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Keith W

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Everything posted by Keith W

  1. Thanks for the replies every body, I'm not that worried about the uneven fuel drain it's the slight dry fuel streaks down the wing that I don't like, the only place I can think of where it's coming from is out of the vent, wether it's being sucked out or pushed out I don't know, I thought it might be related that the side that drained last had the fuel s
  2. My Gazellewill use nearly all the fuel from the port tank before it starts taking fuel from the starboard tank, also I get fuel streaks on the starboard wing, not much but enough to be a nuisance, removed the filler and checked the seal everything ok, only thing I can think of is a bit of a vacuum sucking some fuel out through the breather or the tank some how getting pressurised enough to force fuel out open to suggestions thanks Keith.
  3. Here now shit hot
  4. Hi Matt our roast day for Nov is on the 15th, I like Geoffs idea about running the fuel thru the mister funnel and then tipping it into the plane,would probably use the mister funnel at the service station when I filled my containers, I have 2 types of containers the first 3 I bought have a 25mm outlet and are slow to empty, I found some willow 10 litre fuel containers that have a 50 mm outlet and these empty as fast as the mr funnel can strain the fuel much easier to use, Keith.
  5. Hi Matt yes i bought the plane from Wigg about 2 years ago great plane flies really well, he did an excellent job of repairing it,I'm not in a wheel chair but Peter G is who has also posted here, the biggest problem I have with fuelling through the mister funnel is that you can't see when the tank is full even up on the ladder so if your on the ground you have less chance, don't like over filling and seeing the fuel run down the wings, seeing that we can't hold that much fuel sometimes I like to get in as much fuel as I can, I've thought about filling the containers thru the mister funnel at the service station then siphoning into the tanks but prefer to filter at the plane, any body have any ideas on this Keith.
  6. Hi Matt i fuel my Gazelle from 10 litre fuel containers, not so heavy a lot easier to handle than the 20 litre ones, seeing as each tank only holds 24 litres you rarely need more than 2 per wing,as I fold the wings to store my plane I siphon the remaining fuel from the tanks when I finish my flying you can't get it all out usually leaves about 5 litres in each tank, I put the left over fuel in my car and by a fresh lot next time I go flying, using a pump is a good idea if your transferring a lot of fuel but seeing as we only use about 40 litres each time is it really worth the effort, cheers Keith.
  7. Skyfox made the larger radiator shrouds and a scoop for the oil cooler and called it a tropical kit, managed to get a lend of one to copy and took it over to Border Aerospace at Wangaratta where Rolly and Paul fabricated one for me, fitted it up and flew today with an air temp of about 30deg,big difference got nowhere near as hot on climb out and cht temp dropped back to normal operating temp at cruise, will now work on the oil cooler scoop and get that fitted up, very happy with the job can now fly whe n the temp gets over 30 deg.
  8. Should be plb thanks Keith.
  9. Hi Ian interested in the pub cheers Keith.
  10. Hi Philip I have a gazelle maintenance and flight manual on cd happy to copy it for you if you like, cheers Keith.
  11. 6 cyl jabi engine for sale on Raa website
  12. Actually Floods were very helpful and sold me a good 2nd hand head.
  13. Rotax will not repair spark plug threads with a helicoil or anything else, they reckon it alters the heat range of the plug and the heat retention of the head.
  14. Thanks Maj the thread still looks alright but starting to pull a bit, just needed to know if it was a Rotax thing not to repair the threads but to replace the head thanks Keith.
  15. The bottom spark plug thread on no 3 cylinder on my 80hp rotax is just about stripped, I have been told that i cannot use a helicoil to repair it and I have to replace the head, can anybody tell me if that's true or any way to repair it, or as a last resort has any body got a head for sale, thanks Keith.
  16. Hi Warren I have a Gazelle manuel on cd if that's any help cheers Keith.
  17. Hi Neil thanks for the feedback apparently the 3 blade is a lot smoother in operation than the 2 blade, sorry to see you have gone to the dark side and bought a Savannah, happy flying Keith.
  18. When I bought my Gazelle it had a 3 blade Bolly prop fitted, never flew it with the Bolly on because of the insurance dramas, bought an allsize prop and have been flying with that on, now am able to apply to RAA through MARAP to be able to use the Bolly, what differences will I find if I fit the Bolly and can I change back to the 2 blade if I want, will it be worth the effort to go through MARAP to be able to fit the Bolly, just after some opinions cheers Keith.
  19. Finally after trying everything else have found the tacho to have a fault in the circuit board somewhere trying to repair it if not will have to be a new tacho, 3/18 rotax tacho se ems pretty scarce
  20. Echuca Aero Club is hosting their monthly fly in roast lunch day at YECH next sunday the 17th, all welcome lunch starts at 12.30.
  21. I have a problem with the VDO tacho in my gazelle, it wasn't reading at low revs now it doesn't work at all, I've had the taco checked and its ok checked the wiring and connections all ok, 238 ohms resistance across the trigger unit, the only thing I can think of is the air gap so can somebody tell me how to measure and adjust it in a 912 and also what the air gap should be thanks Keith.
  22. The tacho in my Gazelle has stopped working, it flickered at low revs for a while but now doesn't work at all, it's a VDO electric tacho with the rotax markings, checked the wiring and had the tacho tested and all is fine, is there a sensor that triggers the tacho, not sure where to look next thanks Keith
  23. The oil level is low on dip stick when I can't get it to burp and I turn it over slowly holding it for a bit on compression which usually makes it burp in about 10 to 15 turns but sometimes it doesn't happen.
  24. Sometimes I can't get my 912 to gurgle the oil back into the oil tank, usually it burps after about 10 turns but every now and again it won't do it, it's an 80hp in a Gazelle with plenty of compression, if I run it its usually burps next time I check it thanks Keith.
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