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Everything posted by Skee
Ran the engine for a good 15 minutes, oil pressure went up to 5 bar and then settled to 2,1bar as temp went up, oiltemp didnt go over 68C, water went up to 101C then i turned on the watercabin heater and temp went down a few degrees, the funnel for the watercooler on the cowl is missing so, really nice...
Seatbelts in And some markings. Bottomplate has camlocs, And som stripes. And finaly, first engine run, did not get any good readings on oil pressure so have to look it over.
skype and it will cost you a few cents.
i saw one in Friedrichafen last year at the icp booth, looks really nice, im going there next month too. these two photos is what i have now, and can fix more on 21 april.
So all the moist during the winter showed me that the cockpit structure and engine mount is bare steel, har do rub it all and paint it. Fuck
So i had som issues with my fuelsystem, it was a hoseclamp for a firesleeve that blocked the incoming line, so now i have bought two new fuel pumps extra for no need and moved sensors around on the fuel line for no need, allot of work. I took a baloon to leaktest the pitot and static and all is well, 184 km/h in the hangar is nice. I also mounted those two consoles where i think they are supposed to be. Also i copied Mark Kyle on his Builder pilot sign.
Not mandatory in Sweden but I think Germany is mandatory.
No idea, do i need positive pres? So ive been having problem with my fuel preassure, after pumps it was 3,7 bar, so i found out i had diff manuf 4 bar pumps and they should be 3 bars, so i wasted another 120 euro and bought two genuine pump only to find out i still got 3,7 after fuel pumps, on a whim i measured after engine and got 2,5bar at the fuel regulator. why? And for some reason my efis measures 1 bar wrong?!? adn there is no settings to calibrate it? what on earth, am i not ment to fly this year? Another annoying thing, i have 2 flow meters to, one ahead of engine and one after so i can see total usage, flow meters 1 & 2 work perfect on input 1 on engine monitor but i get nothing on input 2? so therefore i cant see total usage, MGL has a efis simulator and i tried doing the same there, and get the same problem, now i know it isnt user error. Ohh and does anyone know why my efis fuel pressure meter shows 1 bar too much?
Australian dealer sends out stickers that you place between fuel level meter and says level, and another sticker mentioning how many liters each line is.
Well its a flow valve, i can suck allot of air in , blow very little out until it closes when i blow to much, see the tiny hole....
Tank vents, they let air in and little out and close when the fuel flow out.
I think i found out where they are supposed to fit, they cover the parachute bridles in the roof against the wing. I felt really dumb yesterday when i tried to circulate fuel but pump did not deliver, so i sucked and nothing happened, until i noticed wrong polarity on pumps, anyway fuel taste awful. It seems i have ordered wrong pumps, they deliver 140L/h@4bar, i need 120l/h@3bar, how great is that, i took bosch article number and crossreferenced it to a another brand and got wrong, so now i got 2 new genuine bosch pumps on its way. Installed a halon fire extinguisher . Also got my personal manufact sign up. Handbrake is finaly up, a nice piece of mahogny. I got the 3 atch lock fitted, cant really understand, it wouldnt let me get the back side of the door all the way in? Closed up the wings and installed the tank breathers. The radiator opening got some nice cooling guidance.
The manufacturer can do that, i did ask him,, he will just not send you the ECU, was one more option i dont remeber. But in this case with such a new manufacturer i have a feeling he will extend his warranty to not get a bad rep, a bad rep in this industry will hurt you.
My installation is ready for start and my two friends has already started thiers, works like a charm. (4cyl) The manufacturer has been very supportive, what is still lacking is a good users manual, he let a school do it for him in exchange for an engine long time ago, still nothing, you have to email but he responds directly same day, even on weekends. The 1 bulletin that has been issued was a change to a more powerful alternator. What works against the 6 cyl is that its still an very unproven engine compared to the 4cyl, and every aviation geek will talk about how they only trust proven engines, im so tired at that shit. So far all ok for me but i havent started it yet,
Nop, different shape.
My choice of different engine than a Rotax, I need to custom make one. I have found that the two parts relate to the parachute kit, just don't know where.
So i weighed the plane and made my goals. I also got the elevator autopilot capstan installed, also got the tension measured Found it hard to install belts after i got the carpet in. I hade an argument with the door and wing closure, misfit so i had to modify the wing closure. Anyone knows where these two parts fit? Nice to have doors. Got some more carpet in and some stickers, im no pro at this The aircraft itself will probably work fine, i have done my best with my tools and knowhow, im certain people could have done this allot better, ive learned allot on the way, what to do and what not to do, one is that do not let tape sit to long or it will rip off your paint. For now im doing the Pilot operating handbook, i applied for registration that seems to take forever, need it before applying for everything rest, but most of all i wish it could get warmer outside, -15C dosent help...
So did mine, just drill and rivet.
I suppose this is what you are talking about.
Self preservation, see and be seen! Why would you ever need a seatbelt.
yes, in under there.
There many versions is, yes, check aircraft spruce and search for tank seal, answer you will find.