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Everything posted by ev17ifly2

  1. Feel free to broadcast whatever makes YOU feel safe in the air, however that may only be a state of mind because if other pilots can't decipher where you are and what your intentions are, alIl that extraneous info may not keep you safe.
  2. For example. As far as I can see YTWB has standard left hand circuits so letting me know that you will be turning left serves no purpose nor does giving me your time And just tracking Lugdo or bearing is sufficient. From what you said the airspace is often busy therefore you are only adding to the chatter.
  3. This case in questions just serves to highlight the overuse of radio
  4. You are right there. I choose to ride a motorcycle for pleasure which I get out on maybe four times a year. Rego and insurance is approx $1300 for which I get no direct benefit. In fact, I have to visit the newsagent and BUY my own magazine.
  5. Take the magazine factor out of the equation for a moment. How many of you believe that the registration and licence fees we pay RAA are excessive when compared to other registration and licence fees we pay in our day to day life be it for recreation or business.
  6. Sorry, but I see value in being a member.
  7. Bloody hell. Bull you're back. Last I heard you were selling your plane, quitting RAA and going into therapy. What happened ? I've missed your sparkling repartee and command of the language. Welcome back
  8. Given that most of those posting are more concerned about a monthly delivery of a printed magazine why don't you subscribe to Readers Digest, who knows you may even win a prize. Meanwhile the rest of us will go flying thanks to our association RAA.
  9. All most right. According to CASA there are 7 situations where you are expected to broadcast your intentions to make sure you comply with the MINIMUM requirements of CAR166C 1 before, or during taxiing 2 immediately before entering a runway 3 inbound 10nm or earlier from aerodrome 4 immediately before joining circuit 5 on a straight-in approach, on final,by 3nm from threshold 6 on a base join approach, before joining base and 7 on entering the aerodrome vicinity of a non towered aerodrome, where you intend to fly through the vicinity but not land
  10. Is your instructor out of therapy yet ?
  11. Bloody fantastic ! Great post. Ada Elle take note.
  12. I understand now, I just hope going forward that we don't end up having to share the same airspace. Stay safe and keep swatting up on those rules and regs.
  13. So then what you are telling me is that you give no 10 mile inbound, no straight in approach or no joining call unless you hear other traffic in the CTAF. Good luck with that. I trust you look up from your manuals long enough to to apply see and avoid.
  14. There in lies the problem. Your interpretation is different to mine and I bet to a lot of other pilots as well. A couple of those semi-mandatory calls are actually mandatory if you practice good airmanship and collision avoidance. All the airstrips I fly in and out of are non towered and the widely varying radio calls seem to indicate that there is mass confusion out there as to what is required. I haven't come across any yet with quaint local customs, I have however had to comply with regulations, procedures and rules
  15. By the way, airports don't have local customs.
  16. Sean, I would be guided by your instructor when it comes to your radio work in relation to non towered airports. The information given by Ada Elle is not exactly correct so I would seek clarification from an instructor
  17. You must be mixing with the lower end of the socio-economic scale because up at the end I come from our spelling is top notch.
  18. You must be mixing with the lower end of the socio-economic scale because up at the end I come from our spelling is top notch.
  19. Just please be careful Ada, as you may not have time to refer to notes and training material when it all goes pear shape and it will. Safe flying
  20. Just please be careful Ada, as you may not have time to refer to notes and training material when it all goes pear shape and it will. Safe flying
  21. Holy crap, talk about over thinking everything !
  22. Holy crap, talk about over thinking everything !
  23. If you join downwind at standard circuit height of 1000ft, keeping parallel and at Approx 45 deg. to runway then reduce power just prior to the 90deg turn onto base, another 90deg turn onto final Establishing a stabilised approach and all going well you should pull off a landing.
  24. If you join downwind at standard circuit height of 1000ft, keeping parallel and at Approx 45 deg. to runway then reduce power just prior to the 90deg turn onto base, another 90deg turn onto final Establishing a stabilised approach and all going well you should pull off a landing.
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