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Everything posted by Skee

  1. About the tires, I had the same issue and did the same. In the end I bought high quality Beringer wheels instead.
  2. Aviation will be probably next year, she will be ready this fall i hope, Speculation! List left. Create cowling hood - started Mount new lightweight tires from Beringer Aero Mount arm rest support on doors Create air ductings for cooling Paint , Wings, fin, cowl, doors Assemble aircraft Pay allot of money to board of transportation (700-1000 aud) for registration.
  3. Im having so much fun on the floor!!!!!! Favourite position!
  4. Today i actually got that feeling that im not that far away of it beeing ready, still only a feeling:play ball: I played around with Fire sleeves, got them mounted around the fuel lines and that oil line underneath by the exhaust. Also i felt i needed a heat shield as the fuel flow meters was really close to the silencer, anyone know a better solution? strapped it there with steel stripes. Another thing is to never couple wires at midnight:yuck:, everything goes wrong and it gets ugly.
  5. I have one,, but im still bulding.. Number 69 Got any questions ill answer them if i can.
  6. Got the power cables into the engine bay, i think it looks really neat.
  7. I got the wings back together, alot quicker when you have a helping hand. More stuff with engine. Oil hose leaps free, And air from front should do to the oil cooler. Its really coming together. I moved the Lambda plug more forward, D-motor recommended a move. Just another week
  8. Build manual says to use mineral oil. If you would like to change wheels and save a few kilos, there is a kit from Beringer. http://www.beringer-aero.com/en/products/wheels-brakes-14.htm?force
  9. wonder when it becomes 91% =) Got some Oil hoses installed, anyone know when i need to use firesleeves? Installed the Ignition coils. And the alternator regulator
  10. Made myself a oilcooler funnel, now where do i connect this? Some more parts are painted, wonder if this wil look good later? Connected the fuel pressure sender. All the progress now is to connect stuff with other stuff, feels like no progress at all,, anyone feel me?
  11. Skee

    Fuel Schematics

    This is how ICP send out their instructions to me last year and i built as it. (Ignore the fuel return into the fuselage collection tank, fuel return should connect directly to where it says gas return line)
  12. I got a new Airfilter box,, i use what i can find, problem is now how i get the air to the radiator, oilcooler and air box...... how can i duct it? I ripped out the front wheel and replaced the console with a stronger. Getting the flowmeters installed. Also got the ECU mounted. Ailerons are painted and so are the rear rudders that i am picking up tomorrow. Ripped of the leading edges, since they got damaged in transport, already got new. Also got the shelf for the parachute installed, a new thing required for warranty from junkers.
  13. Skee

    African Savannah

    Welcome, are you a builder or an owner?
  14. It seems he didnt use any backing gas, had a angry call with him, i got free repairs 4ever, annoyed but still its just an exhaust, just oil and sot. Been having inspections since my old inspector died, redoing all aint fun. Sanded a few parts and left at the painter. Decided to remake the leading edges of the wings, they got a ugly dent. I moved the Radiator to sit on the engine mount and installed some silicone hoses. ´ Saw some news at Aero Friedrichafen. Armrest Better nosewheel support A support bracket for the BRS parachute New nicer plastic screws
  15. So i got a licensed guy to weld my system, was NOT cheap, he needs to pay his weldinglicense, just one of those hidden costs when buying a engine without a finished exhaust. I had to pay $1000 AUD to get the stamp so the inspector can see it in the logbook later on. Anyway it looks good.
  16. Just another day in paradise =) Added the front fin. The oil can got there. And adapted the Coolergrill to fit around the oil filter, ppretty happy with it considering i dont have any special machines. The radiator is big like hell and i solved it by ducting the air from the front to the sides. Now to Get the nacas molded into the front.
  17. Did the exhaust today, just tacked it so a real welder can do the fine work later. Now where do i put the radiator?????
  18. Had to make a cut-out for the oil filter, i kinda regret now that i didn't just buy a prop extender, but i walked this road when i shortened the cowl. I Finished my Carbon monoxide sensor =), ill just connect it to my Efis and it will warn me on screen if its active, lets hope i never need to find out if it works. Also putted some shrink tube over the brake lines. On Monday there's a guy commin to tack weld my exhaust, i also ordered a new hood from icp, i got a kink on it, stupid hood should come pre rolled from factory. Ever wonder if engine manufacturers thinks twice? so tight i even had to turn the screw facing other way and i still think its to tight.
  19. well, custom make a radiator and post to Sweden,, mjaaa, that would have been huge bucks..
  20. bought this one....
  21. I really liked this solution. just got recommended these from a Rotax reseller, size seems good? try http://loravia.com/shop/en/cooling/water/water-radiator-2 or http://loravia.com/shop/en/cooling/water/water-radiator-1
  22. No he cant :/ , have to find my own solution.
  23. I need to buy a radiator. How do i figure out what size i need? many use Motorcycle radiators.
  24. So ive shortened the Cowl about 5cm and aligned it, so much work.... Also need to make cutouts in the airintake for oilfilter and oil temp probe. Now to shorten the hood a bit.
  25. Nothing much happening really, its going really slowly, Girlfriend keeps nagging that i only think work and air plane,, what she forgot is that she thinks work, work, work, dogs, dogs, and sleep when she gets home, then she can complain on me wanting to play with my air plane one day a week. I had to shorten the mount a bit, the jabiru bushing was larger, great tool this. So i got the Engine up and it looks lovely. Thing was that i needed the prop shaft to extend out of cowling, either change the shaft(allot of work) or shorten the Cowling(also allot of work), i went for shorting the cowl, wish i hadt now the hood doesnt fit , just another issue to solve. But at last it stands on its own legs.
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