J230 chopper incident last year
Wondering if the same thing did happen to a J230 last year at Jamestown, SA.
See PPrune thread - Plane crash at Jamestown S.A.
The pilot has given a good description of what happened in post 21 which I have copied below.
"I have only just completed my RA licence, with a few extra hours due to nav, when I went flying that day.
My plan was to do a few landings / touch & go, fly to Booleroo and back.
I took off in pretty good conditions with a bit of a cross wind and completed the circt, when I was on final, I had an updraft or two, which is common with a light plane like the Jabi, and I decided that I was to high to land.
I applied full throttle, right rudder, lowered the nose but with a stall warning that just kept going. The plane went up like a chopper and it did a 360 degree turn at a hight of about 50feet before it droped the nose straight down. I did not have all day to think about my next move and all I did was pulling the nose up. It came up a second or so, before I hit the grass strip next to the runway ( not on the runway)
I know that the guys at the club found a few witnesses who saw the same picture as I have just told.
I haven't heard the final outcome of the investigation yet, but they suspect thermal/wirley/windshear.
My instructor, who was handling the media and investigators/insurance and a lot more, suggested that we do it again. May-be from a bit higher up, away from the runway!
I don't know if any one could learn anything from this, as the final answer is not out yet. I would certainly want to know as well!
Lucky P"
Frightening. I thought a wirley but are now wondering after reading this thread.