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Keith W

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Everything posted by Keith W

  1. Thanks everybody my harness is the same as Derek's , just need to work out the antenna, Keith.
  2. Im fitting another radio radio to my Jabi, both are Becker 4201, do I have to fit another antenna or can I buy a splitter and just run the original antenna, thanks Keith.
  3. Novus windscreens have a 3 stage scratch removal kit worked for me cheers Keith.
  4. about 12 deg c
  5. A cold winters day flying in central Victoria
  6. Echuca Aero Club hosts there monthly flight in and roast lunch this Sunday 19/3/17 from 12.30,all welcome, please note Aprils roast lunch day cancelled because of Easter.
  7. Leave it alone if you want to carry more weight or passengers get an RPL, or next thing you know Raa will be over regulated, people seem to want all the benefits of RAA but without rules etc of GA.
  8. Fly into yech this Sunday for the Echuca Aero Clubs monthly roast lunch, plenty to eat, dessert and coffee machine, starts at 12.30
  9. Hi Guy sorry don't have any pictures I gave them to the bloke I sold the plane to, if your oil cooler doesn't have a scoop on it you probably have the normal shroud,if you give the guys at border aerospace at Wangaratta a call,they made 2 and kept 1 to copy let me know how you go cheers Keith
  10. Echuca Aero Clubs monthly fly in roast lunch day next Sunday 20th Nov all welcome.please RSVP.
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  11. When I press go to and select airports I get the information box of an airport, I need to get out of this and back to the list of airports
  12. Thanks Mick had all ready worked that one out but need to find airfields further away than the ones listed on page,
  13. In my new plane I have a dash mounted avmap ekp1v, when I press go to and select airports I cannot get a list of airports, I know it's there because I found it once before but can't remember how, the manual I down loaded isn't much help either, I only want to select an airport as a destination as a backup for oz runways can somebody explain it to me in easy steps thanks Keith.
  14. Yes 50mm under maximum width and could even be a bit lower.
  15. The wings do fold takes 5 minutes
  16. Yes Garmin 111 gps fairly old but my mates one works fine, google it , only want it as a back up if we can get the right information on it thanks Keith.
  17. I was recently given a Garmin 111 gps, a friend of mine has one in his plane and I thought it would be useful to have in the plane as a back up if the IPad failed. Can any body tell me how to transfer the waypoints from my mates gps to mine, thanks Keith.
  18. If I could figure out why the photos won't send from mr I-phone to my I-pad I could put up some photos, smart phone but not smart operator.
  19. 7 aircraft from Echuca flew to Shepp for thier famous pancake breakfast this morning, great weather great people great food , what else do we need.
  20. Where missing a clock with a note to pick it up from shepp at the next breakfast just organising the crane truck to help us get some of your back to Echuca, next roast lunch is on the 21st of February , hope to see you on the 7th of its to hot for the gazelle will try and drive over cheers Keith.
  21. Hi Kaz will the famous shepp pancake breakfast on the 7th of February.
  22. Hi Mike would you be able to send me some photos of where they attach to thanks Keith.
  23. No wouldn't tow it around Australia only live 10 min from Echuca airport, biggest problem with towing it is all the people looking as they go past, nearly causes accidents. Have altered the trailer since that picture made the deck a lot lower and better ramps. No Mike I haven't got the brace but wouldn't mind some cheers Keith.
  24. What about some of the Morgan aircraft, don't the wings swing on them.
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