Danny, as you know I took delivery of the same kit at the same time you did, in fact it was shipped in the same container. My BushCat was completed and flying within 12 months. Sure, there are some differences - I’m semi-retired, have a massive shed, 10mins drive to my hangar and have free access to other aviation experts. But, I have never built an aircraft either. However I did experience a number of the gripes you have regarding the kit but I either contacted the factory who addressed any issue immediately and if any parts were required shipped them via DHL Express. They arrived in regional Victoria within 6 working days. Otherwise instead of stewing over it I came up with a work around.
I worked in corporate most of my life and have never dealt with a company that is so customer focused as SkyReach, and as a result I now have a great kit built LSA which I enjoy flying.
PS, if you’re frustrated now just wait until you get the the paperwork and compliance.