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Everything posted by crusty

  1. Anyone know where I can source replacement cable for the above headsets. I have checked out lynx and other suppliers but they don't seem to have cable only. The original cable is still working but the outer insulation is splitting and peeling away. My CFI had similar problems and took them to Airborne who are Aussie suppliers of Lynx but all they did was send them to Lynx UK and you can imagine the cost. Suggestions ?
  2. Great preparation suggestion Howard, love it!!!!! WP.
  3. Very interesting what comments/opinions come from the uninformed who think they are informed.
  4. I had a problem with my SkyDat, moisture got in electrical control box and resulted in the engine hour reading altering. After emails to Airborne then the manufacturer the only way to reset the hour metre was by sending the unit to South Africa to be done in their factory. An unsatisfactory result as far as I am concerned so I opted to enter relevant particulars in aircraft log book with new and old hour readings so correct history is recorded. Crusty
  5. I have had two incidents involving props, the first on a edge X trike as a passenger and after several circuits doing touch and go's, the trike had landed and when applying power to take off again one of the blades (4 bladed brolga) delaminated. No undue vibration was experienced as the power was reduced immediately then the engine shut down. The second incident was in a edge X outback and again I was the passenger when the pilots helmet visor came adrift and went through the prop (helmets that airborne supply and if the screws are not kept tight the visor has a tendancy to raise when the wind gets under it). On this occasion the prop was a 3 bladed warp drive and no damage and barely a tiny faint mark on one of the blades (speaks well of the warp drives).
  6. Try OAMPS insurance brokers, they insure HGFA registered trikes. WP
  7. Not sure Bluey, we didn't get to talk to long as the big blue was beckoning.
  8. I was speaking to someone on the weekend who was flying Airbornes 912 with the new wing and he said he was getting 80 knots out of it ( we were discussing an extended windshield would be a must at those speeds). WP.
  9. I have a 3 bladed warp drive prop set up for a 582, only 160 hours on it. WP.
  10. I agree in principle with you but unfortunately a letter and maybe a check flight will not/cannot test for attitude, and thats where most if not all of the problems come from. WP.
  11. Float Trikes formerly operated at Maitland but has not for some time, I don't know if they are still active elsewhere or not. AirBorne Upper Hunter is a different outfit now operating at Maitland. WP.
  12. Airborne XT 912 Outback with streak 3 wing for sale, 135 hours, good condition, always hangered Maitland, microair radio with headsets and helmets. $57000. Contact Chrisso at Airborne Upper Hunter 0428444868.
  13. Well done Guernsey, 10/10. WP.
  14. I have found that tyre centres generally do not carry the tyres/inner tubes in stock (probably not enough demand) but are happy to order them in for you. WP.
  15. I have a 912 outback and have the same problem, rust spots with no paint degredation.
  16. david10, How do you test for ethanol? WP.
  17. My first trike was a two stroke because that was all I could afford at the time, probably a similar situation a lot of people just starting in the sport find themselves in, mind you the two stroke was a great trouble free motor for me (I now have a 912). With regards the HKS four stroke, I seen it late last year fitted to an XT and flew along side it while Shane was flying it. They told me the cost would be somewhere between the two and four stroke rotax's and the reason for the HKS was simply some people did not like two strokes. From memory I think the HKS four stroke is 60 hp whereas the Rotax 582 is 65 hp. WP.
  18. Anyone know where they have hidden the social groups this time, I have only just got used to the last change? WP.
  19. Found this on the Pommy Microlight Forum, a couple of guys trying to have a flight. Attached Thumbnails
  20. Disaster at Eddsfield Airfield North Yorkshire It is feared up to 40 aircraft have met their peril at Eddsfield Airfield North Yorkshire today. Eddsfield as well as being the re-fueling station for the coast guard helicopter fleet/north and west Yorkshire police helicopters and the much used 2 Yorkshire air ambulances,Eddsfield is home to about 60 privately owned aircraft. As squadron coordinator and chief pilot of Air Search Yorkshire,one of my tasks during the day is to field many of the calls/emails and text messages for assistance in an area covering a large part of Yorkshire. Today i was contacted by a member of scarborough coast guard to provide reconnaissance photos of a large snow slide. as it turns out it wasn't a snow slide, but 2 out of the 3 hangars at Eddsfield Airfield had collapsed during this morning crushing the 40+ aircraft inside including most of the north Yorkshire fleet of skywatch search aircraft.....fortunately there was no loss of life. unfortunately we're all sat here grounded by the hourly snow storms,so could not attend,but when V.F.R. rules permit I'll post a few pics. The reason for the post, many members of this forum use Eddsfield as a halfway point when flying over the north Yorkshire moors and the east coast,Eddsfield should be considered closed and pilots are advised to use Beverly(lindley hill) for the time being re fueling facilities will operate from lindley hill
  21. I have been away for a month on holidays, 4 of the Maitland Microlighters left yesterday to fly the morning glory and one of the regular posters is among them. They should have some stories and piccy's when they return.
  22. You say he tested one pensioner who does not fly and one pilot? Seems strange, it can be likened to police testing a "potential" passenger in a car and with respect to the pilot, at a club meeting where no flying is or intending to be carried out, seems like an arrogant bluff and abuse of the law! Has anyone out there contacted CASA re the real legal status as from what has been said I would be inclined to not submit to a test and certainly not supply personal details. Crusty
  23. Question, When trying to log on today with my usual username 'Crusty' I kept getting a window telling me I had unfilled fields in my profile. Apart from finding this odd after being a member for some time, I tried to fill in the fields but kept going around in circles back to the same window re unfilled fields or the administrator may have locked me out. As I could not find a way to ask the question "what is happening" because I am locked out, I have had to rejoin as "Crusty2", so Mr Administrator, what is or has happened?:big_grin:
  24. POV 1.5 Camera G'day guys, I have only had a couple of attempts at filming with my new POV so not in a position to show anything yet and the video editing program supplied with the camera can only be described as crap. I am in the process of getting a decent program and hope to have something to show then. In the mean time the CFI at Maitland (Airborne Upper Hunter Flight Trainng) has posted on youtube I think he called it Manfreds solo flight. With respect to the camera selection, the trouble I am faced with is the plug/pin sockets, I have inquired at Jaycar, Dick Smiths and a couple of electronics firms with no success. I will try and post pictures of the plugs in the pictures and albums section for your reference. WP i_dunno
  25. POV 1.5 camera G'day all, I have just purchased a POV 1.5 action camera. At the moment I mount the camera on my helmet where I have found out just how much you move your head around in flight. It is early days for me so still getting used to it, my CFI bought one at the same time and has his mounted on the trailing edge of the wing approximately half way between trike and tip which gives a great shot of the trike and forward of the trike with the wide angle lens. I have inquired about using a second camera head with the same control unit so that I would be able to switch between camera's but unfortunately such an animal does not exist with one supplier suggesting that I purchase a second entire unit (typical salesperson). The POV camera unit is great so if anyone out there knows of or can make a switching box I would appreciate your comments. WP
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