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Everything posted by Flyer

  1. Hi Skyfox49 Firstly, what type of plane....warrior ? If so put your feet on the floor for a bit. you can fly a warrior with no rudder. not good but quite feasable. Once a turn has commenced it is normal to hold off the bank with opposite aileron but dont keep squeezing the rudder on or you end up with crossed controls. This can lead to stalls at the wrong time if you're not aware of it. The 2 times you want crossed controls are in a side or forward slip manouvere or in crosswind where aileron is used to hold the aircraft level and rudder is used to keep the nose pointing down the runway. As for the rest, aileron and rudder into the turn to keep it balanced then opposite aileron, just enough to hold off the bank when you've banked enough and enough rudder whichever that may be to keep that ball centred. Happy flying Regards Phil
  2. Great ideas guys. Keep them coming. Looks like I might just have a couple spots to go... Brent, Would the hangar talk be open to all or just the Tooradin guys....could be an opportunity for an overnighter for someone perhaps?? By the way, nice work the other night. Great social outing and looking forward to the next one...:thumb_up: Regards Phil
  3. The scenario...... I jump into the Jabiru J160 located at Tooradin on a saturday/sunday morning at say 9am. I get airborne and point the plane in a direction, .....what would I find in the way of club activity when I got there ? (bendigo, ballarat, lethbridge etc etc) Regards Phil
  4. How many conveyor belts does it take to make the plane take off......... who knows the plane has to WANT to take off and if you put too many fat people like me in it it aint got a hope in hell regardless of any damn conveyor belt..... hahahahahahahaha :confused: I think I'll go and take those pills them nice men in white just gave me.... Phil
  5. Dont set 'em going again Skybum!!! :hittinghead: Regards Phil
  6. included in the technical manual would be the long running debate on will the plane fly? This surely had caused the Techman many many nights if not weeks and months of sleepless nights fooling over something trivial..... "if only I could just get it to go away" he thought "Then....."
  7. :confused: :black_eye: i_dunno :raise_eyebrow::hittinghead:
  8. dont encourage the buggers Captain !!! :raise_eyebrow: Phil
  9. THE END AMEN Phil
  10. I'm with palexxxx here. Drove up from Melbourne this morning with the family. Paid to get in and I dont mind too much if the CFA picks up the gate takings but the swap meet left a little to be desired. Like palexxxx said, 5 or so stalls and a few planes on the flight line.... not worth the trip. Dissappointed. Regards Phil
  11. Yep. Fantastic, now if they will just hurry up and get the pricing out so I can work out wether I can buy one...... Regards Phil
  12. a special :heart: session with.... I cant say that here :ah_oh:...its X rated
  13. sun had dissapeared and he was now NVFR. This poses a problem as recreational aircraft aren't supposed to fly at night. Furthermore, as he bounced the plane off the runway again, he mused to himself ' why am I dreaming of Bronwyn Bigjobs of Cactus Island, singing petunias in a bowl and falling sperm whales from some mysterious star trek adventure?" .....
  14. Sold your bike. :ah_oh: What crazy stuff runs through yon grey matter Redair???:confused: Best off ye goes and gets thyself another one...:thumb_up: Regards Phil
  15. On road/in flight refuelling Redair....:thumb_up: you know what I mean... regards Phil
  16. I put 10 mile markers on the map. Having calculated groundspeed its easy to see how far you've come and how far to go. You can see quickly and clearly how many miles to significant land features and waypoints. Also helps for a fix if you get lost (miles of lostness). Must learn how to use the GPS in the plane one day and stop being a ludite... p.s. I still do clearof checks every 15 minutes.... Regards Phil
  17. Motorcycles and Aircraft. The perfect mix. Haven't stopped riding for 25 years... Regards Phil
  18. Like shafs, I'm a toy plane pilot and a real pilot. I also belong to a club and fly the toy planes from a 900 metre airstrip. The owner also flies a 182 from there and some of the RVAC boys drop into see us from time to time. The toy planes dont damage the strip any more than a full size plane. Most people who land there (they have to have the owners permission) are aware that they need to overfly at 1500 and give us time to get the toys on the ground. Just as a matter of interest, some of these toys have a wingspan greater that 2.5 metres, 62cc petrol engines and weigh in at 15kg's. The worst incident we had was when some clown in a PA28-235 decided to creep around the hills so we couldn't see or hear him until he was at the end of the strip. He then did a full power pass along the length of the strip complete with passengers on board at about 20 feet scaring the bejesus out of about 4 pilots flying RC at the time. Turns out he was known to the owner and when we handed the rego over there was a please explain for the pilot.... Generally RC and full size can co habitate successfully. Young bucks full of testosterone showing off to the fairer sex can be a totally different kettle of fish... Regards Phil
  19. Apparently we have another accident flying to the crash site here. To all, encourage your friends to get the rego of any clown behaving like this and refer it to RA_Aus or to this website or a member and we'll have the clown grounded. Regards Phil
  20. but he'd forgotten to mention the plummetting sperm whale to the locals there at the Shepparton aero club so he didn't have to upset the apple cart as the sperm whale had just arrived on it. Everybody rushed outside to find out what had caused the thud. Can you imagine their amazement when willy the sperm whale looked up from the 20 foot crater he'd just created and said.....
  21. I think you will find that they will investigate it. Feb last year a Vans RV4 crashed near Cranbourne killing the pilot and his passenger. The report is up on the ATSB website for all to read and it was a kit aircraft. I tend to agree with Big Pete, let the ATSB do their job and we will debate it later. Speculation helps nobody. My sincere condolences to the family/s and friends of Gary and his passenger. Regards Phil
  22. Dracer If you just want to go for a run in a Jabiru or something, I fly out of Tooradin and am more than happy to take you for a fly. Drop me a PM if you're interested...even if you just want to sit down and have a coffee and a chat...I'm good at that too... Regards Phil
  23. Birdbrain just realised he couldn't read english WAC charts, however, he logged onto the forums and understood the picture words thereby locating his point in the universe which was indeed Lake Bonney. The next problem was now that he had found himself, where was he going ????? :confused:
  24. An verily the son did rise. I mean red and air normally signifies the break of dawn doesn't it...well anyway it meant that aviation could now be committed.:thumb_up: Well it couldn't be committed while it was dark now could it....i_dunno And behold the spectacular sight and if he could just locate it on his WAC chart he might just know where he was in the picture....:confused: [ATTACH]5106.vB[/ATTACH]
  25. Hi Airsick Jump onto this group.It is an active site that the RV builders use currently to share information. There are quite a few active RV7 builders in australia. Search the group and all will be revealed. ask questions by all means..you may have to register with yahoo though... http://au.groups.yahoo.com/group/RVs_in_Aus/ Regards Phil
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