Hi JohnCarlo
I've just started learning with Dave and he's great, as is John. 1 hour dual = $150, 1 hour solo = $120. Having started doing my PPL a few years ago and then running out of $$$, personally for the quality of instruction and the fun factor of the little Jab, this is outstanding value!
They have Jabirus and also a Lightwing 'taildragger'.
I have chosen the RAA rather than PPL, as this suits my current budget and the type of flying I intend to do. Hours count toward PPL as well.
Give Dave a call and go pay him a visit at the Oaks. That way you can decide if it's for you...
Happy for you to PM me if you want to know anything more. I'm more than happy to recommend Dave's Flying School and no I'm not working on Commission.
Cheers Anthony