Skee, assuming there is not a fault with the engine, cooling requires:
1. Sufficient flow of coolant through the engine and
2. Sufficient flow of air through a suitable sized radiator.[/qoute]
Hello, this morning i made download of logging from ECU.
Datas show that i`m better as i wrote yesterday.
With new cooling max temp was 82° and later on in cruise temp went down to something between 74° and 77° depending to powersetting and rpm.
You may report to Dennis, that the radiators heinstalled (entirely the same as in C42) should work if enough air can go in.
Kind regards
Jürgen Ostermeier
D-Motor Germany
Got that email yesterday
Insufficient flow of coolant can be caused by:
1. Air trapped in the system.
All points are leaning up to a ventilated high spot.
2. Faulty or incorrect pump.
i hope not, it seems to be flowing.
3. Faulty or incorrect thermostat.
it made no difference with or without it when i drove the engine with one radiator earlier, i think its working.
4. Some other blockage in the system.
radiators are in series, ive been getting different sugestions whick is best :/
5. Incorrect piping/flow direction.
all minimum 25mm.
And probably some other things, but that will do for starters.
As for the radiator, you have taken advice from the manufacturer on the size of that.
Regarding air flow, that can be difficult to get right in an aircraft. It's hard to see your full setup there, but clearly the air needs to be blown through the radiator (rather than around it). After that, the air must then be able to exit from the cowling.
Air streams seems to be sucked into the intakes.
You don't say what temperature you are measuring or where in the system?
Also, some idea of just how rapidly the temperature climbs, and how much?
WaterTemp for Efis is measured in the cylinderheads and for efis in the joined exit of the water outlets on the cylinder heads.
it will run from 95C to 120C in less than 1 minute.
Hopefully the new bigger air intakes will make a diff, otherwise i need to redo the whole cowl.