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About 440032

  • Birthday 08/02/1962


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  1. Numbers or letters makes no difference at all, ATSB won't investigate most accidents in the sport aircraft world. Very selective, very few.
  2. 16/25 came up on the Fed website on Thursday morning. Instrument 16/25 simply amended the end date of 18/22 before it expired, nothing more. (CASA just moved the finish line) INST 18/22 lives on, victoriously. SAAA members can expect a broadcast Mon or Tues. Had hoped for late Thurs, but alas........ not the end of the world. (that's on a Tuesday, later in the year.)
  3. I believe... (CHECK IT TO A RELIABLE VERIFIABLE SOURCE) that if it is at 90 degrees to your torque wrench, no calculation is needed. Set and use. I have one of those things but can't for the life of me recall what they are called.
  4. The rocker chamber vent Service Bulletin does not apply to solid lifter engines.
  5. Marco - you don't say what fuel you are using. I just had sooty black spark plugs with RPM drop at mag check after running unleaded petrol/mogas for maybe the last 13 hours. Spark plugs about 83 hours use, first 70 on avgas. I'm going back to avgas use only with (570 hours satisfaction.)
  6. That bleed hole thing has nothing to do with this engine. It's not applicable.
  7. NTSB report CEN25LA031 N7521Z 27 OCT 2024 Pearland Regional.
  8. Wings sometimes just have to be forklifted. It's not pleasant, in fact it's generally quite unpalletable.
  9. That excel chart you sent makes no sense to me. (the "empty plane" bit) I've done a similar chart for my own plane and seen many others, I understand what you are aiming to end up with, a good usable chart. I think it is now time for you to seek help from a professional WCO _ Weight Control Officer - an industry person accredited by CASA to do this stuff. Loading is not a thing to guessing or relying on advice from experts on some forum on the internet. Some will be correct, some will not.
  10. I see some odd things. 74kg/L fuel. I think there is much lighter fuel available. "Empty plane" ARM is what? What is the datum point for this plane? I would have been expecting to see an ARM measurement from datum to nosewheel, and a weight, and an ARM measurement from datum to main wheels, and a weight.
  11. When I worked (sorry, "was employed") in a "secure facility" we would often have non ASIC wearing suits come through, escorted by managers. No ASIC, No VIC on the visitors. Sometimes Senators, other politicians, etc. Then at XMAS we'd have some disguised flog in a Santa suit come through carrying his sack of who knows what, ACME dynamite, escorted by managers. No ASIC, No VIC. Photos can be found online of Santa up in the tower, out on the tarmac, and photos of everyone from the PM down can be found online, inside and outside "secure" hangars, rubbing shoulders with The Leprechaun etc. Not an ASIC or VIC in sight. Yes security is so important. Except by those tasked with enforcing it. I am actually not eligible for an ASIC because I do not meet the Operational Need criteria by requiring frequent access to all or part of a secure airport. My wife's mandatory photo ID card for her work in a public hospital does not have her surname printed on it - for security reasons!
  12. Perfect BrendAn. Exactly what I had a feeling they were. I saw a pic of one in some plane recently, I thought it was a 1600 coz it sure as hell wasn't a 2200. Case closed - thanks.
  13. I've never seen an early Jabiru 1600 engine and cannot find a picture of one. Anyone have a pic they could share? or do you know, the rocker covers - were they held on by just one central bolt and maybe made from cast ALUM with Jabiru logo? Thanks.
  14. Here's a thought. Ask the manufacturer for some restoration advice - Leisurebuild in Bundaberg. Aircraft | Leisure Build Pty Ltd
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