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Everything posted by ev17ifly2

  1. Go and buy two Flycom helmets with built in headsets. Expensive, but the best, no more issues
  2. Agr Agree, I just wondered why the rescuers were searching a 5000kl square area. How accurately does an ELT locate your position .
  3. Did they activate a beacon ?
  4. We were so poor that as kids if we didn't wake up with an erection we had nothing to play with all day !
  5. Stock is NOT dead money unless of course it only turns over every 6 months or so. Even then it still has a value. By old school do you mean a business that has a shop front rather than an online presence only ?
  6. Of course you can shop wherever you like and myself as a consumer do the same. The point I was trying to make is that if you as a customer want good service and a quality product expect to PAY for it. Or you can buy a cheap product, good quality but little or no service. That because the low price doesn't allow the seller enough margin to provide it. So, if you don't expect any after sales service, go for it ! Stop seeing the retailer as an enemy to be taken down . Another OLD chestnut is "business is only good business if it's good for both parties" Unless the retailer is a complete moron they all strive for repeat business as it's easier and less costly to retain a customer than to find a new one !
  7. Some of my experiences with retail customers - Customer 1. "My gizmo didn't come with a ops manual and I can't believe that you don't carry them." "Where did you purchase the unit from sir, perhaps they can assist" "That's why I'm here, I bought it online from Zambia" Customer 2. " I didn't want to pay your price so I bought it online" Same customer a week later " just wondering if you have any jobs going as my son has just finished year 12 and is looking for work" Customer 3 "I have this brand new unit which has the wrong software for this region can you upgrade it. It's new so why should I pay to have it upgraded" "Where did you purchase it sir" "Online from the U.S. They said any dealer over here will upgrade it FOC" Customer 4. "Thanks for spending the last hour of your time explaining the operation to me, however I can another outlet in Melbourne $7 cheaper" So, Marty and Riley if you wonder why I'm bitter and twisted...... PS, Riley, I'm a bit taken back by your "love and kisses". I don't know you. Maybe we should date a bit before taking the next step. Cheers to all
  8. Fair enough, I hear what you're saying . The maxim of Service, Quality, Price has obviously escaped you. It means that if you require top Quality and excellent Service don't expect a cheap price. Eg. At Aldi you can get a cheap Price and reasonable Quality however it comes at a reduced Service. You have to pack your own goods and there is a credit card surcharge. Just r ember this when you are trying to screw down some struggling Aussie retailer.
  9. Unfortunately Riley from my many years in retails sales and marketing you would be the type of customer we don't want. Aviall will supply you however you need to create an account and agree to their terms. Same as thousands of other online sales companies. In so far as the pricing deparities are concerned, in this country it is illegal for the distributor to dictate the retails price. It is called Retail Price Maintenance and the ACCC is red hot on it. Given that you don't know the landed cost to the Australian distributor they may not be operating on exorbitant margins. Just as a guess, do you shop Aldi. Service, Quality, Price. - pick 2 because you can't have all three !!!
  10. On our scale of "Victoria's Nasty Bastards" I don't think they rate high, maybe a 2 or 3 Haven't you seen Underbelly. Anyway, not our problem now as they were last seen heading your way.
  11. Yep, know all that. Still getting my head around the Chinese whispers that the military are utilising the expensive, combat drones searching for a couple of crims.
  12. I think it's getting a bit fanciful now. Won't be long and ASIO will be on the job. Given that they don't know where these guys are I hope this top secret military drone has plenty of endurance. I do happen to know the huge cost of keeping these things in the air so is not a cost effective way of searching for a couple of petty crims
  13. Either way the police need all the help they can get at present. It's a bit like the Keystone Cops !
  14. Sorry to disappoint, that was me up for a LAF yesterday. The only drone flying up this way takes aerials for real estate. BTW, the police "have had them surrounded" T least 6 times this week. I suspect they have no real idea where these two are. Probably out of practice when it comes to catching crooks as most of their time is spent writing infringement notices
  15. I wish people would stop holding up the SSAA as an example. They are a de facto political party who receive hefty contributions from self interested parties. Effectively you are paying $87 for a glossy mag and not much else. Apart from the clout provided by a large political organisation in lobbying the authorities so we can keep our firearms
  16. Also, at least our Jab owners have RAA to soften the heavy hand of CASA, what about the GA equivalent, the ubiquitous Cessna. As of June next year unless they have carried out the current SIDS they are grounded. Minimum inspection cost is around $12000 plus whatever work is required. I know it's a safety issue but you can buy a Sh.t load of magazines for that money. Once Cessna is done look out Piper. I too feel fortunate to fly under the RAA and let them deal with the governing body
  17. Isn't that a small price to pay to fly RA ? Owning, maintaining, flying and complying a GA aircraft is massively more expensive. And I can guarantee you that if we came under CASA's umbrella our overall cost of flying would increase with us ending up subsidising GA
  18. Sorry, Andy, I was responding to The friendly ghost not you. You don't tend to bang on
  19. If your quick you can catch up with Bull who was also on the last stage out of town. Judging from your avatar you fly trikes so why not jump to HGFA that way you can give them a pasting as well !
  20. Yeah DZ, stop picking on his choice of bike. If he wants to ride 300kg plus of bad taste which doubles as a mobile chicane that's Geoffs choice !
  21. Hold on a minute, there ARE some nice humans in Wilcannia and I spoke to one yesterday. His name is Bill Elliott and he is a pilot. Bill has the unenviable task of promoting tourism in the Wilcannia district. "If only you had called me, I would have brought the ute out". He knew exactly what we had run into when we landed and that there were a number of businesses in the town which made the task of promoting tourism hard. He is a great bloke, his details can be found on the Wilcannia Tourism web site
  22. A word of warning for pilots heading Outback and planning on a stop at Wilcannia for fuel. As part of our plan we landed at Wilcannia last week to fuel up before heading for White Cliffs. The Evector Harmony landed first and The pilot phoned the local BP to enquire about fuel. He was advised that Avgas is only sold by the drum and anyway they don't have any, so the availability of Mogas was the fall back and would it be possible to arrange to have some brought out to the strip or could we get a lift into town. It was made very clear that we were prepared to pay for any service provided. "Mate, we are not a bloody taxi service" was the reply. I was the pilot of the second aircraft and managed to get a lift into town thanks to a friendly council worker who was mowing the strip, because without fuel I was going no where. Arriving at the BP with a jerry I attempted to fill from the bowser only to have the nozzle snatched from me by the owners son and told to "f.ck off, you're the bastards from out at the strip" Fortunately there is one other servo in Wilcannia all be it with only 91, so that is what I filled with. So be warned that if you are unfortunate enough to land here country hospitality is sadly lacking PS. If you think it may just be us, the towns of Ivanhoe and Hillston went out of their way to help us fuel up. One nice bloke even loaned us his ute.
  23. Everyone is complaining about having to fund a magazine, can you imagine the outrage if fees were increased to cover a give away plane ! There would be more whining than a pommy diff. !
  24. I have, but only after 2 bottles of red !
  25. I think there may be a couple of issues here. Also, I believe the class of airspace has no relevance as to how you conduct yourself on the ground.
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