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Everything posted by Skee

  1. Its 0100 and im using a rivetgun to close up the trailing edge on my wing, suprizingly no neighbours have knocked on my door yet:bash:. Also closed up leading edge today =)
  2. So you havent fastened to consoles above yet?
  3. I asked Mark on skype but ill also check here. Did you enlarge the inspection hatch screw holes to 4mm, to get som leave, screws are a bit tight? How did you mount the Jury strut mount, with rivnuts?
  4. So i spent all day finishing small details and im planning to close the front skin tomorrow. Top skin went on. As last time, the tip details wasn't a perfect fit, i had to make a few customs, also discovered i satten a bracket wrong and had to move it, anyway this tip looked better than the other, al in all it went faster this time since i knew how to do it and had help turning the wing several times witch helped allot. Last photo is of the inspection hatch console, here the manual says, use flush mount rivets, so do they want my to countersink the holes? its very unclear some times. Ended the evening with hanging on the front skin.
  5. Well its Saturday and i ate a big steak =) And did some electrics, man those strobes are powerful! Molex mx150l plugs are really good.
  6. Well i only need the 500 =) , good low weight... Its ALU, after a while you kinda felt when it was clashing, awful.
  7. Also Santa came with a late delivery. Strobes =) and Magnum 501 parachute.
  8. In the photo there's a blue hose, its smaller than the ordinary, but i had serious issues getting the ordinary 8mm hose into the smaller 5mm hose, so i changed it on both wings. Also changed some other hoses that i thought was 8mm when mounted in Right wing but it wasn't. Today i also got the new clear Fuel filters so i could finally assemble system, filter was 8mm iD so had to make a coupling from the 5mm to a 8mm, i simply cut off the enlargement form the old fuel filter that had a 6mm & 8mm step and used it. Also i mounted Rivnuts around the inspection hatch, this was a pain in the ARSE, they were so fragile, i had to redo several of them. Rear part has counter sunken rivnuts and side has ordinary rivnuts witch makes them a bit taller. Also pulled a strobe wire. AWG20 3 wire shielded, that's some really expensive cable.
  9. No no i made the change after u told me. Thanks.
  10. Like this?
  11. Been installing the fuel system today. Even got the Molex plugs installed. And even outer top Skin Today's blooper was when i drilled my self in the finger, blood everywhere.
  12. Just about nothing, ive been trying to get some info so i can get it certified here in Sweden," yes ill fix" and nothing happens. They said spring/summer. all i know is in the yahoo group and the links above. She came in after the picture, Literally ;)
  13. So yes left wing. I dont have to read the instructions this time, i remeber everything, so it was just a matter of riveting everything. Main construction, lower skin, skin by the Flaperons, outer bottom skin, flaperon consoles and console for vertical tip skin. Tested out a new way to paint by masking so i wouldnt make such a mess, and it works =) Also decided to put rivnuts around the inspection hole underneath the tanks for easy access, of to buy them tomorrow, special order. Also off to look if i can get some better fuel lines, Kyle changed all of his so it wouldn't smell Petrol in the cabin. Love this countersink tool, just attach it to the rivtool. Its really cramped in here now. Now i need to sleep, 01:34
  14. Thats one way going for it, intresting, but wont that induce cracking points in the main spar? i would rather use rivnuts in that case. So, just thought to present my plans for the aircraft, about what equipment im gonna use. So i Ordered kit #1, which is very basic with some extra accessories like aux tanks, electric trim and map holders. Magnum 501 Parachute. 9,65 kg, for lightweight. Engine choice is the ICP M09 Engine 115 HP. about 70kg http://fly-buylsa.com/uploads/MotoreDellaNebbia.ppt Powerpoint http://experimenter.epubxp.com/i/108002/26 article. For avionics im going for a Dual Mgl iEFIS, 8,5" and 10,4" with remote conntrolled V6 radio and remote controlled Garrecht Vt01 Mode S ADS-B xpndr for a clean desk. 2x Mgl Autopilot servos. i also ordered a Dynon Angle of Attack(AOA) Pitot Boom. Powerflarm Core is in mind so i can see other Aircraft on efis. Battery is a Aerovoltz Lithium battery 12 cell 1,106grams 20 amps. gotta save weight. http://aerovoltz.net/en/aerovoltz-12-cell-lithium-battery A Vertical power VP-X sport for CircutBreakers controllable from the Efis, and if possible also the new PPS(Primary Power System) that handle the starter relays and main power bus. http://verticalpower.com/vp-x/ & http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=101987 For lighting Im gonna use AveoEngineering POSISTROBE MINIMAX & POWERBURST http://www.aveoengineering.com/index.php/product-info-posistrobe-minimax http://www.aveoengineering.com/index.php/product-info-powerburst Thats how it looks like now. inv.828.PDF inv.828.PDF inv.828.PDF
  15. Ok, stainless steel? why not use Galvanized screws, its closer to aluminium in Galvanic relation? http://www.scapro.se/images/galvanicrelationship.gif
  16. Umm and i only found M3 sunken alu rivnuts on ebay from australia? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NUTSERTS-M3-ALUMINIUM-THIN-SHEET-3mm-RIV-NUT-RIVNUT-RIVET-50pcs-/291013287919?pt=AU_Fasteners&hash=item43c1be5fef Finally found in Sweden, its a special order :/
  17. Well, im also in the practise of drilling out rivets from time to time ;) Whats on my mind now is if i should use Rivnuts to close the inspection holes for fueltanks or just rivet them, and at what stage to paint everyhing, really confused! inspection wise i have easy access to optics to inspect the whole wing from my cockpit.
  18. yup i use a Mykit log.com http://www.mykitlog.com/skee
  19. Thanks for the "TIP" ;) Time to spend an evening preparing for next wing, gotta love de-burring/painting,
  20. my question was more if the plastic could withstand the fuel enviromentally and not disintergrate/leak, and still be safe , I know impeller would rotate since it has pump. My aux fuel tanks came preinstalled/sealed/glued with 5mm couplings and inner tanks 10 mm from icp so I cant use your system, a friend of mine has those aerokits fuelvalves laying around and I seriously thought about using them until I discovered the 5 mm nipples.
  21. Anyone know if its safe to use one of these instead of the fulefilter from the AUX tanks? since manual says filter is only for visual of flow indication between tanks in wings, would it be safe? could the fuel be corrosive against the plastic? http://www.amazon.com/Scienceware-199370002-Polystyrene-Roto-Flo-Indicator/dp/B002VBW2IE/ref=pd_sim_sbs_indust_1/178-6291868-3291336
  22. Yup, last thumbnail/photo on post nr 2 you see the pump. http://www.recreationalflying.com/attachments/20131208_222055-jpg.26529/ I was into using the fuelvalve system but since the AUX tank has a 5mm(instead of a 10mm) coupling i wouldn't trust it to work with flow. sure ill keep the post updated =)
  23. Anyone here have a good solution? plastic tip is to far how did you do? Outer Aileron.
  24. The neighbour below me cough really annoying all day(dont think he has anything to say) and the next to me is playing the accordion and is very understanding. Ohh yeah there will be photos of me lowering the wings from the third floor in January when i toe the wings to the paintshop. Ive rally fallen in love with the blue Savannah S, is there any moral in copying it when painting?
  25. No im not married, i got a GF though, she got into the pic after the build started ;) Bought a new carpet 5x3m to cover the floor ;) other problem is that i bought me a brand new Playstation 4 console, ive started it twice since i purschased it, good waste of money.
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