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Everything posted by Skee

  1. Did just install mine so.
  2. Drilled later when assembled on wing with 18 +-1mm lower from outer aileron
  3. I did buy the Canopy cover, maybe should make it a rule to always have it on when refueling...
  4. So can i destress rivetholes without clearance? say i heat my door now before i even hang it on the fuselage?
  5. Cabin heating hoses installed. All the panels around the empennage installed, damn it was tight. And control rods connected. And some other small shit...
  6. Yup i painted my roof..
  7. Flap/Ailerons fine adjustment.
  8. I got all tank fittings pre assembled from icp with holes for tanks and sight gauge. Australia don't want this?
  9. Just a weird thing i noticed today when sun was shining on the black surface, i got a big dent in the black leading edge of the wings, do they react on heat and expand ???? Very cold and some instant sun....
  10. Weather is still ok but cold as hell.. Small work tinkering. Riveting roof. Gas return tube. Pitot & Angle of attack tubing. Petrol hose from wings Cleaning up the bridles. And Ailerons. Just assembly of stuff to get it airborn
  11. Hmm. WE had -8C freezing degrees today so i think not before spring , ill spend the winter with paperwork and video games instead.
  12. I successfully upgraded the power of my aircraft with one dogpower! Installed the cabin heating. And the oil thermostat. And some more... Takes long time.
  13. The small tank inspection panels are an icp thing, wrecked one tank panel and got one new with holes in, had to have symmetry, copied to other wing.
  14. So i took everything i had and allot extra and threw it on the airplane to see the weight of it, 295kg, but the cockpit mats was still in its cutout leftovers. Still need oil and water and my limit is 297,5kg so when i sorted the mats i really think i can do it. Inspections panels for wing tanks. Roof painted. Stab/eleva wing tips. its allot of small parts to assemble.....
  15. Heres mine,,, its wings... you attached them when wings sit on fuselage.
  16. First thought is leading edge Wings against front window, thats only place i can position them, looks a little bit diff than mine but you have a newer model. This list made my sorting SO much easier, i bought 20 boxes and sorted everything by chapter. sAVANNAH INVENTARIELISTA.xls sAVANNAH INVENTARIELISTA.xls sAVANNAH INVENTARIELISTA.xls
  17. Skee

    Cabin Heater

    So my water system can transfer carbon monoxide
  18. Skee

    Cabin Heater

    The fan is built in, can't see it on photo. It is supposed to make 3,5kw of heat.
  19. Skee

    Cabin Heater

    I have water system like this that I have not installed yet, got this foto from a Norwegian Savannah. T7design.co.uk
  20. Skee

    Stabilizer ???

    http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/g205.php Is popular. So take your time and read other build threads in this forum, they have allot of photos and will probably answer most of your questions.
  21. Skee

    Stabilizer ???

    Buy what you want http://www.aircraftspruce.com/categories/aircraft_parts/ap/menus/el/gripspistolstick.html
  22. I installed a oil thermostat, engine manuf said my oil cooling was to good, bought a ordinary Mocal OT/1, saw the same on a Rotax and it was not the expensive on ebay, not yet completed since i wanted some firesleeve over the oil hose. I wanted to remove the overspray so i roughed up the old paint and added new paint, that reacted with the old paint and made a raisin surface, it was easy to remove the paint down to the primer, i added new primer and new paint, lesson learned. And a Great Sunday Resulted in the wings getting mounted! Gathered some friends and had a good time.
  23. Skee

    Stabilizer ???

    I just attached one so i could paint the stab and elevator seperatly, when painting was done i attached the plate and elevator.
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