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About 440032

  • Birthday 08/02/1962


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  1. She's having a custom RV10 built as her next plane.
  2. GT Propellers are Italian made.
  3. Perhaps someone landing at Hickinbotham Winery airstrip.
  4. Website still offers Jabiru wooden propellers also, like they started with. Somebody probably near Bundy is making them for Jabiru, like they always have.
  5. Jabiru wooden propellers - locally made somewhere there in QLD.
  6. Years ago there were quite a few good prop makers in Australia. Brad Waldron, Mick Dye, Bill Miller, all in Victoria, Barrie Bishton in NSW, and no doubt others that I cannot recall. All out of it, and Bill passed a while back. Richard(?) Sweetapple. (never could find any contact details) Ellis Walker (Perfectus Airscrew) - long gone. Ian Henry was "the" prop maker in NZ for years. Brent Thompson propellers (NZ) came on the scene - wow they were good, I had one. Now AeroPerformance. Whoever makes the props for Jabiru to this day? This could very well be old stale info, but: Invincible Airscrews Pty Ltd - AMROBA - please let us know if you find they are still going. I would love to hand make a propeller one day.
  7. CASA: "Mission accomplished!"
  8. We've had Part 103 in Australia for years. CASR Part 103 Sport and Recreation. 25 gobbledygook regulations. The problem is, it's not exactly the same as US FAR Part 103 ultralight vehicles (13 plain English regulations) - which works great there and would here too.
  9. Thank you! I was going for an early new year flight myself, but alas, low cloud blowing thru here.
  10. Hmmmmm... I was thinking the exact same thing. I cannot recall ever seeing flashing strobe (or fixed) lights in the sky - before or after identifying a whole aircraft passing. But yes, landing lights on final I think are useful and should be used if you have them.
  11. Yeah.... I seem to recall that.......
  12. Well spotted! Usually I double check these things myself. They've changed it - deleted that bit. Who knows why they do what they do. 26.24 now specifies nav lights fitted for NVFR, and displayed (for NVFR). No req for Day VFR.
  13. Assuming day VFR (night and IFR are different) CASR Part 91 MOS Manual of Standards 26.22 Anti collision lights as required by the aircraft type design. Experimental aircraft don't have a type design. I have no lights on mine, they are not part of the design. Therefore, fit them, or don't. Your call. 26.23 Landing light. No for day VFR. Fit one or don't - your call. 26.24 Nav lights. Aircraft operating in poor visibility must be fitted. (How poor is "poor"?) I don't operate in poor visibility VFR, nor should you. Fit them or don't - your call.
  14. Recently found this young Aussie youtuber "BeSnappy" doing some good aviation interviews. He's worth a look for sure. No idea what his name is or where he is from, anyone know? And check out this rig, holy cow! And you thought the V8 Supercars rigs had some gear. If you have some interesting aviation thing going on, maybe get in touch with him. He's developing his youtube channel and making good content, so enthusiastic.
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  15. I dunno. Looks a bit fishy to me.
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