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Everything posted by crashley

  1. HI I am building a rv12 wings and fuselage finished. paint and uphaulstery done avionics nearly finished and just picked up the engine kit yesterday hope to be flying soon will be raa registered ashley
  2. how do i get google to find that location
  3. It may be Redundancy If you have a problem with one carby you will still get some power out of your engine but most likely you get a better mixture out of two small carbs than one large one
  4. HI I am currently building an rv 12 and am finding it to be a great project and easy to build pm me if you want more info ashley
  5. Hi the light sports club is having a flyin next saturday BBq sat lunch and probably pizza for tea all types of aircraft welcome LSA RAA Microlights whatever you fly you are welcome
  6. airvan HI the reason they have taken foriegn investment is that our state a federal government would not prop them up or give them support wouldnt even buy an airvan for fire spotting and hopefully manafacturing wont go offshore but probably will
  7. HI I am building an rv12 have a look at vans site for more info
  8. I believe cht use a J type thermocouple and the exhaust temp uses a k type thermocouple the error may or may not be consistant I have checked a few guages and found some to have a uniform error across the range which is easily fixed and some to have an error which increases as the temp rises if there is any joins in the cable which have not been done correctly variances in the ambient temp will affect the reading also the best way to check is to use a simulator on the guage or as suggested heat the sensor to a known temp and compare,
  9. Hi we have flown tiger and found them to be just the same as the others only cheaper if you are late for checkin you dont fly same as the others
  10. I believe it is 10 nautical miles before your pilots certificate and 25 after
  11. 51 % and I consider myself more safety conscious than most of my workmates and I have had a few major accidents 2 car and 1 tractor accidents
  12. I was doing the same until the intructor reminded to look at the far end of the runway not just in front of the plane
  13. sonex what about the sonex
  14. force = mass times acceleration mass = piston and conrod weight acceleration = zero to max piston speed in x seconds why do you want to calculate this
  15. Hang in there I used to feel sick too during my early flights I took a travel calm for a few flights then half a tablet and now all I need is strong pepermints dont fly on an empty stomach and try a can of coke before flying I found that helps and as in previous posts try and relax as being nervous doesnt help ashley
  16. Hi well If finally came, the day Anthony my instructor said I am getting out do you want to do a circuit by yourself. I thought for a about a second and said yep I will do one by myself. I taxied to runway 09 at YLTV stopped and settled my nerves and slowly pushed the throttle in, just before I lifted off I thought this is it last chance to pull out. I said to my self no this is it and then I was climbing twice as fast as normal I talked my way around the circuit as I had been taught and then turned final as I approached the threshold I was still too high so full throttle and around I went again this time height was good and down I went flared, floated a little and then I was down. Then I started grinning and had to have a coffee to calm me down a bit, so thanks for your patience Anthony I really appreciated it ashley
  17. If the airplane used a direct drive to the wheels like in a car to gain enough speed and thus airflow over the wings and it was on the now famous conveyer it would not take off but planes use a prop to develop their speed and the conveyer can't stop the prop moving the plane forward so It will TAKE OFF Perhaps someond could demonstrate a model car on a treadmill and then you will see my point
  18. Of course the plane will takeoff because the prop is pulling the plane forward through the air which makes it create lift the wheels have nothing to do with it they just stop the plane scraping along the runway
  19. HI can you email me at [email protected] I have some t/c cable that should do the job for you ashley
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