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Everything posted by Flyer

  1. Fair dinkum browng, I wasn't having a crack... honest. I'm just an aviation nut.;) Now browng, I'll let you in on a secret. I learnt to fly GA aircraft before I learnt to fly models. why? because GA was easier. I had tried to fly models but gave up and went full size. Now, should you make your way back over east here, specifically Melbourne, give me a bell and I'll put the trainer and 2 radio's in the car, pick you up and take you out to the paddock and teach you to fly.;););) No stress no prangs no high risk stuff no charge. By the time we finish, you should be able to handle a trainer at a solo level without too many problems.;) You'll love it... Regards Phil
  2. What sort of dollars are we talking for the 4 seater Ian? Perhaps an overview of the general prices for the 2 seaters if you are privvy to that info. Regards Phil
  3. Considering Mick was posting his planes, I thought I'd post a couple of my own. Mick (different Mick) and myself race giant scale pylon. I race in the AT6 Texan class with the "AngelFlight Texan" and Mick races in Reno Class with the "Budweiser Light" clipped wing corsair.
  4. Great joke/story. Love it.;) Don't hide Ian. Or anybody else for that matter. If gays/lesbians want to go off and do their thing that's fine. What they need to realise is that there is a REASON they CANT have kids. As Disperse says, the relationship MUST have at least one uterus and one testicle...;) otherwise certain things just cant happen..... fact of LIFE. Get out of that cupboard Yenn....I need to duck.. Regards Phil
  5. Flaps have a multitude of functions. By lowering flap you also change the camber of the wing, thereby increasing lift. This will also increase the drag. It also gives you a better view of the runway. With the extra lift generated by the flap allows you to slow the plane down further than it would if the wing was clean. You can approach with a steeper angle and have a more pronounced flare which in itself creates more drag. All in all everything flies slower and stops quicker. Just as a note, the Piper Saratoga (6 seat 300hp aircraft) can be a real problem aircraft to land if you choose to play the fool with it. If you get it low and slow on approach, you wont have enough energy to flare but you can/will float the full length of the runway with not enough energy to land and so far behing the drag curve you can't go around. This is to do with ground effect. The only way out of it is to firewall everything, hold it in ground effect and accelerate to climb speed. (got myself into this situation once...scary) My 2 bobs worth Regards Phil
  6. reducing the cost of a class 2 medical wont go astray either...currently up around $270 after all of the bloodsuckers have had a go. Oh and after 40 this medical is required every 2 years... Regards Phil
  7. Just a thought Tony, can you email your bulletin to your members? That way they get full color with no cost and can print it out on their own printer in color if they wish. Just a thought. Regards Phil
  8. .....cessna ultralights built in a backyard shed with a blunt teaspoon.... Very strange indeed..... :;)2: regards Phil
  9. Welcome Michael and thanks for joining in. All friendly people here and some quite knowledgeable. Ask any type and amount of questions you like and there'll be a response. The only dumb question is the one you don't ask. :) Have fun...;) Regards Phil
  10. Just got this in an email and thought I'd share... One beautiful late December evening, Pedro and his girlfriend Rosita were sitting by the side of the ocean. There was a romantic full moon, when Pedro said, "Hey, mamacita, let's do Weeweechu." Oh no, not now, let's look at the moon!" said Rosita. Oh, c'mon baby, let's you and me do Weeweechu. I love you, and it's the perfect time," Pedro begged. "But I wanna just hold your hand, and watch the moon." replied Rosita. Please, corazoncito, just once, do Weeweechu with me." Rosita looked at Pedro and said, "OK, one time, we'll do Weeweechu." Pedro grabbed his guitar and they both sang..... "Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year." Let me join Pedro and Rosita... Merry Christmas... and a Happy New Year!!
  11. 1. About bloody time !! Especially experimental GA. 2. Cost reduction and less hoops to jump through and if you get it wrong, you wont be self administered for long as facthunter said. 3. I'll think about that one for a minute. 4. Not quite sure I understand the question properly... GA organisations ?(plural) such as multiple schools etc or a GA organisation(singular) such as RA-Aus ? 5. Arr...No. RA is seen by some of the GA fraternity as the lowest common denominator in flying. Convincing the GA powers that be to be administered by a lower class fledgling organisation (like RA-Aus)may not work. 6. Maybe. I think it is still an us and them scenario. I have a foot in both camps so not having to have 2 licenses would be a bonus, however, I would prefer to keep RA and GA seperate as I think there are some substantial differences (as I sit here and type, I cant think of one...). My 2 bobs worth Regards Phil
  12. ;)
  13. Hi Bigglesworth I'd be considering 1.3 x Vso for a final approach speed. i.e. 1.3 x 37kts = 48knots. This is in still conditions. If you have a gusty wind, add half of the gust factor to this speed. i.e. if the wind is gusting at 10 knots add 5 knots to your approach speed. Just as a matter of interest, how long is the strip you are operating from and how short are you trying to land the aircraft ? Regards Phil
  14. Well done Bob. ;) Sounds like you've had dealings with CASA before as well.... That big trip will be coming around real soon. regards Phil
  15. hi Extralite, Give the Vans aircraft a good looking at, specifically the Vans RV10 (4 seater). Probably the best kit producers in the world and great back up. 160+knot cross country machine. http://www.vansaircraft.com/ There is also a small forum of vans aircraft builders on the yahoo website. (200 members or so) I'm seriously considering the Vans RV12 when it becomes available. (built to LSA requirements) Regards Phil
  16. Given the fact that there were 5 aircraft in the circuit, you could add an orbit on the 45 degree entry line to clear you from the other aircraft.... Just a further though....:) Interested to hear your instructors thoughts as well. I think we all stand to learn something here.;) Regards Phil
  17. You guys have perpetual sun up in QLD, thats why...sunny flying the whole way....;);) Down here in Vic, we have a wee gap called Kilmore which occasionally closes in and spoils the fun, normally just about the time that something important is happening...:;)1:. See what happens this time....:) Regards Phil
  18. Hi Motza the only problem I see is that there is no dead side to let down on. Therefore you are letting down "on top" of other traffic potentially giving you a conflict as you had. My suggestion is to let down to circuit height outside the circuit area and join on a 45 degree downwind for the circuit. We have the same issues at tooradin. No dead side I mean not running into each other....:) Your superior airmanship and common sense seems to have saved you from a distaster...well done..;);) My 2 bobs worth Regards Phil
  19. Merry christmas to all and a safe and prosperous new year. After seeing Darren and Disperse doing that elf thing, I'm glad I didn't have a go..... Regards Phil
  20. Thats right, pull the wing wang from the gooses bridle and the wings just pop off..... jeez the media are . Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. At least it wasn't an ultralight this time....:;)3: Regards Phil
  21. yep,yes,cool,ok,no worries we're there.....I think...;):)
  22. You certainly don't want to have a race in a Cessna 172rg as when you tuck the gear away it swings lower than fully extended. (does that make sense?) I have seen the results of a partial gear extension landing in one of these. Not pretty and no I wasn't the pilot... In a Piper Saratoga, getting the gear away is equivalent to getting rid of about 10deg of flap in drag, consequently I get it tucked away reasonably quickly to assist the performance. Hot and high out of Alice Springs where I did all my training, you went for as much performance as possible... regards Phil
  23. $165 hr for a texan seems a good rate. Very nice aircraft and will build your confidence quickly. However, as Crezzi says, if you're not happy vote with your feet. Maybe you could post up what you think is not right and we could have a look at it for you....;) Regards Phil
  24. I was taught to leave the gear down while there is a chance of putting it back on the runway. Once the runway is behind you, get the gear away and put some altitude between you and the ground. As for twins, I've no time and training in one so I'll sit back and learn something.... The 3 most useless things to a pilot.... 1. Altitude above 2. Runway behind 3. Fuel in the bowser regards Phil
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