Since the death of our forum mate Browng a few days ago, I have been thinking about all of the accidents recently.
What caused them?
Were they preventable?
What can I do to make myself safer?
What is in my control?
Preflight briefings. (EFATO)
Radio operation.
Preflight checks.
Ability to ask questions.
Given the list above I now resolve to
1. Always do a thorough preflight inspection.
2. Always do a preflight briefing (EFATO) that sounds like this:
a) should the engine fail on rolling, shut throttle and apply required braking
b) EFATO after lift off below 700' immediately lower nose and get best glide, select a field straight ahead or at worst no more than 30deg either side of turn back !
c) EFATO above 700' keep eyes open, should be on crosswind, return to runway may be an option. Get nose down and keep best glide speed. engine failure checks.
3. I will always use the radio to alert others of my position.
4. If I dont understand something I will ask questions regardless of how stupid they might be.
5 Apply the rules of 3.
At a minimum every 3 months I will do 3 forced landings, 3 stalls, 3 EFATO's on climbout (at a safe height, say 3000'), 3 precautionary search and landings and 3 circuits. I will grade myself accordingly.
Bare in mind that a self grading that is glowing and not in line with what you have achieved is only kidding yourself!!!:;)1:
Hopefully this will help me out when something is out of my control such as a major engine expiry..;)
What will you do to make yourself safer?? :;)5::;)5: