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Everything posted by AJS71

  1. 3 pax, nil injuries I've been told a BRS was deployed. AC down in residential street, damaging power lines Great news that no one was injured...
  2. Ah that old military adage...the more elaborate the uniform, the worse the soldier! Let's surround him and aim our rifles at each other! Nice one!
  3. To kgwilson what an awesome post! The best post I have ever read on any forum...anywhere. Reminds me of how a dedicated staffer at the once named RTA would not give me an engine number as apparently it was a breach of privacy...wtf? I explained that I was not looking to hurt the engine, find out where the engine lived or harass the poor engine in any way. I only needed to confirm whether it was the original motor in the old car I had bought. No dice and left me incredibly frustrated! The levels of bureaucracy we have to contend with in this country is just plain stupid. Governments are supposed to make our lives easier by helping us NOT hindering our daily activities. I had an ASIC a few years ago but after a threatening letter from the boffins at CASA informing me that my card was soon to expire and that I faced imprisonment and fines if I was in possession of an expired ASIC, I returned it with my own strongly worded letter. I too have had a passport since the 70s and pay my taxes on time every time. The current ASIC and all it entails is just a grab for cash and has no bearing on our security as aviators. Having flown in the States with friends in their GA aircraft and spoken to folks in the FAA and AOPA there, we're worlds apart, we really are. Does CASA mean safe sky's for all by keeping us on the ground filling out forms in triplicate? I guess so. I have no intention of obtaining another ASIC and will enjoy flying with my RA certificate to friendly airstrips around OZ where an ASIC is not required. Just as it should be.
  4. Sorry to hear an aircraft has gone down...great to hear no serious injuries have been reported.
  5. Great to have you aboard Cap'n. You'll soon discover all the excellent information that this forum and it's many awesome members contribute. Plenty of chances for robust discussion as well. Anthony
  6. Thanks for sharing this and doing the research into it. Hopefully we will all find out what happened soon. At least that way we won't have to rely on media outlets and journalists for their versions... Cheers
  7. Thanks guys. A massive thank you to my instructor John Taru for getting me this far and for trusting me with 0736. Thanks John
  8. Greetings fellow Aviators... To hear those magical words from your Instructor "make this one a full stop and then you can go on your own!" Lovely weather in South Western Sydney this morning and the journey continues. For those of you who have done it you know the feeling and for those on their way...you are going to love it! Cheers
  9. Good on you Robyn...
  10. Good one Chris...
  11. Hi Eric Thanks ever so much for sharing all your experiences via your diary...I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It's great to compare your experiences with my own in this initial part of my training. I've logged just over 14 hours now in LSA55 aircraft at the Oaks with Dave's Flying School. Looking forward to the Sydney weather gods smiling again and hearing all about your flying adventures around Oz Eric. Cheers Anthony
  12. Not only are the prices great, the quality of instruction is excellent too.
  13. Hi JohnCarlo I've just started learning with Dave and he's great, as is John. 1 hour dual = $150, 1 hour solo = $120. Having started doing my PPL a few years ago and then running out of $$$, personally for the quality of instruction and the fun factor of the little Jab, this is outstanding value! They have Jabirus and also a Lightwing 'taildragger'. I have chosen the RAA rather than PPL, as this suits my current budget and the type of flying I intend to do. Hours count toward PPL as well. Give Dave a call and go pay him a visit at the Oaks. That way you can decide if it's for you... Happy for you to PM me if you want to know anything more. I'm more than happy to recommend Dave's Flying School and no I'm not working on Commission. Cheers Anthony
  14. Greetings Have just started lessons at YOAS with Dave Rolfe. Flying the LSA55. I've read a lot about these little Jabs and so far it's been a great info to the World of RAA. Dave and John are great, down to earth and friendly. Now if only this rain and wind will leave the Sydney basin... Cheers Anthony
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