Hi Skyfox49
Firstly, what type of plane....warrior ? If so put your feet on the floor for a bit. you can fly a warrior with no rudder. not good but quite feasable.
Once a turn has commenced it is normal to hold off the bank with opposite aileron but dont keep squeezing the rudder on or you end up with crossed controls. This can lead to stalls at the wrong time if you're not aware of it.
The 2 times you want crossed controls are in a side or forward slip manouvere or in crosswind where aileron is used to hold the aircraft level and rudder is used to keep the nose pointing down the runway.
As for the rest, aileron and rudder into the turn to keep it balanced then opposite aileron, just enough to hold off the bank when you've banked enough and enough rudder whichever that may be to keep that ball centred.
Happy flying