When I worked (sorry, "was employed") in a "secure facility" we would often have non ASIC wearing suits come through, escorted by managers. No ASIC, No VIC on the visitors. Sometimes Senators, other politicians, etc.
Then at XMAS we'd have some disguised flog in a Santa suit come through carrying his sack of who knows what, ACME dynamite, escorted by managers. No ASIC, No VIC.
Photos can be found online of Santa up in the tower, out on the tarmac, and photos of everyone from the PM down can be found online, inside and outside "secure" hangars, rubbing shoulders with The Leprechaun etc. Not an ASIC or VIC in sight.
Yes security is so important. Except by those tasked with enforcing it. I am actually not eligible for an ASIC because I do not meet the Operational Need criteria by requiring frequent access to all or part of a secure airport.
My wife's mandatory photo ID card for her work in a public hospital does not have her surname printed on it - for security reasons!