Hi All
Some good points have been raised sofar and some not so good ones as well.
Something to remember… we choose a hobby and/or a career that is intolerant of fools, ignorance and stupidity
Quote J430 “This may not be the case however a timely reminder about runway centreline tracking and being precise, even at a single runway location, so others expect you to be where you say you are.”
Couldn’t agree more….
Quote Macnoz “We do it I believe so as to be more self aware if the same could / should happen to ourselves.
Those of you (no offence intended avi8or72 or anyone) who object to the debate – well why did you read the thread. You probably knew about the terrible loss of life already and I imagine come here wondering why why why.”
Have to agree here. I knew that the thread would be alive when I got home from work and I sure wanted to know what was going on…..
Quote Flyer40 “These three simple rules could work;
1. Say nothing disparaging about the victims.
2. Show appropriate sensitivity to the family and friends of the victims (remember they may be on this forum).
3. Do not make unofficial/unverified assertions about causation.”
1. Unfortunately a language barrier may be to blame. To bring this rule in would stifle debate. By talking about it, we become aware that there may be language barriers.
2. Couldn’t agree more…..
3. Agreed. Lets have a look at what and unofficial/unverified assertion about causation is…….it is called an opinion.
Quote Bendorn “Comments, opinions etc should only be voiced when the OFFICIAL investigation has been completed. Then open it to the forum for comment.
By all means quote newspaper reports as that is their job. Keep the rest to yourself until the time is right.”
Absolutely disagree in the strongest possible way. Sofar I have been re alerted to maintaining centerline on take off and that there may be a language barrier out there, so I need to be more careful.
It has also been reiterated to me that GAAP control provides information, not separation. Would I have got that if the discussion had been shut down for 2 years??
Quote Bendorn ”Was I there? My opinion is based on 2 so so quality black and white photos and bits and pieces from the newspaper, and we know what they're like. Is that informed? No where near it? How qualified am I to give my opinion? 1/10”
I think you are very qualified to give an opinion Bendorn. It is your opinion, right, wrong or indifferent. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion.
It is not a fact, nor can it be taken as a fact.
From the Wikipedia. Definition of an opinion.
An opinion is a person's ideas and thoughts towards something. It is an assessment, judgment or evaluation of something. An opinion is not a fact, because opinions are either not falsifiable, or the opinion has not been proven or verified. If it later becomes proven or verified, it is no longer an opinion, but a fact.
Mazda, Motza and BLA82 all make valid points about the debate. :thumb_up:
I’ve jumped on my hobby horse a bit here because I think some people have become a little thin skinned of late, to the point of me being flamed in the jokes section with regard to a copper joke.
This thread is based on opinion, and it is just that, opinion.
The facts that I’ve seen sofar is Maintain center line on takeoff ,there are language barriers out there and GAAP towers don’t provide separation.
Lets get back to the discussion.
Flame suit on…..