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Everything posted by Flyer

  1. Loxton Hangar opening Hi Geoff Looks like we were at the same place last weekend :) Got some good shots and was impressed with the turn up...:thumb_up: Regards Phil
  2. it's a bit like riding dirt bikes...take brain out, put in toolbox and go play hard....
  3. oh oh oh o'brian....
  4. A medal. It hadn't yet been reported in the media which meant it wasn't yet categorized as a cessna, a jet or a plane build in a back yard with a teaspoon, victa lawnmower and some of mums best linen. Birdbrain kept going and despite what had happened to him, he still loves mother nature...
  5. Poor x-wind technique in a 172RG Cutlass on runway 12 Alice Springs airport. Did about a hundred meters on the nose and right main gear thinking I was about to go over before I had enough foresight to give the aircraft a major boot of right rudder which settled the whole lot on the ground nicely. regards Phil
  6. Stig = Redneck regards Phil
  7. Birdbrain obtained his name for a reason. An entrupeneur Birdbrain was, an engineer he definitely wasn't.... Even so, Birdbrain had a knack for getting away with things....would he get away with a turboprop in a J160? would the J160 leak like a sieve if he flew through rain? would the engine mount stay together???????? what was Vne ???
  8. Birdbrain, exclaimed Fatcat, how the hell do you think you're gonna get away with killing off a storyline? You wanted a millenium master and you're not prepared to do anything for it? yelled Fatcat again.... Birdbrain thought about this for a minute and the obligitary lightbulb flashed above his head......
  9. Thanks for your replies all. I think sunbury is having a flyin in april sometime. I'll get over there and have a sausage and see if I can score a fly in a drifter.;) oh, just thought of something.....it's the sausages that cause me to be comfortable...:confused: Regards Phil
  10. Yep. They's were there alright Decca. The wee problem I had was 2 little Phils and Mrs Phil with me...... so no photography action....:;)1: Regards Phil
  11. I am currently having a big fight with a travel insurer at the moment. Got caught in Ayr on tuesday this week because of the floods in North QLD and the mongrels wont cover the cost of replacement airline tickets. Currently out of pocket around $800. Their policies are deceptive and aren't worth the paper they're printed on. If I name them the moderators will delete the post so I wont at this stage. I am contactable by PM though....:devil:;) My advise is READ THE VERY VERY FINE PRINT and then remember that they'll try and worm their way out of it.... Regards Phil
  12. I thought I'd post this before I voted in the poll. As far as a general plane ride goes, no bumps and clear blue skies, I'd rather just watch the world go by than write a report. In this instance I agree with both Darren and Airsick. Wont look or comment and find it boring. However, I've just had a trip to Townsville and the weather was spectacular at 40,000 feet and the floods up there were something else !! I took lots of photos on the way up when we weren't in cloud (at 40,000) and I found it a great learning experience. Trip home was basically a bus ride and I watched rally driving and cricket on the idiot box. (Virgin Blue) My thoughts were to do a write up but after seeing this thread I feel a little deflated and think I may well be wasting my time. I'll go and vote now. I'll make a decision on a write up after that... Regards Phil
  13. Yeehar :) Beers and Bex for everyone.... regards Phil
  14. No but I've just shortened an aircraft carrier. Spin a conveyor belt up to warp nine and then stop it. The conveyor should absolutely catapult the aircraft off the deck... Regards Phil
  15. Fantastic method Methusala. Never thought of that but I'm using it now. Stops the mental gymnastics. regards Phil
  16. What we need is a government grant of say 5 million. Then build an airpark with a small conveyor belt, buy a few planes and test the theory. Should be able to drag it out for a couple of years....;) Regards Phil
  17. And your missus is about to send your bonce bouncing across the room with the rolling pin for mucking around with engines in the lounge room and buggering up her treadmill again. ;) Regards Phil
  18. Regards Phil
  19. I think that I will :devil:......stop there..;) Nice one Ian Regards Phil
  20. Hi Ross I'm thinking you're looking for instrument panel lighting? Try Vans aircraft on this link and look at the Whelen post lights. LED lighting is becoming very common because of longevity and very low current draw. Have a look around the vans site...lots of ways to empty a wallet..;) http://www.vansaircraft.com/cgi-bin/catalog.cgi?ident=1202164625-376-405 type in Whelen Post lights into the search box...not cheap but nice... Hope this helps.... p.s. Nice plane ;) Regards Phil
  21. I tend to agree with Andy here. 1. People take off in 4wd (wet so get 4wd instead of commodore);) 2. People stuff up in 4wd :;)1: 3. People try to get themselves out of the bog and cant:sad: 4. People activate emergency plan when all else fails:confused: 5. Other people respond appropriately to EPIRB activation and get People out of the poo.:big_grin: 6. Glad to know system works.;) Take 1 piece out of bucket of luck and put into bucket of experience !! ;) regards Phil
  22. ooowwww...my head hurts again..:yuk: A car dyno is a great way of explaining motion through the wheels. For evey action there is an equal and opposite reaction but as there is no action from the wheels, just a reaction from the propellor thrust the conveyor belt will make no difference. I agree with deskpilot. The plane will fly...;) regards Phil
  23. Hi All I'll be in Adelaide late next week and I'm wondering where a good place to hire a plane from is? I've had a look at Adelaide Biplanes and they seem to only have an Evektor Sportstar on line. I'd rather not spend lots of time checking out in a new aircraft type if I can lay my hands on a Jaba somewhere. I'll be staying around Christies Beach but I'll be all over the place including Gawler (family there as well) so distance isn't a major problem. Would love to catch up with any forum members that are in Adelaide as well... Regards Phil
  24. Hi All I've been reading a bit about these drifter planes and they sound like the motorcycle of the sky. I think I need to have a go in one. Would anybody here like to recommend a training facility around Melbourne that could accomodate me? There is one other thing as well....some people are built for speed and the rest of us are built for comfort... I am a comfortable 108kg and about 5'10". Will a drifter put up with this? Regards Phil
  25. Leave the poor bugger alone Redair...you'll frighten him. :ah_oh: Uhh...I just had another look at that photo zoomed up and that aint no red cross on the window....:;)2: ...... Dont know what it is....low wing ...other pilot with video camera though.... Regards Phil
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