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Keith W

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Everything posted by Keith W

  1. When I removed the cowling after I finished my circuits the radiator didn't seem as hot as the rest of the engine, does anybody know how much coolant it should hold read the manual but can't find a capacity any where Keith.
  2. Finely got to fly the gazelle yesterday, the 912 ran beautiful but still ran hot, I have bled the coolant system as best I can and I'm running evans coolant, on climb out the temp goes up when you pull some throttle back to 5000 rpm it comes back a bit and at idle. on final it comes way back but after 4 circuits thought it best to to pull the pin as the temp was slowly building. The air temp was 33 degrees and very humid might try extending the sides of the shroud to try and funnel more air through the radiator, open to suggestions cheers Keith.
  3. Hi Carl the manual is on my computer, I should be able to email it to you cheers Keith.
  4. Hi Carl I have a copy of a manual for a ca25n if that's any help cheers Keith.
  5. Thanks everyone seems it is an airlock because the header tank is not much higher than the radiator,folded the wings to sit it on its tail, took the cap of and give it a good shake, hopefully this will fix it but the weather will stop me flying for a while.
  6. Hi just did the 5 year rubber hose replacement on my gazelle and now it's running very hot coolant temp, anybody got any ideas on how to bleed the coolant system I reckon it's prolly got an airlock thanks Keith.
  7. Echuca aero club has a Sunday lunch the 3rd Sunday of every month, also Friday night drinks the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month, check their website, cheers Keith.
  8. There is an ad issued for Gazelle rudder horns,they must be straight and checked before each flight cheers Keith.
  9. I was at the airport yesterday and my instructor didn't have any students,there was a 90 deg crosswind blowing with the windsock straight out, I said let's do some crosswind practice, so we had an hour of circuits showing me different ways to land ,how you can stuff it up (easy for me) and how to get out of different situations when you do stuff it up, I found I really enjoyed it , anybody can fly on a good day but there's always the time you will get caught and its good to have the practice in crap conditions,so even when you get your licence you never stop learning Keith.
  10. Well I was at the John Deere dealer today and on the counter they had telescopic magnets for 12$, took one home and with the help of a torch and mirror got the nut out, thanks everyone Keith.
  11. Thanks everybody I think the easiest thing for me is to keep a firm grip on my nuts when I'm folding the wings, will let you all know if I get the nut out thanks Keith.
  12. I was folding the wings on my Gazelleand when I went to put the nut on the strut to attach it to the tail I dropped the nut into the hole at the bottom of the tail fin,any suggestions anyone thanks Keith.
  13. Do bantams have sheepskin seat covers.
  14. Thanks for all the feedback, but has anyone done a compression test on a 80 hp rotax and what readings should you get thanks Keith.
  15. Hi can anybody tell me what sort of compression readings you could excepect from an 80hp 912 and also how much variation between the cylinders, thanks Keith.
  16. Hi Neil, was there any difference between the 2 props, which do you prefer, let's keep our fingers crossed that maj Millard can convince casa on the benefits of the none standard props. Keith.
  17. Thanks Maj, what happens after1500 hours when your running on condition, Keith
  18. Can a 80hp 912 rotax run on condition in a RA 24 registered plane, can some one please explain this to me, thanks Keith.
  19. Thanks Riley I thought that was the case, seems pretty ridiculous when everybody I have spoken to that's tried the 3blade on the gazelle says it makes them a much better aircraft.
  20. Noticed a gazelle for sale on the RA website with a 3 blade bolly prop,is it legal to fit a 3 blade prop to a gazelle.
  21. Great to seesomebody flying this weekend, weathers improving here in Echuca.
  22. Looking forward to flying all week only to get a weekend like this.
  23. Thanks Nev yes I am there's a few gazelles for sale but they all seem to have around 1450 engine hours, which if you have to do a rebuild at 1500 hours makes them a expensive option .
  24. Nearly there with my license, thinking about buying a gazelle but the 1500 hourly rebuild has me worried,do you still have to do the rebuild if the plane is for private use. Or is there any cheaper way around it any advice welcome, thanks.
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