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Everything posted by Flyer

  1. By jove, even I can see the underlying message there Doug.... Regards Phil
  2. I spend some time in a Texan (flysynthesis) and have wondered the same thing. (safety bit) Firstly I think the aircraft needs a roll bar. Hopefully between the tail and the roll bar holding the plane up there will be some room to get out. The next problem is opening the canopy. The texan lifts up and back so I dont think thats an option. Do you carry a small hammer to break the canopy with ( I'm not fussed about the duco cause I've probably already scratched it ) or just open the canopy before landing thereby blowing it off ?? (the texan canopy will depart quickly in a slip stream!!) With a high wing it is a bit easier, unlatch the doors before the crash and try to hold them ajar. This hopefully prevents them getting stuck in a twisted airframe....i_dunno I do agree with Aircraft1 and that is dont crash.....however it is interesting and necessary to ponder what happens when it all goes pear shaped.... Regards Phil
  3. To obtain GFPT = 20 to 25 hours. BAK same as RAA. Training similar. (been a while since my PPL training) The similarity stops here. 5 hours for a X country endorsement in RAA. i_dunno over reliance on GPS perhaps ??? Minimum 20 hours for PPL of which 2 cross country flights are solo. You will do all the stuff that BrentC has mentioned and I will add that more attention is paid to meterology. To get a PPL with 40 hours minimum would be a huge achievement from a standing start. The only guys that I've known to achieve this have been glider pilots. I think recreational aircraft are a good stepping stone and I would encourage any newbie to start here, get some basic aircraft handling skills and then step up to PPL, CPL and/or continue onto ATPL. While talking about cross country stuff, the one thing you WILL learn with doing a PPL is dead reckoning. No GPS's, ADF's, VOR's etc etc. Just time and heading. These days there seems to be a requirement to have the latest and greatest in GPS's moving maps et al. Sometimes this stuff breaks down....hopefully you can remember the DR techniques.:thumb_up: still haven't learnt to switch the GPS on in the Jabas yet...maybe you could give me a heads up Brent??? Regards Phil
  4. 2 things here..... 1. Theres something to be had by living in nature in natures way...if you know what I mean ;) 2. You dont want to find out that your favorite engine which drives your favorite bug smasher has a finite life quitting at 300' agl and it costs $36.25 per hour....:yuk: Regards Phil
  5. Great photos.:big_grin: Love the Hurricane !!! :thumb_up: favorite WW2 fighter. Any Ju87 Stukas by any chance?? Great dive bomber and I also have a soft spot for the Boulton Paul Defiant. regards Phil
  6. And may a thousand emus kick down his dunny at the same time.... Regards Phil
  7. looks great Slarti. :thumb_up: Well done. Regards Phil
  8. Well done Motza. Great outcome. :thumb_up: Regards Phil
  9. Nice work Matt. Well done old chap...:thumb_up::thumb_up: Regards Phil
  10. Just add full right aileron full right rudder and full throttle and you have a lomcevak which is a tumbling manoeuvre in a stalled condition. The torque of the engine keeps the tumbling motion going...well it works that way with model planes. May not have explained it well though. Regards Phil
  11. Hey Farri, there's a difference between senior member and old senior member....;).... I referred to it as you more senior members, not necessarily old senior members.....:big_grin:. For my birthday this year, my wife organised me a Ulysses membership. As I'm 40 that makes me a junior and part of my role as a junior is to help the senior (50+) members onto their bikes and make them cups of tea...(or so I'm told by a senior member) Should clear up the senior bits...maybe we should have a ulysses club for aircraft. If it ran like the motorcycle club it would be a hoot...especially watching us junior members load you senior members into your aircraft... Regards Phil
  12. Hear Hear. I'll second that !! :thumb_up::thumb_up: Regards Phil
  13. Bubba likes little boys with little toys....... The only sad thing is that my taxes have to pay for this fool while he's in jail. Cant we just send him out on a wing to play??:big_grin: Regards Phil
  14. My calculations agree with Yenns and like Yenn says.... you might be legal but running close for comfort. Like the Good Captain, I also have an arsesaving fuel allowance. Set your own minimums and make sure YOU are comfortable with them. Regards Phil
  15. Nice photos guys. That prop and canopy look lovely Matt. You'll only be picking the best cleaning cloths from now on...:big_grin: Regards Phil
  16. :thumb_up:
  17. Hi Bob, Not following this line above. Would you expand a little please? was there a major problem with AUF? There was a post here yesterday that was quite scathing of the RA_Aus fraternity but the writer saw fit to delete the post a short time later as was his want. However, it has left me wondering what goes on behind closed doors.... Regards Phil
  18. Guru Swamis nice new white robe. The Guru swore. A brand new robe and its got a..
  19. Endos... thats what you do at traffic lights to p:censored: off car drivers...normally looking in their window with wide eyes just before you put the back wheel on the ground. If the lights are kind to you, you can drop the back wheel on the ground and pull a wheelie away from the lights:big_grin:.... am I being irresponsible?? no I didn't think so... Regards Phil
  20. Hi Farri I suppose, and I missed your post last night, that the $160 is a fee for a license such as is needed to operate a motor vehicle et al. In addition to the license, we get membership to a club, a magazine, somebody to talk to on the phone and a fairly plain english ops manual. It's a case of CASA saying you will organise something or we'll just stop you flying...period. Rock and a hard place I think or damned if you do and damned if you dont..... For you more senior members, when you started flying back when the legislation was first passed, did you need a license? not a trick question...I dont know as in '76 I was 8 years old..... I also believe that the height restriction was 300 feet? Do you want to go back there? I personally dont care what banner I fly under as long as I have the freedom to fly and aren't legislated out of existance. 200 people dont pack a lot of punch but 8000....somebody will sit up and take notice. Whilst rag and tube aren't my thing, Jabirus, Texans and Millenium Masters aren't other peoples thing. Recreational Flying is about recreation and that must encompass all types including the rag and tube weed hoppers. Regards Phil
  21. On a recent trip to Loxton, I spotted this KR2. I know he bought it as a going concern but I'm sure he'd pass on the builder to you. The rego number is clearly visible, hopefully a quick phone call to the RA_Aus people will net you a name.... Or Hi Phil..... pduthoit.... do you remember who owns this one?? Regards Phil
  22. :confused::ah_oh::raise_eyebrow:
  23. A piece of paper doesn't make you a pilot. A piece of paper makes you a legal pilot same as a car drivers license doesn't make you a good car driver (I drive a lot in my job and there are some car drivers that belong a long way away from the road!!! :raise_eyebrow:) but it does make you a legal driver. Covered that bit now....all about legalities.... GA medical. Voluntary unless you want to fly. Then open your wallet up for about a 270+ dollar sting. You dont have to belong to a club or organisation and you can contact CASA direct for any advice that can take months to get...and then you get to pay for it....... sometimes 130+ dollars for 10 minutes work....(and before you ask, no, I cant remember what it was for...maybe stamping a medical form that the DAME had already stamped I think...) GA is all about user pays......have a look at GA. Its lying in a hospital bed on life support and the government is still trying to rape it. Any wonder that GA pilots saw the light and came over to RA_Aus. RA_Aus. You dont have to be a member if you dont want to but $160 a year aint that bad. ( costs me more to be a member of my model aircraft club per year) Vote with your feet and your pen at election time. (cant do that with CASA) I can ring somebody up and talk to them without the money clock spinning like a fan. I dont need a medical other than my car drivers license however I did see my local GP and have a checkup before I started flying. I can fly a plane and not incur a lot of the costs of GA. I can hire a plane at a reasonable hourly rate. I think rag and tube aviators are as much a part of the recreational scene as those of us that fly the higher performace stuff. What is wrong with having a decent membership base? at least we might have a bit of clout when this ADSB animal turns up. I will get my class 2 medical back eventually and rejoin the GA ranks because I enjoy the thrill of the more complex aircraft but at the moment I'm enjoying just building hours in the Jabas. I think I'll probably always renew my RA_Aus membership. My opinion only... Regards Phil
  24. I swapped to Rec flying because of price. $115 an hour for a Jab j160 or 105 an hour for an LSA55. No controlled airspace and no bull. Then again, I dropped into a flying school recently and the rental on an evektor sportstar was $140/hr solo and on the sport cub about $175/hr solo. For recreational aircraft, that is over the top. I like to travel in a plane and go places so I need something that will do better than 90kts (Jabas do well here) and wont break the bank at the same time...... Wanabigaplane, whats the sapphire like for cross country flying? and I'm assuming you run a rotax 2 stroke? Reliability? Regards Phil
  25. I had to think about this for a minute. I use the crab approach method and just before flare I swing the aircraft straight with the rudder and stop it sliding across the runway with wing down. I can and have used the wing down method the whole way down final but find that it a bit more difficult to co ordinate. A side slip is more uncomfortable on the passengers.... Regards Phil
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