Oh look what I just did...did I generalise? For those competent journalists out there, thank you for taking the time to do your research and for those who don't? Please try a little harder. I am passionate about aviation and see it as an amazing way to discover this beautiful country of ours. Positive media coverage can go along way to achieving this endeavour. As I was explaining to a work colleague a little while ago, the most dangerous thing about flying for me is driving to and from the aerodrome! There endeth the sermon Ladies & Gents. Hang on just one more thing. I found that if you stop watching the news and reading the newspapers life seems so much brighter! Cop ya later.
  11. Ah good to hear normal service has resumed then...they were this close hahahahaha
  12. Great footage and a fantastic outcome...thanks for posting this. The pilot did an awesome job and a nice foam blanket laid down on the tarmac arrested any sparks. I'm just happy to see a media outlet showing a positive aviation story!
  13. Recreational Aviation Australia (RA-Aus) met with Jabiru and CASA today (14 November 2014) in relation to the recent proposed actions by CASA that would affect owners and operators of Jabiru aircraft and Jabiru powered aircraft. RA-Aus maintains its stance that the available data suggests that Jabiru engines are more likely to fail than a comparable 4 stroke Rotax engine but insists that our operators should be free to exercise their informed judgement and assess the risks for themselves. We also question whether the CASA proposed remedies are the best action to take given the risks posed. RA-Aus feels that the meeting was constructive and has outlined a way for Jabiru and CASA to address the risks highlighted by CASA in a manner that will minimise the imposition on aircraft operations. Jabiru and CASA have committed to working together to arrive at a solution. In the meantime RA-Aus once again encourages all affected stakeholders to contact CASA with their views on the proposed restrictions and to engage with other appropriate parties to escalate their concerns if they wish to. Reported data for 2014 year to date (January through October) Jabiru Rotax All (includes other engine types) Hours flown 41834 71626 131227 Landings 92735 145638 260383 Engine failures (full or partial) 28 16 51 This is the email I received from RA-Aus today, minus the contact details for Truss, et al. Cheers
  14. Send an email to the editor Brian Bigg. His email is [email protected] Perhaps you could email RAA also...
  15. This looks like a great development, I'm not on Facebook so I'll take your word for it regarding costs of the lots. What impresses me is that it's the local authority investing in local aviation...well done to them! Thanks for posting this airpark info.
  16. Great pics and an awesome looking aircraft...
  17. Once again it's bash RAA time again. I respect your right to slam RAA 68volksy, but doesn't mean I share your view. I have been completing my flying training with a professionally run RAA training provider who places a strong emphasis on safety. They maintain accurate training records and operate well maintained aircraft. Weather permitting I will be completing my check flight for my pilot certificate tomorrow. If they were not doing these things well, I would've gone elsewhere and found another RAA training provider. To say they're all crap is an over generalisation. Something GA folks tend to do when it comes to RAA I have discovered... Anyway, nothing personal 68volksy, just happy to promote a thoroughly professional RAA training school and it's Instructors. May your gauges always be in the green Volksy, be they GA or otherwise! Cheers
  18. Surprise, surprise a media outlet churning out more sensationalised, fictional garbage! Is it any wonder so many folks think light aircraft are so dangerous. If it's in the paper or on the TV it must be true? Right? Great to gear no injuries and an AC that's airworthy...yes I realise it's a negative post, but far too many of these 'journalists' misinterpret what they see and make up what they don't see. Personally I think that's f@&@&d!
  19. Well done Beefy, definitely something you'll always remember. Now the learning really begins...
  20. Come on now MM have a little faith! Hahaha But seriously, I will be...
  21. Hopefully not...looking forward to getting down to YMIG soon. In a Jabiru powered AC too!
  22. MM got some info on one of these, if you're interested I will enlighten you via a PM. Let me know...
  23. http://www.smh.com.au/national/plane-crash-in-the-blue-mountains-report-20140510-zr8uc.html
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