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Everything posted by Flyer

  1. Ain't that the truth....:thumb_up: Life constantly gives you lessons....it's your choice if you choose to learn them....
  2. I've downloaded the temps and dew points from about 3pm friday from the BOM site and put them into the chart as can be found on the PDF version that MrH has supplied... Very interesting. At 3pm the Temp was 11.6 deg C and the dewpoint was 7.7 deg C. When I feed the figures into the chart The temp is (1) 11.6C (2) The Dew point depression is 3.9C (temp - dew point) (3) where those lines intersect is almost slap bang in the middle of the Serious Icing-any power area of the graph and The relative humidity was 76%. It looks like I scored a dose of carb icing and sucked some ice through the motor. I'll be a bit more careful with carb heat before takeoff in future. Thanks for the help guys. I feel a bit better now having a better understanding of what possibly (and probably)happened :thumb_up:
  3. Had a further chat with our CFI yesterday and reviewed what I did. His thoughts are also ice because I didn't use carb heat before take off. My reasoning was that I was on a dirt runway and didn't want to suck in dust. Heres what it looked like before I started rolling... Start aircraft and get it moving straight away because I'm on a dirt runway with very coarse sand Do runups on the move Keep moving as I lined up Engine ops normal and fuel pump on applied full power rolling full power was still on and the fuel pump was also on when the motor had its episode. We think it accumulated ice during the taxi and runup and had no way of clearing. Sorry for hammering this thread but I'm trying to understand what happened...I dont like unexplained engine bangs....:confused::big_grin: thank you all for your input sofar...
  4. Just found this thread Avi8tor 72 My 2 bobs worth .....you can always go back to doing what you are currently doing...that is your safety net. If you continue to do the same as you do now you will always get the same as what you have currently got... Do you want to be lying on your death bed saying "I wonder if I could have done it?" if not...go out and get what you want... Surround yourself with like minded people and chase your dream. Dont go seeking approval from other people, you will often not get it because those people are often too scared to do it themselves. Get yourself a mentor who will champion your cause and encourage you. The most important thing.... Ask yourself WHY you are doing this and is this what YOU want and not what somebody else wants ? Go hard and never give up !!!:thumb_up:
  5. How true Tony,couldn't agree more, especially about the sheep being stirred up by the uninformed sensationalising media leading to kneejerk reactions by a dropkick of politicians.....:confused:
  6. Hi Facthunter Good suggestion for the carb temp but being a club plane I doubt it will happen.... It is starting to sound like carb ice and I admit it obtained my total and undivided attention at the time. The motor never missed a beat after that....and I made damn sure that I didn't fly over any tiger country on the way home either :raise_eyebrow: I notified our LAME and left it with him to check out....
  7. great view out of the Streak. Nice work.
  8. We were on climb to A045 passing through about 1500 fuel pump on and ops normal when it happened. I checked ops normal and all seemed ok after that. No even so much as a murmur the whole way home... I think our LAME suggested ice as a possibility as well. It was probably between 0-5 degrees (guessing no OAT) and there was certainly enough moisture around to support the ice theory... Thanks for the suggestion Big Pete. Curious to hear further thoughts Brent....
  9. HPD, I've removed the reference to you in my post. I was having a joke but given the way this thread has swung I can see you aren't in the mood. It was in reference to something somebody else said and it was no more than a throw away line. I wont do it again.....
  10. Well maybe not quite that serious but it did put me on notice. I took a mate for a fly today, Tooradin over to Traralgon, down to Yarram and back to Tooradin. I hadn't planned to stop at Yarram but bladder made an executive decision, so a stop was called for some weelief. No problem, jump back in the plane and get out of there. Climbing out and passing through about 1500agl, BANG or probably more a thumpy type bang came from the engine as well as a shudder. I can tell you I had 4 paddocks picked out to put the plane in while I checked ops normal. Temps normal, pressures normal everything normal.:confused: I chose to make sure I had a suitable landing spot available the whole way home just in case something did fail. Spoke to the LAME and CFI when I got back there were various suggestions from small fuel vapour lock to a fouled plug that caused the bang in said engine...:raise_eyebrow: Anybody else experienced this with a Jabiru 4 cyl before and if so, did you work out what caused it ? i_dunno
  11. nobody killed? thats hardly newsworthy now is it. The media cant beat the living daylights out of it and residents cant condemn an airport for being too close.....wheres the story ??? Amen, no funeral to attend this week.....:thumb_up:
  12. Hi All Some good points have been raised sofar and some not so good ones as well. Something to remember… we choose a hobby and/or a career that is intolerant of fools, ignorance and stupidity Quote J430 “This may not be the case however a timely reminder about runway centreline tracking and being precise, even at a single runway location, so others expect you to be where you say you are.” Couldn’t agree more…. Quote Macnoz “We do it I believe so as to be more self aware if the same could / should happen to ourselves. Those of you (no offence intended avi8or72 or anyone) who object to the debate – well why did you read the thread. You probably knew about the terrible loss of life already and I imagine come here wondering why why why.” Have to agree here. I knew that the thread would be alive when I got home from work and I sure wanted to know what was going on….. Quote Flyer40 “These three simple rules could work; 1. Say nothing disparaging about the victims. 2. Show appropriate sensitivity to the family and friends of the victims (remember they may be on this forum). 3. Do not make unofficial/unverified assertions about causation.” 1. Unfortunately a language barrier may be to blame. To bring this rule in would stifle debate. By talking about it, we become aware that there may be language barriers. 2. Couldn’t agree more….. 3. Agreed. Lets have a look at what and unofficial/unverified assertion about causation is…….it is called an opinion. Quote Bendorn “Comments, opinions etc should only be voiced when the OFFICIAL investigation has been completed. Then open it to the forum for comment. By all means quote newspaper reports as that is their job. Keep the rest to yourself until the time is right.” Absolutely disagree in the strongest possible way. Sofar I have been re alerted to maintaining centerline on take off and that there may be a language barrier out there, so I need to be more careful. It has also been reiterated to me that GAAP control provides information, not separation. Would I have got that if the discussion had been shut down for 2 years?? Quote Bendorn ”Was I there? My opinion is based on 2 so so quality black and white photos and bits and pieces from the newspaper, and we know what they're like. Is that informed? No where near it? How qualified am I to give my opinion? 1/10” I think you are very qualified to give an opinion Bendorn. It is your opinion, right, wrong or indifferent. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. It is not a fact, nor can it be taken as a fact. From the Wikipedia. Definition of an opinion. An opinion is a person's ideas and thoughts towards something. It is an assessment, judgment or evaluation of something. An opinion is not a fact, because opinions are either not falsifiable, or the opinion has not been proven or verified. If it later becomes proven or verified, it is no longer an opinion, but a fact. Mazda, Motza and BLA82 all make valid points about the debate. :thumb_up: I’ve jumped on my hobby horse a bit here because I think some people have become a little thin skinned of late, to the point of me being flamed in the jokes section with regard to a copper joke. This thread is based on opinion, and it is just that, opinion. The facts that I’ve seen sofar is Maintain center line on takeoff ,there are language barriers out there and GAAP towers don’t provide separation. Lets get back to the discussion. Flame suit on….. Phil
  13. Sorry Ian, I'd build a fully kitted Vans RV10 before I shelled out that sort of money for a 2 seater. I've done some sums on the RV10 and fully loaded it'd cost about $160k....170knot 4 place x-country tourer... no deal.....
  14. Our deepest condolences to the family/s of those involved. I know we have a couple of people on this forum that fly with the RVAC. Whilst I dont expect a response, please pass on our best wishes to all those involved..... A sad day indeed
  15. offending post removed....
  16. Dont have fun, the government will tax it. Dont ever make a mistake for the force of the law will come down on you like a ton of bricks. Those who live in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.... I fly...I vote I drive...I vote I own a gun (and that make me a real criminal apparently)...I vote And when I was a kid, like Skyhog, I lived in a remote area and Dad quite happily left the keys in the car and the house unlocked. Guess what? the car never got stolen in 10 years and the house was never broken into.....why? Like skyhog put it, a bit of discipline went a long way. Back then we were scared of the local copper and of our old man!! These days with all the equal rights, neither can touch you without fear of reprisals. We all bitch about knee jerk reactions, well maybe we all better take a damn good long hard look at where this thread has gone and see wether we might just be having one of those stupid knee jerk reactions here. It might be as simple as HPD suggests, maybe he forgot to take his keys with him.....who here can put their hand up and say they've never forgotten their keys?? Fair suck of the old sav fellas, lets get some fair dinkum solid facts before you bury the poor bloke. Nuff said Phil
  17. After just reading that story, I think we're stuffed.
  18. Teach 'em young Had reason today to inspect a eurofox. My youngest daughter was keen to have a closer look at the plane.
  19. Some nice pictures there David. Just a question, what were you doing trying to park your plane in the mulga trees or was it an illusion that you were quite low? :big_grin: Should put a couple in the monthly competition...
  20. Wow..... damn lucky to get away with that....they were build strong. Now, what's the color of adrenaline???
  21. Hey skybum, I'm looking into my crystal ball and I can see 2 big fellas sitting in a J170 crossing a vast quantity of land....wait, I can see planes, lots of planes with lots of advertising on them flying very low.....no, its gone, cant see anymore....
  22. Rightio tlc141, spill the beans on the discussion on the angry palm tree (helicopter) while finger was on the transmit button. We need a good laugh...
  23. sorry for any offence caused.....post removed.
  24. And then somebody comes along some time later and re-ignites the whole thing with something like the KISS principle....Keep It Simple St...
  25. I'z must been relaited to thait fella Billy Ray Cirus becowze I'z now nown as Billy Ray Chickensworth... hoos wanta coume boot scootn with me an maw now ....
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