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Everything posted by Flyer

  1. Do you want to fly or drink ?...that's a choice only you can make.... Me personally, if I'm going to hop into a plane within 24 hours of drinking, I'd probably not go drinking.... Macnoz...be nice...;)
  2. I'd see the stall speed as being a bigger factor in the equasion rather than the weight itself. When the stall speed in landing config. exceeds 45knots well...there's your weight. The J230 is quite happy at 45knots and 700kg but it wouldn't get a 760kg weight limit because it can no longer meet the requirements of the stall speed. Unfortunately natural selection affects all of us so we cant allow natural selection to clean up the cowboys regardless of how much we want to....:hittinghead:
  3. I agree with BLA82 Adam. You are entitled to your opinion and if you prefer rag and tube that's fine. I think that a Rag and Tube has as much place in RA-Aus as does a Jabiru J230. I personally enjoy the higher performance aircraft but accept and I'm quite thankful as well that the Rag and Tube guys are here. We can all learn a lot from each other. The other day I was in Yarram just for a fly and met with 2 blokes flying a thruster. They were having as much fun in that Thruster as myself and my mate were having in the Texan. Probably spent too long flapping our gums and drinking coffee with them....
  4. there are a few different switch arrangements in a Jab but normally above and to the right of your left knee will be mag 1&2, master switch, starter, fuel pump, strobe, avionics and finally flap somewhere in the middle. I hope he was just getting you to check that both mags were on as part of the down wind checks and not getting you to shut an engine down......:raise_eyebrow:
  5. The J230 can be better utilised if the weight was lifted to 700kg as it is when VH regoed. In landing configuration (full flap) at 700kg the stall speed is 45 knots for a J230. I think you'd struggle to get a J160 much above 544kg because of stall but the J170 could certainly go higher depending on performance ability.
  6. 760kg is a bit of an arbitary number I think. According to RA-Aus, the maximum stalling speed in landing configuration is 45knots and that will be the governing rule for weight limit and 760kg just becomes a maximum limit. Having not flown a C150 for more than 10 years I cant remember where it stalls. Will it actually fit the category given the stall speeds?
  7. funny you should mention this IanR, we've just had this debate in our syndicate regarding the 230...... A very lovely and capable aircraft heavily restricted by legislation. One point on the increased weight limit...not all aircraft will automatically get a weight increase because all aircraft must stall at or below 45knots in the landing configuration.
  8. well, maybe but maybe not. I mean there's ianivebuggereroffforabreakbaka who's supposedly still off the coffin nails, slartiiveboofedmyplane has been loaded with maintaining a forum as well as fixing his flying cat, imstillintheclinkunrescuedpete is out of action and who knows what the craptain is up to.... Do you reckon that maybe supabaka has done a bit of a coverup???? like loaded the workers to get them out of the way while enticing a riverland girl with balls...errr golf balls that is :big_grin:. What say you now imaplanedriverflyboy:question: ;)
  9. :yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk::confused: Used to see this sort of thing quite often when I lived in YBAS and surrounding parts... Not nice
  10. Supabaka put it there to impress the riverland girl..no?
  11. Nothing wrong with the Rotax at all. Just dont enjoy the sound...too busy. Doesn't stop me flying rotax powered planes though. Thought I'd add a couple of photos from last wednesdays flight... Just as an addition, I used the Trevor Thom books for all of my PPL studies. Clear concise and easy to understand..even for a nuffer like me. Managed to pass my PPL theory with home study only and a few choice questions thrown at my instructors from time to time...
  12. Thats not a bad idea that Adam puts forward re the TIF. From what I've heard of the Tecnam they are a very nice plane. I must admit that I'm not a huge fan of the rotax 912 (tecnam is equipped with a 912) for no other reason that I just dont like the sound of the rotax....just sounds far too busy for me. :confused:
  13. ...---... post 390 :confused:
  14. this is post 389........
  15. Hey Cralis I'm gonna jump on you a bit here and give you some rules to play by. :hittinghead: Firstly, dont over analyse everything you're doing, you may be making bad habits for yourself. Let your instructor teach you how its done. :thumb_up: Secondly.....HAVE FUN my man. That's why we do this...to have fun. Then thirdly....enjoy the journey. Enjoy each and every lesson because you're doing something you want to do.... Fourth rule. See the first 3 rules....
  16. Flyer

    How safe is the Jabiru?

    Tooradin Flying school (melbourne) operate 6 Jabirus 2xLSA, 2xJ160's and 2xJ170's although one of the J160's is turning into a J170. They've had a couple of bingles all due to pilot error. There is various speculation as to what the pilot error/s were/was but suffice to say it isn't airframe failure. I did all my conversion training in a jab and had similar thoughts as to safety and reliability. After seeing a couple in peices and talking to the LAME I have a lot of confidence in the aircraft to bring me home safely again. The jabs have been belted, thrown at the ground, run into thinks, chucked by cross winds into the deck and the pilot / pax still walk away relatively unscathed. In saying that, be aware that they have a structural limitation like any other aircraft and if you're silly enough to push the limits (most of us are screaming:censored: and have got pukker factor 9 by now:censored::confused:) then the aircraft may well let you down. I'm quite happy to sit my bum and one of my kids in one and fly Melbourne to Perth no issues....:thumb_up:
  17. The Guru (thats Guru Swami buggermetohismates or Guru Swami Imallrightthanksjack-gee to everyone else) was going to provide enlightenment to the guards while Bronwyn Bigjobs readied her big jobs to cause even more of a diversion. Damn ex pollies, do anything for notariety. Hang in there Big Pete, the Sloppy Stork is comin' to getcha ... just dont get caught up in the distractions...
  18. Well done with the TIF. Haven't flown a J170 yet but have a bit of time in the J160. I generally find they dont need a lot of rudder to co-ordinate the turns but as you found out, the pedals have a bit of a dead feel to them. Jump into an LSA and you'll learn how to use the rudder quick smart . If your instructor wasn't that chatty maybe he was having a bad day but I'd have at least thought he'd have shown you the books. Suss out some other schools and just see what they're like. Personal opinion here, if you walk into a school and they bag everybody elses school probably leave them alone.... Well done on the TIF again and nice photos...
  19. You'll have a bag of fun. Enjoy the experience and lets know what it was like....
  20. I told you we had ways to make you talk....
  21. and I still think the poll was rigged ...
  22. I dont know what it is but the tanks in the Texan are almost dry. Wow what a navex. Almost Siberia but closer to Traralgon and Yarram. Does the Craptain and Ivegotajabiru160pete as well as idriveaplanedriver and iveboofedmyplaneandhopeitsbeingfixedwellslarti ever see this part of the country? No idea what this has got to do with the NES but the Guru Buggermetohismates and Bigjobs have got something to do with it. Nice blokes down at Yarram even if the Flyer did get ticked off for not being on the right CTAF fequency
  23. RA just cheaper by probably $100/hr to learn Better weight carrying capacity compared to similar GA counterparts i.e. C150/152 As for being a big fella....are you just big because you're 6'5" or could you lower the MTOW a little? ;) When I started my training I weighed in at 116kg and I'm 5'10". I found the Jabiru LSA a bit tight at this weight but the Jabiru J160 and Flysynthesis Texan no problem.... Since then we've got the MTOW down to around the 98kg mark and falling. All about how much you want to put in....:thumb_up: Feel free to ask as many questions as necessary as well.....we've all been here before and we're quite happy to try and steer you in the right direction although the ultimate decision will still be yours. Go and talk to some schools and see what they have to offer... Regards Phil
  24. ok, so what's stopping you from flying then? Start with RA if the dollar factor is too high for PPL. If I was starting again I'd start with RA....
  25. whoops, brainfade there somewhere. Musta got my conversions just a lot mixed up... I was thinking 10+kg of thrust which would be around the 22+lbs ...well....brain and thumbs not connected... Not sure what motor was in it to be quite honest although I understand that it was rebuildable unlike the jet itself.... Maybe a programming error....unsure just yet. I was at the paddock some time ago watching a jet being maidened and everytime the gear was selected up the engine stopped..... they tried it twice with the same result. The guy doing the test flying was as sharp as a tack, barely a mark on it from 2 engine out landings. Put the whole thing up on the bench and discovered that the chap had put the engine shut down routine on the gear selection switch as well.....:big_grin:. Let me tell you there was some interesting discussions being had by the chap doing the test flying........and I believe a slab may have changed hands as well...
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