Some of my experiences with retail customers -
Customer 1. "My gizmo didn't come with a ops manual and I can't believe that you don't carry them."
"Where did you purchase the unit from sir, perhaps they can assist"
"That's why I'm here, I bought it online from Zambia"
Customer 2. " I didn't want to pay your price so I bought it online"
Same customer a week later " just wondering if you have any jobs going as my son has just finished year 12 and is looking for work"
Customer 3 "I have this brand new unit which has the wrong software for this region can you upgrade it.
It's new so why should I pay to have it upgraded"
"Where did you purchase it sir"
"Online from the U.S. They said any dealer over here will upgrade it FOC"
Customer 4. "Thanks for spending the last hour of your time explaining the operation to me, however I can
another outlet in Melbourne $7 cheaper"
So, Marty and Riley if you wonder why I'm bitter and twisted......
PS, Riley, I'm a bit taken back by your "love and kisses". I don't know you. Maybe we should date a bit before taking the next step.
Cheers to all