I bought kit #1, which is fuselage, empennage and wings.
So i´m buying the rest myself, i have researched good products for good prices, spent allot of time finding it.
ICP wanted €250 for 5 parachute ropes/bridles, i got them for €123 at other store, icp wanted more than €3000 for just parachute, i got it for €2300.
This is what im gonna buy for my air plane in avionics.
1x iEFIS Challenger 10,4"
1x iEFIS Explorer 8,5"
1x iBOX normal speed
1x Sp 6
1x Sp 7
1x SP6/SP7 combination cable
2x Servo Autopilot
1x Servo Capstan
1x Servo Alumnium rods with bearings
1x Garrecht Transponder Remote VT-0102-070 Class2 – 15 000 Ft
1x Transceiver – VHF V06Remote
will cost me me about 8000 AUD where i buy it, plus a half airplane ticket(500 aud) cause i have to fetch it my self, other half is payed by a friend who wants me to buy some stuff for him to.
Aircraft spruce wanted ~15000 aud for the same equipment. excluding taxes both.
and some other stuff i mentioned earlier.