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Everything posted by Tucano

  1. Hi Glad it was a good = 2 degrees at Rylstone thats a heat wave at this time of year. We had a 102 aircraft attend so with perfect weather and lots of good people it was the most successful till next year - planning will begin soon....! Thanks to all that attended Gary aka Tucano
  2. Drop in
  3. OK - weathers good , all the primary pilot food groups are on field even avgas, 80 plus aircraft confirmed, aerobatic display, aircraft auction in case you want to walk home. I have a hangar that is dry in case you want to flying in on the Friday could even find a slot for a small aircraft. "What is your excuse?" More infor on the Rylstone Airpark Web Site
  4. Jim I cannot find how to reply from the add Email me at [email protected]  -  Postage $25 Gary
  5. Hi Back in Sydney  Bank Details Gary Spencer-Salt CTB Blacktown BSB 062121 A/C 10933105 I will not be back at Rylstone till Friday could ship on Monday - Postage $35 with tracking number and sign on delivery Gary
  6. Hi Reminder to all the Flying at Rylstone is on Saturday the 19th and everyone is welcome to attend. See you at No 27 my hangar if you want to take the time Have fun
  7. I agree on ownership - A registered title with the lands office is the only agreement that lasts but ownership its not cheap and looked at as a long term investment.
  8. Unless you own the site - rent
  9. For accommodation These will be on site camping and porta loos and for those opposed to camping there are a number of good hotels in town. Also there are a number of other places to sleep and both Hotels have a bistro. No47 on the opposite side of the road opens early with good coffee and breakfast. Transport on the day for a gold coin donation and the local search and rescue will have the barbecue going on the day and the following morning By the way last year was nearly a loss with no aircraft by 10:30 due to weather but it was a single trike that burst through the gloom to a standing ovation from all on the ground. In the end we had 39 aircraft and a good day regardless Gary aka Tucano rylstone hotels - Google Search
  10. The 2018 Annual Rylstone Airpark "Celebration of Aviation" Open Day BBQ Fly-in Saturday 19th May 2018. Put it in your diary now and lock it in. The 2018 Open Day BBQ Fly-in HIGHLIGHTS Paul Goard’s Amazing Aerobatic Team AOPA Team on site Australia's First Aircraft Auction Sale Famous BBQ Steak Sandwiches Static Displays of Aircraft Over 100 Aircraft expected to attend Rob Mangan’s SkyFuel on site
  11. Always there
  12. Contact me at Rylstone - One slot at rear would have to move aircraft for entry and exit
  13. Noted the elevator - yes need more weigh in the nose and that is why this category needs the extra weight - 450kg creates a problem especially with a scale model aircraft of this size. The Tucano is very sensitive to nose weight and this is a consequence of creating a scale model for real people to fly. Cant knock the profile over a Mk25 but it needs it to be bumped up to at least 500 kg to fix issues like this and add a little more air frame options. I would strap my supercharger on it 7 kg and 40 hp - happy days but would require a redesign
  14. No offence - they will all be called ultralights, even mine at 640 kg unless there is a new name created for the expanding [weight] category. All products suffer middle age spread maybe to keep pace with the pilots
  15. Came across this and it is worth going to the site - will have to translate to english but this is a passable Spitfire replica thats is a real ultralight and compare the profile to a Supermarine - yeah more power but that Supermarine profile is so wrong at a lot of levels. LINK: SPITFIRE :: Létání, jachting.
  16. I agree about spinning and low altitude but practicing incipient and spins drills a response / plan into low end pilots like myself. More importantly is about rudder control at slow speed were its becomes a natural part of the flying. I was at a club when one of the best instructors I knew came back in quite mode - flight review in a Mooney with a 5000 hour plus pilot just doing a stall but the wing dropped = full aileron = flat spin = seeing leaves at a high level of detail. That rudder drilling I received save my dumb ass with a aircraft 40 feet off the deck - one wing heading for the ground and no time to think. This will become an issue as the aircraft on the RAA register move up the performance pole - forget spinning just try to obtain a retractable / constant speed endorsement in this category. If an aircraft can spin the owner should be able to engage a qualified instructor to guide them for training in their new aircraft at the edge of slow of slow flight, there is a lot of difference between aerobatics and just spinning. A lot of pilots fear the wing drop and avoid practice once they obtain a certificate as it will never happen in this class of aircraft. Again hope this make sence
  17. Spin training is all about building confidence, it helps with the overcoming shock of having the aircraft entering the incipient phase in a stall plus drilling the reaction required to exit that error - for me flying needs a planning or training to overcome fear and to create the necessary automatic responses in an emergency. I will personally vouch for this having lived through a bad landing accident that once the OMG moment passed [ie "this is not a drill'] looked back into the cockpit to see the stick jammed in my belly, full opposite rudder and my hand pulling the throttle closed. The aircraft picked up the port wing and then just dropped on the ground in a three point position perpendicular to the runway center, motor idling - there was NO conscious decision, it just happened. This was a product of doing incipient and spins with my first instructor until I believed I could handle the situation. I agree a stable spin in a lot more comfortable than deliberty dropping a wing in a stall unless the door blow open in that spin - story when I am drunk enough. There is no substitute for beign drilled and drilled and confronting the thing you fear, remembering fear is controlled panic where the fear keeps you safe and the training allows you to control panic. All aircraft will drop a wing and not to exposing all pilots to it is just sticking heads into the sand and as the aircraft that fly in the sports category change in performance it could be a nasty shock for someone told that spins are not an issue in this class of aircraft. Hope this makes some sence
  18. Any group that does not operate as a limited liability company is opening their members to an unlimited liability - if I was belong to a knitting club that was not incorporated as a company I would be a fool to join.
  19. $20 bucks thats a discount 6 pack that I miss out on or 5 standard flat whites - will make my GP happy. As for the effort in applying for a weight increase, CTA, etc are they not to enlarge your base that is static or declining and if true that means you have saturated your current market so a responsible board has little choice. As for all the cost to CASA remember this was done by a single aircraft flying into a ferris wheel that once cracked open screamed unairworthy and lit the penalty wick.
  20. Hi from Tucano
  21. We has 80 plus indicating they were coming - bigger and better next year
  22. Guess how we felt by 19 aircraft showed no one hurt and there is next year
  23. We now have 24 hour weather cams at the airdrome YRYL Aerodrome Wx & Cameras - Rylstone Aerodrome Airpark Community Gary
  24. OK by me plenty of room in the hangar
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