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Everything posted by ev17ifly2

  1. I have landed at most of the above airports and had little difficulty in obtaining Mogas. I travelled with 2 x 20 litre fold up bladders from Liquid Containment which are excellent. At one town a stockman drove us into the servo and at Hillston a council worker loaned us his ute. From memory there was only one occasion where I filled with an avgas shandy. Just make sure your flight plan excludes Willcannia as some in that town aren’t welcoming of pilots.
  2. A couple of years back when Mangalore was flat out some instructor had trained them to say “number one” after every call in the circuit which they then believed gave them absolute priority. That is of course if you could even understand the Changalese
  3. Holey cow, a massive $5 increase from RAAus. My shire rates have increased by $300 this year, car and bike registration also up significantly, health insurance through the roof, petrol at an all time high, how will I ever manage to scrape up the extra $5 to go flying.
  4. If you had taken the time to come to grips with the CASA online store you would have soon realised that there are many free publications that can be ordered all for a total postage cost of $15. Either way when you are asked to check out and pay the $15 p & h fee is clearly shown. You could have opted out at that point.
  5. I’ll say it just one more time , the BushCat kit can be ordered ex factory including propeller, engine and a choice of around 8 instrument panels. Depending on avionics the price can be up to $90k Suggest those interested contact Errol direct at GAP rather than wasting time on this forum like I have just done
  6. My BushCat KIT came with prop, instruments, and engine. All supplied by GAP Aviation in QLD
  7. No, that includes the 912uls
  8. Or you could pay between $85k to $105k for an Aircreation or P&M trike. Wow
  9. Not sure where the $45000 came from unless your talking US$. A compete kit is just under $90k inc gst
  10. I won’t be posting on this forum but there will be pics on BushCat Club and BFDU on FB
  11. 25 prefix, early ultralight. Probably old rego or has an exemption, either way long before I started flying.
  12. I think this guy might be having a lend of you. Section 5.1, 10.2 in the RA tech manual states that the 2 digit prefix, hyphen then the 4 digit rego must be displayed
  13. And while you lot are at it, you’d better get on to your respective motoring registration authorities who disclose your information to local councils when you overstay a parking meter. Which by the way is a hell of a lot more than you’ll ever have to pay by way of landing fees
  14. Well said Camel. Unfortunately this thread was started with unsubstantiated rubbish and it’s escalated from there. Thank you for your first hand level headed input
  15. edited...mod
  16. Of late many councils and shires view their airstrips as both a financial and legal liability and there are consultants out there who perpetuate that myth. Unlike a "grey nomad" a touring pilot and their passenger(s) bring little else with them apart from their wallets. As a result they tend to spend a bit more in the district than your typical terrestrial tourist. A few (not many) councils have woken up to this fact and actively encourage us to stay and spend.
  17. Bill you're right "we don't need to know" just so long as that department continues to exist along with the solid technical support and representation we have come to expect the RAA needs to make no announcement
  18. Hello people, here is where it started. I trust you don't get this far off track when flying
  19. I'm amazed, I resurected this thread with a tongue in cheek suggestion that we cater for the wingers and hard done by members and it's now gained another life
  20. Yeah, but wouldn't it be more convenient if we add my suggested forums - Glass Half Empty and Axe to Grind. That way about half the posts on this site would have a home
  21. Maybe not "off topic" but its apparent that many members would benefit from a couple of others - "axe to grind" and "glass half empty". This would enable them to bang on ad infinitum as to how they were wronged by authority and the good old days. It may require an audio filter as the whining will be louder than a GE90 spooling up
  22. A person who buys anything mechanical thinking it's bomb proof should think again, especially if said machine has 2000plus hours.
  23. Congratulations to Mark Smith it looks like he's done a great job with hid first edition of Sport Pilot
  24. As Will Smith once said "stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions"
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