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Everything posted by Tucano

  1. If you want you can bed down in my hangar space sailor - cold but dry
  2. Hi For campers: I have had some enquiries about camping and I am telling them: 1. It can get bloody cold 2. There will be an area reserved/prepared/mown for campers, 3. No fires permitted 4. Portoloos will be provided but services are limited 5. and unfortunately the forecast suggests there may be the possibility of some showers/rain. Rob
  3. When it started it was decided to not just build a replica in shape but try to capture the feel of the original 1980 cockpit one area that was to be done was the panel so a lot of work and money was thrown at the exercise. The inspiration was RS Warbirds Tucano - RAF meets leather The lower panel has to be fitted with gear, fuel and hydraulic panels.
  4. If you were planning to use your turbine / retractable / constant speed aircraft to get your endorsements you have to have the endorsement to test fly the new aircraft in the first place - Catch 22 Finding a retractable RAA registered aircraft for endorsement is an interesting exercise, now imagine rocking up to a GA school with all that RAA logbook and asking: "Hey I need a endorsement in these areas" Please consider
  5. If you read the previous post from the manufacturer that will attempt to address that but in the end it will be training but that will be interesting - just try to get a retract rating in an RAA aircraft - that where the real issue will be. The aircraft types are exceeding the available pool training aircraft with the necessary features not to mention instructors.
  6. I am back - more lusting We need about 150 - 180 hp for Tucano as fuel burn is still the issue and would limit range though the factory will be looking at underwing tanks giving another 60 liters The but issue with be RAA - NO Turbine - My guess is maintenance issues but I would live with beign only able to do R/R maintenance and the heavy stuff to the factory or authorized repair. - this would have to be solved Great work
  7. For full program details of the Fly-In click on link below Events - Rylstone Aerodrome Airpark Community - Wedderburn - just scroll down past intro The Tucano will be there for inspection Gary
  8. For 200 to 30 per year fuel economy at the 80 - 100 hp cruise power will have to set new standards at that level as most LSA have 90 liters - the tucano has a 100 liter tank option and we are looking at 50 liter [total] underwing pods but that limits the aircraft to single seat operation but the cool-o-meter goes to HOT with the tanks on
  9. The Tucano is designed to accept up to 180hp so 160hp would be nice = 2000 ft/min plus. This engine is definitely on the radar but a issue in RAA
  10. Need a more powerful set of speakers
  11. Upgraded to LUST..... Sent a email to factory with all the notes and the link - we talked about this at the last visit and agreed that one effect is the nose wheel would have to move to the prototype actual location. Right now FAA 51% approval is the next goal. Keep going Gary
  12. Its love.....
  13. Re: M4 x 10 Try Items in fastenerkitsonline store on eBay ! The S/S are suitable
  14. PUT THIS IN YOUR DIARY NOW MAY 20, 2017 Annual Rylstone Aerodrome Airpark Fly-in & BBQ is fast approaching! We are very proud of the growing aviation community at Rylstone Airpark and we're looking forward to seeing an exciting mix of aircraft on the day. Everyone is welcome and watch this space for further details with some exciting highlights for the day. BREAKING NEWS Rylstone Aerodrome Airpark has been formally issued with the Australian Airservices Code YRYL. Rylstone information will appear in the May edition of ERSA and charts.
  15. It was not cost - the engine had issues that were not answered by the factory. I would do research
  16. Keith, Flying Legend will not approve the installation of a Metal Works engine and the one shown on the web site will not fly until a different engine is installed. Gary Flying Legend Au
  17. Thanks for the comment - hope to paint by mid year - long way to go from there Building makes you wonder over the 'Build and Fly in two weeks" adds - must be me.
  18. The Tucano is currently undergoing the FAA 51% approval to be listed as an approved kit. Flying Legend has set up an office/warehouse in Texas and the first part of the process was to provide a complete kit unassembled which is inspected, once an OK is received the quick build kit is next and checked off against the FAA approved checklist which is the same as the AC in Australia. As I understand it its a detailed and structured process but well worth a manufacturer obtaining as it is recognized worldwide. Why do this - to have your kit can be delivered in the highest state of assembly just look a a RV7 quick build and other new products that a placing their hopes in that process, the market is geared to quick build in the USA and most likely the rest of the world.
  19. The grass may always be greener over the hill and be careful what you wish for - you might just get it. Personally having two organizations is now not productive and we would be better served by one voice. The nature of the world has changed and free aviation has never existed and the constant search for that has lead to nil investment in infrastructure. Those who own and control airfields, do not invest as there is no return to generate the funds to maintain or improve the infrastructure. The organizations that have fought to gain the freedoms we currently enjoy are part of that infrastructure and I regret to say its not going to be free now or at any time soon and a third party will not acheive that by trying to run on "mates rates". It may be a cruel when someone asks for a rate that gives a 5% return on investment but I bet seeing a 0% return on the your next super return would be unacceptable to the person asking for mates rates to use a large chunk of infrastructure regardless of what it is. By the way remember the old line "Divide and conquer"
  20. This is an Air Show in Cameron, a small rural town in Missouri. The pilots, bike and truck drivers and the photographers are all nuts !! This doesn't border on crazy, it IS crazy! Hold on to your desk, chair, whatever! Best viewed full screen with a HD monitor. This one is waaaay more than just an airshow!!! Click below: [MEDIA=vimeo]100670266[/MEDIA]
  21. I will not vouch for this but Franco from Flying Legend on his recent visit to my hangar stated that the 915 will come in at $e35000. The 912 supercharged looked real cheap.
  22. Aviation Parts and Equipment [APE] will organize it I just have to drop off the gauges next week The guy he uses does all his instruments refurbs and markings - hard to reach just leave a message if not there I will post a happy snap on return
  23. Thanks Managed to track someone down via APE in bankstown
  24. Anyone know of someone who can do a excellent job on marking up a airspeed indicator and manifold pressure gauge?
  25. Try this Wellington Shire Council West Sale Airport
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