Three weeks ago Ron Watson endorsed my log book having examined me and found me to be proficient in all aspects of the syllabus for the issue of my RAA Pilot's Certificate. This is great news and I recognise it as an important achievement.
The funny thing is, when I first flew solo, I couldn't wait to share this news, but for some reason it's taken longer to reveal my latest achievement. Maybe I'm just getting slack, but I also think its because as I have flown more, and learnt more, I've also gained more respect for flying. I'm lucky because I think I've been given a natural aptitude for controlling the aircraft in flight. It just works for me whereas for others, it's a real challenge they have to work at to master. There are plenty of other things that I have to struggle with, just not flying. I also recognise that I've been issued a certificate to fly - which as someone pointed out, means I ready to begin learning the responsibility of good flying - not to be confused with "I'm already an experienced and great pilot".
So I think this all means I may have some natural aptitude - but this also can make me more vulnerable to becoming over confident and/or cocky in attitude :black_eye:. Maybe this is why I've held off sharing this good news?
This is just part of the story. The next part is cross-country and passenger endorsements. Then finding an aircraft to be able to rent for a reasonable cost, then buying or building, then ....
Cheers and thanks for everyone's encouragement. Mathew