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Everything posted by Flyer

  1. distorted buggered battery (was brand new) under seat, and an overflow line that spewed battery acid over the swing arm.....and a hundred dollars or so for new bits from memory
  2. Nothing wrong with aluminium as a conductor. Its cheaper and lighter than copper and is what overhead power lines are made from. As has been stated, the oxidising or anodising (2 different things) layer makes getting a good contact difficult. The way to get through the layer is to scrape it off with a file, sandpaper, steel wool etc and all will be well. watch for corrosion in that area though. A point on batteries. A cooked regulator will deliver whatever voltage it likes to a battery regardless of what state the battery is in.The battery will not regulate the voltage, only smooth out the ripples. A good battery will soon be turned into a bad battery by a regulator pumping 18 volts into it and boiling it dry with obvious results. Suzuki motorcycles were GREAT at doing this...ask me how I know.....:yuk:. Phil
  3. Hi All Thanks for your input. It turns out that the serial number I thought we needed is one that is issued by the plans supplier. It ties the plans to the plan purchaser and to the aircraft that was/is to be built from those plans and makes up part of the license agreement. Just thought I'd let you know what had happened.... Phil
  4. I currently use a peltor 7004 headset for myself and find them very good. How would the RecreationalFlying 250 Headsets compare to the peltors or lower end david clarks. I need a new headset for my victims. ;) Phil
  5. Mine lobbed today....gave me something to read whilst waiting to hop into the plane for another round of circuits......
  6. ????? Ke Kemosabi ?? I'm confused ... are you sure it was that man? :confused:;)
  7. Hi All Looking for a bit of help here. A friend and myself are considering building an aircraft from plans. I think it will fit into the CAO 95.55 para 1.5. category as it is a single seater, less than 544kg AUW and has a stall speed of 45knots or less. (and stand to be corrected if this isn't the case) We have been asked to supply the serial number that we will put on the aircraft so they (aircraft spruce)can put it on the plans before they ship them. My question....where or how do you go about getting a serial number for an aircraft that hasn't been built and may not be built. Do we just make up a serial number? Advanced thanks for any advise here.... Regards Phil
  8. I had the opportunity to drive my mates V6 commode door the other week and almost had a stack.....I discovered very quickly that you have to rev the daylights out of the engine to get acceptable performance unlike the Falcon which goes like hell in the mid range...... and is a damn sight smoother as well I'm comparing a VT commodore to an EL Falcon here so apples with apples..... The Falcons also run better on LPG with no real perceivable power loss... First On Race Days Jeez...hope the holdens dont get up next year or we're in for a major bagging...
  9. Nice report ultralights. Darren...yes mate that is a picture of the holden emblem and thats exactly what the FORD drivers saw in their REAR VISION MIRRORS all day. Bathurst FORD 1,2 and 3 and in the championship I believe FORD are now 1 and 2......
  10. Go the Blue Oval
  11. Well done indeed!! The Trevor Thom books are very good. I did all of my BAK and PPL study as home study (no classes) using these books and managed to pass without a hiccup..... Regards Phil
  12. 17:1 glide ratio is pretty good. You could probably thermal on that wing as well.;) Here's my understanding of weight and altitude impacts. Indicated airspeed (IAS) auto compensates for altitude so providing that you fly the plane at the correct indicated airspeed you will be acheiving best glide. Yes you will have a higher true airspeed up higher and you will be losing altitude faster compared to a lower altitude. The POH publishes the best speed indicated and this is the best the aircraft can do. Weight is a different thing. Best glide speed is based on weight. It is my understanding that the best glide speed published in the POH is based on max weight and it is somewhere around 1.4 x Stall speed. ( I stand to be corrected here) Consequently if you were to lower the weight of the aircraft, your best glide speed would reduce accordingly. The sums: Max weight 600kg stall speed = 50knots x 1.4 = 70knots best glide speed. Reduce weight to 450kg stall speed = 45knots x 1.4 = 63knots best glide speed. My 2 cents worth...hope it helps. Regards Phil
  13. I've just learnt how to get out of the house quickly...thanks;) Phil
  14. Currently ride a Yamaha FZS600 Fazer which I share with the wife. Hoping to get to the island on the sunday. We all need to cheer on the new AUSSIE world champion. Onya Casey....
  15. Nothing wrong with having big stomach bones.... just precludes you from using certain aircraft like C150's. I wanted to do some GA training a while ago and my favorite instructor suggested that me and him in a C150 was about 4kg's overweight and we hadn't added fuel yet..... Phil
  16. no low level endorsement for me. !!! Thanks for the game Ian. Phil
  17. 1500ft is fairly high for an R/C aircraft...even a giant scale aerobatics machine however it is not unusual to find a large scale model glider at this height (4-6m wingspan). I dont think he would have been deliberately playing with you Darren...he probably s%*t himself as much as you did. I fly r/c aircraft as well and we have no restriction on height at a model r/c field unless we are within 3 miles of an airport. Then we are restricted to 400' AGL otherwise we must just keep the model aircraft in sight and away from a populus area. I have also seen some pilots do some incredibly stupid things around model aircraft fields as well. The worst I have seen was at our own field when a pilot, showing off to his passengers, proceeded to perform a very low pass down the middle of our airfield at max power in a PA28-XXX. Yes he did get reported as he was well aware that the model field was active...... I suppose what I am trying to say here is that we all need to give each other space, appreciate what the other side is doing and try not to have a bingle. I fly model aircraft and love the sport, I fly GA aircraft (mortgage and kids have slowed this one down) and love it and I have just joined the RA-Aus ranks and I'm going to love it..... Regards Phil
  18. Ford Vs Holden debate. Several pilots told me when I started flying that if I started in a low wing I would like low wings forever and vice versa with high wings. I fly both but still prefer the low wings. Andys@ Gawler ........ you crack me up.. Phil
  19. A timely reminder to remember the 5 P's of flying..... Proper planning prevents poor performance Phil
  20. Hi All, I've become a recent convert the RA Aus ranks after a mate told me to go and have a fly of one of the little Jabs. Love it.... Phil
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