Mozartmerv, You were lucky to get radio traffic out of the air tractor pilot. In my limited experience, we have a couple of fixed wing crop-dusters and a couple of rotarty wings, and the first we know of them is when they're moving. The seem to taxi straight from their loading point to the runway, over grass to save time. They'll take off down-wind, up-wind, any wind so it often involves some guess work. Landing is a similar setup - just get it on the ground, radio calls are for wimps!
We had one exciting moment when my instructor pulled power in the circuit for a simulated engine failure. I setup on the cross-wind runway, had time to make appropriate radio calls, to which we were greeted with one of the air-tractor operators telling us he was already rolling. We had about 10 seconds separation, but it was a great lesson in the importance of correct radio procedure and airfield operations.
It's disappointing when 'professional' operators provide such a poor example.
Cheers, Mathew