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Everything posted by ev17ifly2

  1. Others may disagree but IMO there is no such thing as a "beginners trike" Trikes vary by manufacturer, flight parameters, wings, engine, etc but none are marketed as a beginners aircraft. I did my training in an Airborne 912 with a Streak then Arrow wing and then went on to buy an Air Creation Tanarg. It was within my budget and suited the type of flying I intended to persue - touring. So for what its worth you should make the decision as to which trike based on budget and intended use.
  2. I'm a relative newcomer to recreational aviation having only been certified for a little over 3 years. In that time I have purchased a rag and tube machine ( Air Creation Tanarg 912ES ) and have logged over 200hrs. To date my organisation, RAA has been a joy to fly under. No hassles with paperwork or renewals, great information flow, good online interface to name a few. My main concern is that if certain parties manage to fragment our sport resulting in a number of associations then none of them will remain financially viable for long.
  3. I would be concerned that with all this shananigans going on and if it continues that the umpire ( CASA) will blow his whistle and make a call that none of us recreational pilots will like. In most instances the umps decision is final and hard to overturn. Also, there are not enough members or potential members in this country to have more than one coheasive,effective and financial association under which to fly and even that entity will struggle due to numbers.
  4. Glad you found the strip given that this thread is USA/Canada
  5. No not at all. I guess I was having a backhanded go all those who have nothing better to do than bang on ad infinitum on this site in a negative way without contributing one iota in a positive way to the organization we fly under. It appears to have got worse lately. Usually a sign of an idle person with too much time on their hands
  6. How is this a "general discussion on recreational aviation" as per the Forum. I have an excuse for being grounded, weather however I am starting to suspect that the majority of habitual posters on this site fly from their Jason Recliner. Maybe a poll on who actually logs some hours. The results may surprise
  7. It appears to be a race as to which one disappears into the cyber graveyard first - Sport Pilot or Melbourne's Saturday Age as both are down on advertisers.
  8. I notice with interest that the number of paid advertisements per edition appears to be on the decline. The current July mag appears to be down on the past two editions. Can anyone shed some light on this and who is going to pick up any financial shortfall ?
  9. Hopefully it's a one to one ratio - one raving right wing looney offsets one raving left wing looney. Both are equally as dangerous
  10. Seems like the the editor of Sport Pilot needs a lesson in entomology. This months edition has an article on the danger of mud wasps with an image of a European Wasp.
  11. Bremick is actually an Aussie company based in Sydney. Stick with AN fasteners meant for aviation and give the others a miss. It's not worth the few cents you save. Peter at Yarrawonga Fight Training runs a pilot shop and ships Australia wide. He also handles Airborne, Air Creation and P & M trikes so talks the language
  12. Before you go fly it please get some instruction and sound advice as you may not be round long enough to become "OldGrasshopper"
  13. I think I get where you're coming from, however if one of our clever members could develop a "Storchy Translation App" That would be a great help
  14. Mate, that's the least of your privacy worries. If you connect to the Internet or own a mobile phone then the world knows when you sneeze. RAA knowing your postal address is the least of your worries.
  15. Hey Kasper, I'm interested to know what your rationale is for building and flying a mix and match trike ? What determines the configuration for the flight ? Does the plug and play ( or plug and pray) add much in the way of maintenance costs and time. This appears to be a similar approach that many of the US trike owners adopt
  16. Interesting, I wasn't aware that you can tell the octain of fuels just by measuring the specific gravity. Can someone please expand on this
  17. Sorry, this site needs two buttons - "funny ha ha" and "funny rediculous" then in the case of you and Bats I could have used the latter.
  18. People such as you are part of the problem, going off half cocked making ill informed comments. What would you know about manoeuvres in a current model trike ? Having flown an Edge X doesn't qualify. Anyway the networks afternoon news is going to air as we speak with a more factual version of what occurred. How the hell can you gain knowledge discussing speculation and rumour !
  19. Please be careful as to what you say in regard to this accident. The airport manager was misquoted by both Herald Son and Border Mail so little if non of the above is fact. Why not just express your condolences and wait for the report before commenting further.
  20. No it wasnt and as the pilot was a friend I suggest you keep your assumptions and rumours to yourself until that facts are released. Typical of this forum !
  21. Given the amount of fat-arsed Aussies around these days a good long walk wouldn't do any harm. Who knows, it may help them fit into those skinny little seats in cattle class.
  22. Hey Bex, your profile states "own design and build". You being so pro China are you sure it wasn't a "knock off"
  23. Read my lips - it rhymes with merchant banker !
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