Hi Alan, thread seems to have wandered.
Last week I bought a GME 410G and registered it online, the system allows you to register multiple aircraft, cars and boats. When you go somewhere you can simply log-in, select the particular plane/boat/car you're using and add any usage/trip details that might help SAR should things go pear-shaped. You can also add/delete any vehicle, contact or modify your own details at any time.
The actual initial registration simply consists of putting in the unit hex code, basic supplier info, basic details about yourself, contacts in case of emergency, and details of the vehicles you want to initially include. Took maybe 10 minutes, including poking around to see what's what.
As I said, you can set-up multiple vehicles, I had my aircraft plus my 4WD registered, as an experimet I just went in and added the 2 club aircraft which I also fly, no problem. Appears, however, that a total of 4 vehicles of any type is the maximum but of course you can log-in and change those at any time. If you were a club with multiple beacons, you can also register & manage them all under one log-in, it would appear that every beacon would have up to 4 vehicles.
If you want any more specific details PM me.