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Everything posted by ev17ifly2

  1. In In respect to ppl and rec, yes. Although I have had quite a number of pilots turn inside me on final and even short final i couldn't tell you how many were military if any.
  2. In In respect to ppl and rec, yes. Although I have had quite a number of pilots turn inside me on final and even short final i couldn't tell you how many were military if any.
  3. I think it comes down to airmanship and how well you were taught. A rectangular pattern is how you fly in the circuit not some free form mishmash. Leave that to the gyros.
  4. I think it comes down to airmanship and how well you were taught. A rectangular pattern is how you fly in the circuit not some free form mishmash. Leave that to the gyros.
  5. Hi there Ada Elle, what is your profession and back ground ? You come across as being very clinical and analytical . I think Head in the Clouds may be someone you can learn from. When I first started in spent too much time worrying about what was happening below the windscreen rather than looking through it.
  6. For me a big part of the flying experience is visiting the many airstrips up here in North East Victoria. Most have no fee and some request a donation, so a toilet and coffee definitely receives a contribution. Porpunkah, Yarrawonga, Mansfield and Longwood are on my list of favourites. In all cases I definitely phone ahead for strip conditions and permission.
  7. From what I have read and been told you are correct. There is one school of thought which says to take off and climb on an angle to the strip ie. Down the leg of your upside down J. That way the degree of turn back is not as great. I would be interested on what some of our more experienced members think.
  8. Another life sadly lost and sadly another life that didn't need to be lost.
  9. Sorry, couldn't help myself. Just being a smart arse
  10. By hanger space do you mean a wardrobe ? Or hangar space for and aircraft ?
  11. Having shot poor old Cecil I believe the big brave dentist is now on the lookout for a trophy Gnu !
  12. Australia's early aviators/adventurers weren't exactly paupers either. Great to see that the sprit of adventure is still alive in some of our younger generation.
  13. I may know someone. How many hours on your wing and is it a Streak 2
  14. Give it up FT. Get off your soap box and go and do something constructive
  15. It probably stems from my dislike and disrespect for the media here in Australia who are too lazy to report on or track down newsworthy events here and instead take the lazy option of inserting some obscure item into their bulletin which they suck off the web. I don't need to hear about a minor car crash in Bullshit Hollow, West Idaho.
  16. I don't Know what you guys are on, however remember CASA test for drugs as well as alcohol .
  17. There are probably many incidents and accidents world wide on a daily basis however because Australians are so UScenrtic we never hear of them. Enough said, move on
  18. Shhhhh, say it quietly as the last thing we want is to reignite the magazine fiasco ! I received mine in the PO box 2 days ago.
  19. I would say NO as the term "torque roll" sounds interesting in theory but very rarely if ever would exhibit itself on a modern weight shift such as was flown. I am aware of the pilot and aircraft in this incident as he trained down south.
  20. Sorry, but I think you are barking up the wrong tree here. Skeptic's explanation is more on the money
  21. W We have had enough RAA accidents and fatalities lately here in Aus to analyse and pontificate about without spending time waffling on about a one off over in the U.S. It's a bit like our Media padding out their news reports with some obscure house fire in Southern Georgia rather than providing Accurate and timely reporting on a local newsworthy event.
  22. Given the closing speed and pilots reaction time coupled with the visual profile of the F 16 it's all over. Dare I say, not a lot to be learned here so let's move on
  23. The notice also warns against using the internal space in a weight shift wing for storage.
  24. Anyway Bull, you are probably too busy preparing your aircraft for sale and have no time for reading. By the way are you going to place an online ad in RA's Members Market ?
  25. That i No argument from me Kev as the choice is yours to make and anyway, choice is a good thing. Not so sure about a direct comparison of the two organisations. By the way, how many 3 axis aircraft are registered HGFA
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