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Everything posted by gavin92

  1. Thanks to everyone who's completed the survey! I have enough now as I've started doing my Results section now. Please do not do it if you haven't yet as it will be a waste of time unfortunately!! P.S. The pilot who answered "Extreme Anxiety - the level of capacitation was limited to....." in response to one of the questions, it was asking for an age which you forgot to provide so if you could provide an age I would be most grateful! Thanks again everyone!
  2. Wow thanks guys! It's up to 60 now!!
  3. Wow, 44 people have done the survey so far !! Would be amazing to reach 50 if that's not asking too much! Thank you guys again!!
  4. Thank you guys! Darn, you're onto my plan!
  5. Thank you everyone who's done the survey so far! I've talked with my supervisor and we're sorting everything out so I can give you all feedback upon completion of the survey.
  6. I have no idea why but the link takes you somewhere else. Please use the following link and thank you for bringing that up! https://www.survey.bris.ac.uk/nottingham/pilot_incapacitation
  7. As part of my 3rd year dissertation for University I have made a survey to assess general aviation pilot incapacitation by means of survey. I would be eternally grateful if you could fill in the survey (it's completely anonymous). The link is: https://www.survey.bris.ac.uk/nottingham/pilot_incapacitation Thank you, even if you didn't fill in the survey. I hope I'm not spamming and I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section of the site.
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