I dont know how you australians do it but here when we do modifications, like adding a extended rudder we must send an application to EAA to get it approved.
So now i have allot of documentation on the new rudder, even quite a few drawings on all new changes for the taildragger.
While at it i also asked ICP where my extra bag of stainless steel rivets was supposed to go, so i got this PDF (German modification documents) file and i also sent it to kyle, they are ment to sit in the cabin pipe frame against the lugage comp, somehow Kyle feels the urge to continue to read the document and finds out why i got 2x 2.6m parachute bridles from ICP, this is important stuff and icp dont mention it, i have to stumble over it?
So the ropes goes from the rear wing mount and all the way down to the under carriage for the wheel spring and up again making a loop.
If anyone wants the German mod PDF file, get in touch with me or Kyle.
Farings fitment? how do they fit? i dont know, plate stick underneath faring, if it supposed to be like that then i have to grind on the plastic to get it right on. WHY!!
So i fixed the Ray allen handles, it was a long time since i did some soldering.
Ohh and icp succesfully sent a new panel, and they had bent the bottom the wrong way, putting it the otherway around so the screw holes match with cabin makes it angle outwards, already got a new one coming again.