I hate to say it but I think it has a lot to do with "Housing" Australians especially young people have it drummed into them that they have to get there own house before its too late (Quote from parents) and therefore are saddled with a huge debt that consumes nearly all there discretionary spending. With the cost of living going up and the prices you pay to put a roof over your head are beyond the reach these days, its no wonder they can't afford to go flying let alone buy a plane. Its the biggest social issue in Australia at the moment, not same sex marriage like the media sprooks. I can afford to fly because I don't have a mortgage. The baby boomers worked hard there whole life and are now enjoying the fruits of the debt saddled younger generation. A sorry state of affairs. Until we address the multiply issues of affordable shelters not investments, we will continue to see the decline in GA. Flying will once again be for the rich and privileged. I know I have probably offended a few people on this forum, but not being honest in this day and age will be our undoing in the future. I am 35 years old and would love to have my own house, a place to call home but I know in this current climate of over priced houses that I have a choice, buy a house and never be able to afford to go flying or go flying. Life is too short to be a debt slave to the banks. We all work hard for retirement but for some of us we wont ever make it, I can speak from experience.
GA will continue to decline when we have cheaper alternatives out there, and when the cheaper forms get expensive then people move onto different outlets for the recreational kicks.
Happy to be put in my place if I have offended anyone one but the above comments are my honest opinions why younger people are not going out to your local airfield and going for a fly.
Shane McMillan