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Everything posted by Davenelson

  1. Jaspers brush
  2. Flying out of Jaspers Brush
  3. Well the day that has eluded me for a while due to crap weather finally arrived yesterday. My first solo. Wow, the most exciting and nervous time I've had in a long time. Nailed the circuit and landing, even with a bit of x-wind Woooo Hoooo
  4. Hi joe, Flying from Jasper's Brush, NSW south coast. Did the Instructional trial in a Brumby and learning in a Jab-160 Loving it would be an understatement Dave
  5. Hi guys, I've just commenced my new hobby. The wife gave me an instructional flight for my 40th birthday. Well, I'm been well and truly been bitten by the bug to get in the air. Lots to learn now and just completed my second lesson. Spent 1.5 hrs in the air within three days and can't wait to get back up there.
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