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Everything posted by Tucano

  1. A link to the manuals for the Tucano R has been added to the site. The files are located in a Dropbox folder for viewing or download. Link: http://www.flyinglegend.com.au If you find any issues post a reply Gary Flying Legend Au
  2. The new LSA version of the Tucano has flown and full details will be on the web site as soon as they are available. This will take a range of engines to 150HP with the prototype flying with a Rotax 912ULS. Merry Christmas Gary
  3. Thanks - The factory is very happy that is the big positive feedback that I received from the factory. I am trying to be informative without lecturing but have to keep in mind that some builders may have not have as been as lucky as me to have known some really talented people who managed to get a little across to me. The aim is to make it real and speak about where it goes off the rails and to assist others in avoiding that error at least.
  4. There are photos of mine are on the blog but its at a generally unexciting phase - more like a how it is done phase. Try this http://piti.forumfree.it/?t=69012505 this is the current factory test mule. It will have the four blade prop on it that I am looking at in mid December. Hoping it go well with the supercharged motor.
  5. A quick update on the Tucano in Australia Franco Rummolino one off the principles from Flying Legend attended Rylstone on the weekend of the FlyIn on the 8th to advise on the finer details of the Tucano construction and to finalize the final package pricing and marketing. The supercharger upgrade is preforming very well with in excess of 100 hours of flight time allowing checking in all areas of operation with particular attention to cylinder and crank condition. This currently occurs every 10 hours on the factory aircraft and will be expanded when the dealers install the engines in their display aircraft. The factory plan is for the dealer aircraft to report their data on a 25 hour interval to allow the factory to create a comprehensive data base. The program is begin run in conjunction with the developer FlyGas Italy. Introductory pricing is now available starting at $e2685 ex works for the tail group. Our web site has now been updated to reflect this new pricing. See: http://www.flyinglegend.com.au/index.php/kit-cost With cancellation of NatFly our marketing plan has been thrown into a spin, again. The goal will now be to bring aircraft to AusFly standing on its own wheels. To this end the factory will bring forward the dealer training on the correct method of wing installation with a technician to attend Rylstone in April - to be finalized in the new year. The second Hurricane prototype will fly in the new year. Gary Spencer Salt Flying Legend Au
  6. Details of engine? 1st life or unknown?
  7. Just a heads up that there is a Flyin at Rylstone and the Tucano Kit will be available for inspection from 11 am. Two Flying Legend factory representatives will be on site with me for the day as they are here to sort out finer points of the kit specification and do train me on the correct procedure for wing installation. Details are on the have been posted in the events section of the Forums section By the way did a quick flight on the weekend and the place looks 110% plus from the air. See you at Hangar 49 with the Tucano. Gary Note: Pilots to assist with catering, all pilots are requested to advise by e-mail to [email protected] their intention to attend by no later than Thursday 6th November.
  8. A general innovation to all the Aviation Community for a Flyin at Rylstone RSVP : All Pilots are requested to advise by e-mail to [email protected] their intention to attend by no later than Thursday 6th November. Open Day BBQ Fly-In Scheduled for Sat 8th November 2014 This is an opportunity for a relaxed social day out flying. A brief information document will be available for all Pilots a few days before the day. This will include General Aerodrome Information e.g. RNWY heading, lengths, aerodrome altitude, CTAF Freq etc To assist with catering, All Pilots are requested to advise by e-mail to [email protected] their intention to attend by no later thanThursday 6th November. BBQ Provided by Kandos/Rylstone Volunteer Rescue Association - ALL Proceeds go to this local volunteer group. BBQ Consists of sausage sandwiches, BBQ Rissoles, drinks, tea & coffee and will run from 11:00am to 2:30pm. Pilots can call Rob on 0411 816 300 For local weather briefing and conditions prior to arrival. Pilots requested to maintain listening watch on CTAF 126.7 for all arrivals and departures. All Pilots to expect Ground marshalling for aircraft parking upon landing. Airpark Development Briefing Tour/Information will be available for any interested enquiries. Inspections of new hangars at the discretion of owners. Shuttle Bus transport to and from Rylstone approximately every 30 minutes - $5.00 per person Return payable to bus owner.
  9. This particular aircraft flew from Brazil to Oshkosh and then return. See: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Flying-Legend/562135597150287?ref=hl
  10. Anyone using the AV MAP V Can you answer if acting as a EFIS can you flip between the EFIS and GPS? I just cannot find this out by reading the online information
  11. aluminium sheet structural grade do you have access to 0.025''?
  12. Thanks to all
  13. Suppliers of either 6061-T6 or 2024-T3 sheet 0.025'' in NSW Australia?
  14. I have to add the Tucano air frame is alodined and power-coated etc out of the factory - that is in the price and will save a LOT of time as I can go stright to assembly and only need to prime a few small parts in the build.
  15. Fully agree - I would say 600 hours will do the structure but you can double that to fit the electrics panel and engine. Its the small jobs that eat the all the time, just chasing the right part takes enough. Having been in the engineering game in a previous life in any project there is no unimportant fitting when its the last one regardless of the total price of the project.
  16. Correction 24 months is about mid 2016 - that's better
  17. I would estimate late next year. I hope to be able to put 80 hours per month = 8 months to construct the fuselage. Then of course you have electrical, panel and engine so I would estimate 24 months. The factory is very strong on the 600 hours as I have a quick build kit. The tail is in flat pack kit but has been assembled, drilled and disassembled at the factory so in theory we have to only cleco and pop rivet. It will be recorded in the Kitlog and on the blog as mentioned in a previous post. Flying Legend intends to market a number of aircraft other that the Tucano so the web site in time would have to become less specific.
  18. That was the ERREs Tucano flown from Brazil and return. They are hopping to raise the profile in the US and that is the reasoning behind the fixed gear version which is aimed at the American LSA market
  19. Flying Legend Agent
  20. Flying Legend Agent
  21. We intend to document the work on various areas of the kit during assembly on the blog - this will be in the form of photos and text and will be designed to clarify the assembly instructions supplied with the kit.
  22. Manual is available but software to allow flip pages has to be installed on the site. These things are not as simple as one is lead to believe but money can solve most IT issues. A retractable replica of any type is not cheap and the expected cost is about $130K with a basic panel. The company is working with FlyGas to integrate a supercharger onto the standard Rotax. The supercharger can be added to the 912ul 80 HP model saving a large sum of money on the 912 and only giving up about 10 hp. A fixed gear version is under development and this will allow the style with a large saving created by removing the pump. controls, emergency extension and retract system from the assembly. The kit itself is very complete with very little to purchase to finish the airframe. This aircraft must be flown at the 600 kg weight to allow full tanks and two real size people. The ERREs aircraft has just recently completed a 110 hour return flight from Brazil to Oshkosh and return. The estimated build time is 600 hours to build the airframe and as the first of type builder i will keep an accurate log and I am very average builder. The kit is fully drilled only requiring the builder to cleco it back into a assembly and pop rivet. The factory will be flying a technician to Australia to ensue that I am on the right track in late October or early November - more to be announced there - standby. The 51% was decided on for Australia to allow it to be built as a experimental because if you examine the aircraft is is a big plane in a small body - if a 2.4 meter high rudder fin is small by any standard. You can build it in any category that meets the rules just check with the RAA to ensure is complies. The aircraft will be available for inspection at Rylstone or just follow the blog for the usual happy snaps. The airframe will be at NatFly next year. If you have any questions email me from the site.
  23. At Rylstone the blocks a all freehold but the runways and clubhouse is community property and operates like a strata title in a set of units. This allows each block to be levied quarterly to create a budget to allow ongoing maintenance and upgrades. Once fully constructed there will be a budget to be administered by a community council of land holders to allocate the yearly work.
  24. For a review of the engine see: http://flyinglegend.com.au/index.php/magazines. The translation is a little rough but readable
  25. Superchargers offer adequate HP maintenance in the 0 - 10000 ft operating range for the average user but a turbo cannot be beat for the ability to create raw power. The biggest issue for one off type installation is to control the heat and mate the turbo to the installation. Superchargers are much simpler in this respect but do take power to run and loose output with height. What I want is a push to go so my thinking is ton combine with the Airmaster electric C/S fixed is not a real option. The only input for the pilot is select the flight mode and push forward. What has shown in testing is the need to get the prop right and this is ongoing. With a big bore and boost think about the poor case and crank but it would be a ask. You can fit a V8 into a Mini but can you live with it is the real question you have to ask yourself.
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