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Everything posted by Skee

  1. Copper paste? or just grease.
  2. are u talking abut the m8x120mm? Its for the wheel pants=) (fairings)
  3. The work right now is tedious, some there, little bit there..... So i scraped the standard fuel valve, looked so stupid and with a mat it was no good, very hard to twist, And i also got the wheelbase mounted, no bolts is fully torqued since i need to disassemble allot for painting later on. Plates for fairings if you wonder. Rudder rods. And cables for BMS.
  4. No NOO, Lounge room ;)
  5. Tell her about my sliding doors.
  6. May it be wheels!
  7. Where the F is our snow :/ I hear Japan and NY has allot this year, be we none.
  8. Great they want you to drill the rim, they could mention that in the chapter 19, and not in 20, i just pulled an irritating mail to ICP. Yes tyre fitting lube.
  9. Icp sends you three "15x6.0" tubes, with a straight air fill tap, forget it! its impossible to fill that shit, the refill tap broke from the tube when trying to angle it to fill the tube. So i went to the local tire shop, they hooked me up with 13x6.0 tubes, perfect fit with a 90 degree angled tap, they have been successfully trying this smaller tube out before with other gliders with the same problem. so when assembling them use A LOT of grease, thankfully the tire shop let me work in their shop when doing it.
  10. Cant say ive drilled many rivets, A5 almost none.
  11. Soon! ive already ordered more, but i wonder, can ti just buy any AL rivets from now on?
  12. Fast plug for BMS(Battery Management system) charger.
  13. Hilarious problem from my point o view.
  14. Ehh,, hehe, you have cows shitting on your runways?
  15. Straddie Breakfast? Rods assembled on aileron control unit. Now this is stupidity, so they tell you to put the fuel line here. And what happens, i cant move the yoke. So i had to bend it, it shouldn't be necessary to do this :/ And, wosh, fuel lines goes weird places.
  16. Way to go! whats that grey stuff sprayed all over on the surface and over they rivets? Haha!
  17. South africa =) capetown.
  18. I bought kit #1, which is fuselage, empennage and wings. So i´m buying the rest myself, i have researched good products for good prices, spent allot of time finding it. ICP wanted €250 for 5 parachute ropes/bridles, i got them for €123 at other store, icp wanted more than €3000 for just parachute, i got it for €2300. This is what im gonna buy for my air plane in avionics. 1x iEFIS Challenger 10,4" 1x iEFIS Explorer 8,5" 1x iBOX normal speed 1x RDAC XF 1x Sp 6 1x Sp 7 1x SP6/SP7 combination cable 2x Servo Autopilot 1x Servo Capstan 1x Servo Alumnium rods with bearings 1x Garrecht Transponder Remote VT-0102-070 Class2 – 15 000 Ft 1x Transceiver – VHF V06Remote will cost me me about 8000 AUD where i buy it, plus a half airplane ticket(500 aud) cause i have to fetch it my self, other half is payed by a friend who wants me to buy some stuff for him to. Aircraft spruce wanted ~15000 aud for the same equipment. excluding taxes both. and some other stuff i mentioned earlier.
  19. Well u can always dream cant u!
  20. Is there any closeup photos of this new rudder and how it works?
  21. What do you mean and do You mind saying what the new rudder costed you?
  22. They do respond its just that they are Italians(They answer a few of the questions, not all queried, and after a very long time maybe) ;) they seem to be understaffed since one of their main technician just quit. I bought my kit directly from ICP, not dealer.
  23. Both engines look wonderful! Thing is that the ULp engine is running, and been doing that for some time but price is quite steep €15800 + accessories while the ICP is projected at €12000 and is new and untested, talked to ICP the other day and they are gonna start flytesting the M09 in March. Considering how bad ICP is with support but hey, ULP haven't answered my emails either. And im not flying this year so im not really in a rush either.
  24. Yup, they are called "-Map holders" in the options list, you can retrofit them, its €100, they are really nice since they cover up the rudder cables and wires.
  25. What a weekend =) a full Sunday building. I finally got the parachute in, it was not easy doing alone, so the neighbour was in, he screwed from the cabin while i was crawling inside. The strut support got assembled on both sides. Torque tube is finally there, allot of fiddling to get the right screws fitting, there no mentioning about what screws are for the bellcrank upper mount? And is it only me or does everyones elevator tube stroke the bottom plate? Top skin going on. The alignment on the cabin frame will have to wait, i don't have a engine mount and ICP didn't want to send me the mount for the M09 yet, since there can be changes to it , ill wait two more months on it and the ill consider a ULpower 260 107 bhp, it has the same engine mount as the Jabiru 2200 and ICP has a engine mount for it. Meanwhile i can do all electrics to and finalise the plane where i can build.
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