If you lean your mixture till you get no soot you will be running way to lean when at normal cruising power you cant judge mixture by cht or by plug appearance
try swapping the plugs around and see how quickly they get soot on them during idle runs
What are you looking for after you lean the mixture IE what is the problem with the setting at the moment
As has been mentioned in the earlier posts the only way to check mixture by looking at the plugs is to shut both mags off after a sustained high speed run which is not possible
even taxing for a few minutes will cause black plugs on two cylinders
and if two cylinders are running rich and you back the mixture off the other two cylinders will run lean
Hi last trip was to Benalla was on sunday for their aviation swap and flyin , The weather was great and it was well organised and well set up at Benalla. We flew up with four other planes from Latrobe valley
Ours seems to take longer to burp if it hasn't been flown for a while I think the longer it sits the more oil seems to accumulate in the sump which means longer time to return all the oil to the tank
cold weather also makes it harder to burp
Ours take quite a lot of turns to make it burp especially if you turn it fast it you turn it slowly and hold it at the top of compression it burps a lot faster
what is happening to the oil level when you cant get it to burp is it low on the dip stick or at the normal mark
Great pics. We are currently at karumba after two nights at adels grove. Haven't got time to visit sweers island as we have to start heading back down to Victoria
Left birdsville today great flight to boulia where we had lunch at the visitors centre and then on to mt is a pretty turbulent as the day had warmed up landed at mt isa whwere we will stay for a couple of days before heading to adele grove
Ash & WendyWendy
Hi just arrived in birdsville after leaving Latrobe Valley yesterday with lunch at swan hill and overnight
at white cliffs lunch at Cameron corner and a quick visit to the dig tree
Ash and Wendy
Hi am planning our next adventure the week after easter . leave YLTV lunch at swan hill overnight at white cliffs onto cameron corner then Birdsville overnight The next day Boulia for lunch and then overnight at Mt Isa
The next stop will be Adels Grove where we will stay a few days after which it is onto Karumba for a night or two The return trip will be via Cloncurry and Winton and Longreach after overnighting at Longreach it is onto Charleville Cunnamulla overnighting again at Lightning Ridge and then home via Temora and Corawa
any comments are welcome
Last trip was a quick overnight flight in the RV12 from Latrobe valley to Tocumwal left lunch time and had a great trip nice and smooth and a few clouds this side of the ranges and clear the other side bit rough descending but not too bad Landed and tied down and got a lift with a club member into Tocumwal booked into the to Tocumwal motel for the night Went on the courtesy but to the golf club for tea. Walked out to the airfield topped up with fuel and flew home in the morning also a great flight very high cloud with a bit of light rain coming from the west about an hour and a half each way and 65 litres of fuel
I used lighter springs and it still creeps a little so I loosen the friction to adjust throttle and then loosen it when I want to adjust it sounds fiddly but soon becomes second nature have considered fitting vernier throttle but it is pretty dear
you can install another flow cube in the return line which then makes it read the correct amount but they are $250 so haven't installed one just gives me a bit more reserve
thanks alf I will have a look at the figures from my last trip and do a comparison My skyview fuel flow reads a little high normally and a bit higher again if I do a lot of taxiing or idling as it measures fuel to the engine but not the return fuel
Great graph. I haven't worked out my 912's consumption to that degree but it is a lot higher than yours, about 20 to 22 lph
I cruise between 5200 and 5400rpm what is your rpm range