Engine works fine, working out some minor things like oil tank ventilation for an example, had an issue where i was refilling oil, 1 DL per hour, and since D-motor don't have any instructions(Barely any instructions for anything) on how full the oil tank is allowed to be, i had overfilled mine and the overflow went into engine after the air filter, i'm not refilling the tank for now and they didnt like i had the oil tank connected directly to the air intake due to hot air combustion and vacuum.
So i moved the tank vent to a plastic bottle for now and ordered a proper vent tank.
Other than that ive done 15-16 hours in it so far, doing the flight tests, many of them are just dumb, like 60 degree bank full throttle and find stall speed! that was 2.2G, another test it want me to do is fludder test, fly to VNE and see if fludder occurs! VNE in a sav s is like full nose dive, not my thing.
These test are general for all types of planes, like one of a kind planes even.
Ive been trying out different flap settings starts and landings, its really easy to start and land and keep the speed, perfect regulating with the stick, when coming in for landing i just trim it max and have a perfect 75kmh/40knots glide in first flap.
all in i still wish it was a bit faster like the promised cruise 180kmh.