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Everything posted by Rodr

  1. We have a similar problem in and around port Lincoln 128.0 with coffin bay now not on map requiring all aircraft in and out of Coffin bay on area freq combined with many local strips in between. This is now causing radio silence whereas 126.7 we all communicated without fear of near miss incidents. We don't want to be transmitting on area as the jet jocks above are busy enough with pos reporting for entry to Adelaide . So fix the stuff-up!
  2. Che Check the CAMIT site
  3. Yes as you say the wood looks the part but it was too fine and have tried to tickle it up a bit more coarse then had a good time balancing , just got too hard and I thought the the VP prop didn't look too bad certainly works much better,was advised the the 76" was too big for the 912 and the 74 " was at its limit for performance, not being a prop builder I cannot argue .
  4. Built from a Fisher kit R-80 tiger moth replica have just completed the 25hrs testing all good changed prop from the wood 76" to a composite ground adjustable 74" made a hellava diff in performance now 70kts at 5200rpm Rotax 912uls.
  5. From Univar aircraft corp USA part no U0450279 check out there site lots of small spinners for Cessna This was just called " small Cessna spinner" Cheers
  6. Have it all sorted thanks to all
  7. You all know the deal,ask the cops, it's their theatre.
  8. I was there and spoke to the pilot, it was NOT the fault of the engine or the aircraft.
  9. does anyone know of a repair establishment that would or could check a JPI 450 fuel scan instrument in OZ before sending back to USA . It works ok while fuel flowing through it however will not hold memory and brings up a 2047 litre used fig on most start ups ,this doesn't change on usage! Bit of a queer one any ideas? Rod
  10. Would you be flying without them, give them ago , casa would have your arse by now , maybe on the floor for good
  11. Replace all the plugs preferably iridium almost sure you won't get a miss on full power until they get clogged will prove carby needs adjusting ,I've been there, only missed on full power climb soon as you throttle back to cruise runs as sweet as pie! Rod
  12. Cheers guys, using the two out of one throttle made for rotax from aircraft spruce they are great for keeping equal movement however as you all mentioned the carby balance, I remember removing one of the carby throttle springs to reduce the full power pull on the throttle and checking this while stopped in different throttle settings found to be equal , maybe not while running so will replace the spring and test. Also the mag test on the Savannah 912 at all revs shows no difference, but this one does only as I mentioned at under 3000 rpm maybe a newer electrical format in the ignition system but seems strange! Cheers
  13. Thanks Scott the soft start was wired and works a treat, having a Savannah with 912 I have just wired that one too and makes starting a breeze, the Savannah has done 360hrs and I have not had yo touch it , this one is in a replica tiger moth but I may not be so lucky and wondered if anyone has had to replace the ignition coils sensors as the mag checks are telling me that all is not well however at high rpm you wouldn't know! The vibration wasn't there on earlier runs but seems to be progressing so I guess it could be carby balance I haven't checked that as yet,thanks
  14. Would app some thoughts on 3 issues I have on a new 912 ULS with 6.5 hrs TT. First one is that on a mag check I get a miss and fart on one mag under 3000 revs however on throttling up it disappears ! Secondly on checking plugs I find that both plugs in no1 and no2 are both extremely black and nos 3 and 4 are nice and grey! Thirdly at 6hrs I can now feel a small vibration throughout the full rev range wasn't there at the start , checked prop all good. I would assume that one of the ignition sensors maybe failing but not sure? also the richness of the front cyl indicates that the carb may set too rich as they are the furthest cyl from the carby? And the vibration may be a combination of all these abnormalities ? Any ideas would be welcome
  15. Just wondered if the engine sold,about to do the same but the whole motor fitted with Rotec heads
  16. G'day Mick I found this by accident I have been a member for years but only to read not to post so I don't understand the mechanics of the system if you text me your ph # I will give you a call when suitable time for you Cheers Rod 0428843062
  17. Thanks for the info Maj hasn't flown but it's begging too , just doing the paper work . I'm not good at this Mick so how do I pm my ph 0428843062
  18. Thanks Wayne I have sent a request Cheers
  19. Ok this is the foundation for thr nipple on the tit!
  20. Thanks Oscar the diam needed is around 130mm or 5inches any larger would look odd as the moth spinner is traditionally very small like a nipple on a tit! I would place a picture of the prop here but unsure of how to do it!!! Cheers
  21. anyone know of a spinner manufacturer in Aus that could build a small spinner for a wooden prop on a Rotax suitable for a replica tiger moth?
  22. sent this along time ago never received a reply strange how things happen!!
  23. Havent had that problem with two of these fitted that I use regularly. If it is failing to display full stop then can only be as you describe or the wiring connection ,this is the white wire , check the connector plug in the loom, I would go there first considering if it were a blockage it would be most likely continuous from the start. Intermittant readings more like a connector ,just my thoughts. cheers Rod
  24. Thanks Geoff , that makes sense I know , just thought a transducer in each feed line after the return would have been simpler,but they must have their reasons.
  25. Has anyone fitted a JPI fuel scan to a Rotax? I have two transducers one is called feed. " self explanatory" the other is return " only if the return comes from the carby which it doesn't" do I fit that transducer to other carby in feed, seems to me it may deduct that volume!!! Any ideas? Rod
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