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Everything posted by NovemberFoxtrot

  1. I'd be happier if the bris Flying group accepted a RPL :( I just havnt had the time to upgrade to PPL yet.
  2. Its true, I trained at Archer, and then found SunnyCoast and Coffs a bit different when I went there. Nothing insurmountable, but definitely quirky. Helped to listen to LiveATC prior so i had an idea what i was in for.
  3. Casa actually publish a quick guide for this. http://ontrack.casa.gov.au/class-d-info
  4. No, there's implied clearance to enter class d CTR, by the tower simply acknowledging you. ESTABLISHING TWO-WAY COMMUNICATIONS When an aircraft contacts ATC at a class D aerodrome and provides sufficient information about track, position, level, and intentions, ATC may give a clearance to enter the airspace by simply acknowledging the transmission with the aircraft’s callsign. Alternatively, a clearance may be denied, or afforded by an alternate route or level as instructed by ATC. Such instructions may include ‘join crosswind’, ‘overfly’, or ‘report at [position]’. The acknowledgment authorises the aircraft to enter the class D airspace following the stated track and level, or any alternative instruction given by ATC. Pilots are then required to maintain two-way communications with ATC and comply with any subsequent ATC instructions. This shortened procedure does not eliminate the availability of a ‘traditional’ airways clearance. However, it provides an abbreviated clearance option for use when both pilot and ATC understand the proposed course of action.
  5. Is the different here because you entered the Class D airspace at Albury, rather then just the Class D CTR?
  6. Pathfinder Aviation at Archerfield are excellent as well. Currently their fleet consists mostly of Slings. http://pathfinderaviation.com.au/
  7. Hi Guys! People in here seemed to enjoy the Coffs Harbour write up I did, so here is one for another small adventure that we did on the weekend. http://adventures.aero/archerfield-to-sunshine-coast-nav/ Hope you enjoy, NF
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  8. See, thats what I had issues with.. I did as part of my Flight Review a flight into CTA from Archerfield (Class D) to Goldie (Class C), and likewise I did a transit flight on the way back from Lismore The problem came up when you read the form for the endorsement it says "Pass in the aeronautical knowledge examination for the endorsement". CASA indicated to me that the only way to meet that requirement was for a pass in the PPL exam.. which i think is ridiculous. I was granted my CTR, just not CTA
  9. So what is interesting is at the moment I dont seem to be able to find a Flight School that will sign off on a CTA endorsement for a RPL. Ive been constantly told that there is no "exam" you can do to meet the knowledge requirement for them to sign off on the paperwork to get a CTA endorsement. I even had one of the licensing guys from CASA confirm this. Have other people managed to get a CTA endo on their RPL? In Brisbane?
  10. Gday Phil, As far as I'm aware, it came with the plane, but I do know that its just two suction cups at each end. Ill see if i can find a brand on it when im down at the school next. Ah shame! Either way, I appreciate the work you guys do! :D And thanks again to everyone for the feed back :D
  11. Is this you? :) And thanks for the update on the Ballina Jetstar, ill fix that!
  12. Thansk! If I was going further, id probably make it more than a day trip and stay the night somewhere.
  13. Hi Guys, I recently did a Nav to Coffs and back from Archerfield, in a RA Registered Sling 2, and thought some people here might find it interesting. I already wrote it up on my blog, not sure if its against the rules to post a direct link, but assuming its not, if it is Ill copy and paste the content: http://adventures.aero/coffs-harbor-day-trip/ Thanks!
  14. Awww. Heckfield is far to close :(
  15. Ive got 40hrs in the c162. (One of the ones that PFA had written off in the storms too). I havnt flown the C150 or the C152 to compare to it, but i didnt find them all that sensitive. Responsive, but not overly sensitive. Ive been in the C172's the last few weeks converting to RPL, and it feels very similar to me. Id flow the J170's before and didn't notice much difference when converting from it to the C162.
  16. Coincidence that i decide i need to understand radio better and I get to the forum and its one of the active artciles!! I understand class d well enough (or so i think), but i must admit im a bit hazy on the process to go from a Class D aerodrome through Class G to a Class C aerodrome (such as Archerfield YBAF to Gold Coast YBCG), any guides that explain that kind of scenario? Ive got a little book that has a lot of scenarios in it (Aviation Theory Centres Visual Flight Guide) but i still find it quiet unclear as to the process of getting entering.. I think it consists of when outside YBAF's class D, that i contact Brisbane Centre and request clearance, at which point i believe they will give me a squawk and some directions.. but I don't quite get at what point i should contact them.. Any where to look at for good reading?
  17. So it flipped, but landed the right way up? go the news...
  18. News.com.au and the Courier mail is reporting a light plane down in brisbane. http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/plane-crashes-into-field-at-woongoolba/story-fnn8dlfs-1227179810402 Any one know anything more that the very very light article?
  19. Its a J170c or d. cant remember which one specifically.
  20. Its the same plane that had the engine failure at victoria point a few months/ a year ago. And yes, its out of the RA-AUS school at Archerfield. http://www.recreationalflying.com/posts/307129/
  21. It was a good weekend that's for sure! Thanks for taking me up in Savannah 8020 Neil :)
  22. Looking forward to the fly in ArcherFallsAirfield. Just working on finding a tent for the event :) Dougs been talking about it for a bit :)
  23. The 230 wasnt Pathfinders :) Theres was still all shiny like when i was down there the earlier this week :) And doug is very skilled :)
  24. Awww, thats one of the planes i fly in :(
  25. Grats on the Nav! Cant wait to get to that stage. Im nervous about getting lost and that jaz, but it will be fun! :D
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