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Everything posted by Tucano

  1. I feel no shame - if its turning is burning
  2. Murry, I owe you a HUGE appology - This had left my mine TOTALLY Ring me on 0490500605 URGENTLY I will refund you money or ship this weekend I APPOLIGIZE with no reservation. Gary
  3. We should have a spare set from the engines that we have at Rylstone - will get back to you on Friday Gary
    1. murrayg


      Money was sent 15th Nov
  4. PM me I have a set Gary
  5. Before saying that I would look at the specification for Ultem 1010 , 9085 or PEKK. These definitely capable of being used in secondary structures and at some serious temperatures, will be using PEKK for a custom inlet manifold. These is great strides being made in materials with the downside that you will need access to a high end printer.
  6. Recently exposed to a 912 that had 1900 hours that I had been flying in with no issues. When it was ferryed back to base the pilot who is a L2 noted that it was tight to turn- real tight. It was found it was in a batch that had pick up on the crank - this is listed in a Rotax notification - just have the serial number checked, this was one real unhappy crankcase and was condemned based on the internal damage. Gary
  7. Experience has shown that the stock radiator will handle the load especially when installed with a duct - air dose not want to go through a Rotax radiator just because its hung in the breeze. My aircraft will also have the head load from the oil cooler added and the basic [very] calc's indicate it will be close to its limit at climb. Therefore a valve that better transfer heat into the head from the valve may help but is not a deal breaker. Hence the question at the start
  8. Seems to follow a pattern
  9. My error, but lots of hours.
  10. We have 43'' available at take off with the supercharger - never been a issue to date
  11. Rotax is using these in the 915 and based on my info its for the 2000 hours - that enough life for anyone. These are only for someone operating a boosted engine looking for improved combustion cooling, a 80hp 912 does not need them. If am rebuild any engine at 2000 hours, the exhaust valves are for the bin, replacements are $1500 US plus, they can just do four for $800 euro and that is cheaper than Rotax plain exhaust valves. So again asking
  12. Is any one with a 914 interested in a set of Sodium Valves to suit their engine? Rotax is recommending that the valves be changed at overhaul but I am sure non one could afford them - try and get a price. I have made contact with a manufacturer engine valves that has Rotax blanks for sodium valves and based on a quote about 18 months ago a order for 24 would be $1K for four. Standard Rotax exhaust vales are about $US300 each so the price in good. I will fun the purchase with a deposit of 30% non refundable if order is cancelled. Would need 3 buyers outside myself Credits card is OK.
  13. Saw you leaving hope you has a good time
  14. Everything is ready
  15. At Oshkosh 2018 Contenital had a certified auto diesel - tipped the $ scale at $100000 plus and at a guess this engine would be the same
  16. Check the latest at [TABLE] [TR] [TD] [TABLE] [TR] [TD][TABLE] [TR] [TD][/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE] [TR] [TD] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE] [TR] [TD] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE] [TR] [TD]alt=Rylstone%20Aerodrome%20Air%20Parkhttps://ci3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/j7mkGwLdiy95VPpXXUhHEWFzxIjPSQC2Oi3zfAsdo0VwS0tTA8JlYWVioM4BcQEuiEdYeJ95ctXeuq5YpZNadhGEnPDvAqGutbW-6PEoujea3Dc99I0CHuLYjxqBJc-PP1oGJ4lKsme5FynJgypWebgVWNPfSzt-1BA=s0-d-e1-ft#https://gallery.mailchimp.com/dd4ff6896852f1f8661bfda1e/images/b5179f14-2550-4a3a-b779-dc27b21b3536.jpg[/img] [/url][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] [TABLE] [TR] [TD][TABLE] [TR] [TD] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE] [TR] [TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE] [TR] [TD] [TABLE] [TR] [TD] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]The Stooges We are very excited to have the Stooges coming to perform their routine at the Rylstone Celebration of Aviation weekend on May 17th & 18th. The Stooges are 4 like-minded pilots based in Sydney who spend their weekends practicing formation aerobatics and generally trying to have as much fun as possible in their home built VANs RV aircraft. Don’t miss seeing the disciplined, precision manouvers and routines of the Stooges.[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE] [TR] [TD]Come and see Australia's Favourite 4 Ship RV Formation Team at Rylstone Airpark on the 17th and 18th May [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE] [TR] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] REGISTER HERE NOW [/TD] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  17. To accommodate all visitors to the Rylstone Airpark Flyin, we are asking all pilots to assist us by indicating their intent on arrival. Please read the following document for full details and look forward to seeing you there on the Friday evening. https://rylstoneaerodrome.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/2019-Annual-Celebration-Important-Information-V1.0.pdf Thanks to all Gary
  18. It will be bigger than 2018 - just had good rains so the grass will be green and nicely mowed - check-in at the web page for details as the operations will be different this year to help the guys parking the aircraft - should be up in a week or so and I will put up a link. Friday night has all the primary needs - parking - sausages
  19. I will be there controlling cars this year - hope to get to the hangar later in the afternoon - look for the grumpy old guy
  20. Just a note to all that the annual flying is on again over May 17 / 18. It will be bigger than last year with aerobatics/speakers/joy flights/live entertainment/food vendors/trade suppliers. Attend and help make 2019 a bigger event than last year and help establish a calendar event offering all this at no charge to the public or attending pilots. Everyone welcome. For full details click on the link below:- https://rylstoneaerodrome.com.au/events/
  21. Higher,faster,bigger and heavier is the Air Force philisophy - if you have time read the book Boyd the jock who developed Energy Management Theoy and you will understand the cozy relationship between the generals in the Pertgon and the builders, it will all be clear.
  22. This is the most clear example of why aviation regulation / operation / manufacturing is the mess that it is in Australia - To many organiziations barking a the regulator with some showing a partizian desire to roll a certain hen coop. The USA is successful because there is one dominant organization for the recreational pilots that supports and receives the support and respect of those representing all the other forms of aviation. RAA petty decision has just created division for some perceived advantage leaving the regulator to place it in the too hard draw. As for maintaining the current L1, how is someone with limited training and aviation experience going to maintain his 6oo kg supercharged,intercooled,retractable, constant speed aircraft - omce these aircraft entered RAA's orbit it was going to change.
  23. Two photos showing the initial work to allow the installation of two fuel bowsers for 100 LL and Avtur at Rylstone Airpark - no 98 yet..!
  24. Red Foxbat - nice aircraft and quick
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