What do you do on a day off? Go flying of course !!
Chatting to a mate yesterday while flying model aircraft, we decided it would be a good idea to have a fly down Wilsons Prom way.
The general idea was I fly, I need the hours and he navigate cause he reckons he needed the practice....no GPS's here just 2 ludites with maps....:)
The phone call at 9am sugested that the weather was still average but would improve.
Another quick phone to Tooradin Flying School soon secured the use of the Fly Synthesis Texan.
Maps prepared, flight plans filled out and fuel tanks topped off, all was in readiness.
Run ups completed, EFATO brief done, rolling call made and just after 12pm the wheels lifted off runway 22.
First point of call, Leongatha for a touch and go just because we could, then onto the Prom.
The cloud was keeping us down around 2500'. Not a major problem, just a few little bumps. As we approached the Prom, the cloud base appeared lower and quite dark. We decided not to fly around the prom but to stop short after passing Port Franklin and turn direct for Sandy Point.
From Sandy Point the bumps smoothed out and the sky cleared as we started to make our way up the coast.
The ocean looked very inviting as we flew over Waratah Bay and Cape Liptrap looked great.
We continued on with Tarwin Lower,Venus Bay and Inverloch turning up on time off to the right. The scenery is spectacular down this way.
We continued on and Cape Patterson was right on the nose :big_grin: with Wonthaggi off to the right.
Damn....we're still on track and not lost. will wonders ever cease?
A couple of radio calls and we're overhead the field at Phillip Island. We continued up to the GP track where there appeared to be a ride day.
Last turning point here and we're on the way back to Tooradin.
Radio calls inbound and a couple of little hiccups with the radio as we discovered and we were back on the ground.
1.9hrs in total and a great day.