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Doug Mc.

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Everything posted by Doug Mc.

  1. Sorry. woops.didnt see that one!!
  2. Plenty of switches and fun to be had in here! Be patient with site, sometimes works, sometimes it doesnt. ;) http://www.gillesvidal.com/blogpano/cockpit1.htm
  3. Sounds great Neil, Would love to go up with you one day. see yu soon.
  4. No worries Ian.
  5. I have just transferred schools from Shep to Wallan as it is much closer to home for me. Nathan and Sue (originally from Shep) and two other guys have done a fantastic job at setting up a ftf. they have built a great clubhouse and the brand new Tecnam arrived last week. Sue is my instructor and I think she is brilliant, I have not flown with Nathan yet but am told you would be hard pressed to find a better instructor. I have not heard anything about marching orders yet and I was down there last night, I have another lesson on Sat afternoon so I will let you know. I hope you are wrong Ian . Doug.
  6. Sorry, I saw a guy walking round his little storch Saturday morning. Nice neat aircraft,are they nice to fly?
  7. Think I may have seen you down there on the weekend Neil, was that you? Doug.
  8. Hi Adam, Sorry I am a little slow off the mark but I am just responding to your original thread.I have recently changed flight schools, I was flying out of Shep which is a fantastic school, perfect weather, unbeatable clubhouse and facilitys, new aircraft and above all A grade quality instructors! The only problem for me is that I live about 1.5hrs away (by car), which I was quite willing to drive for my fortnightly lessons, until a new flight school opened up just 10 minutes down the road from me (Wallan). I now am lucky enough to be able to fly out of a little airfield that has a nice new clubhouse, a gleaming new Tecnam (5hrs old, I was the first student to take her up) and the best part, 2 of my old instructors (A grade) from Shepparton are running the show. I did feel quite bad when I left the guys from Shep, but they all were great and understood perfectly, you Know what they said? "You have to do whatever suits you" Seems to be an echo I know (sorry) but just thought you might like to hear from someone who has changed schools mid way through trainning. Who knows I might be able to fly a little more often now after saving all that fuel money:) Doug.
  9. Yes Merv, a little bit of knowlege can be a bad thing, I love your honesty,thought I was the only "tool" to make those kind of mistakes!
  10. Gday Mike, Welcome aboard, relatively new myself to this forum but have found it to be great.Quite addictive actually!! Good luck with your Gazelle and your fly ins. Doug.
  11. Yes well done Allan .!! Doug.
  12. Thanks planedriver, I know what you mean, my seven year old son runs round the house doing radio calls,tmpfisch and bumfo checks (on his bike)!!. Thank you all for the words of encouragement and sorry for the late reply but we just got home from a week on the gold coast. Speaking of which I had been looking forward to the flight up (Virgin blue 737-800), as before I started r/a I loved flying in the big heavy`s. NOW not so sure, dont get me wrong Virgin were wonderfull and the aircraft is amazing and I loved being above and beyond the cloud but I felt a little costrofobic and really did not enjoy having no controll.I had total confidence in the ability of the captain and his/her F/O but I just wanted to rip that cockpit door down and sit up there with them!! (glad I didnt now,think it could be some sort of offence) .Anway had a great time,we were lucky enough to have two beautifull old Trojans doing mock dog fights in the sky above us on a couple of seperate occasions, this was a definite highlight (although my wife would say otherwise) ;) Well, better go help upack. Doug.
  13. Thank you guys!!
  14. Well its finally happened and I really dont want to brag but I am just so damn excited!! After seven months and about fifteen hours I finally went solo today. Thought it was getting close but I didnt think it would happen today.I can not stop grinning!! anyway enough gloating,like Sue one of my brillant instructors said "its the first of many milestones" there are many more great things to come and I am looking forward to them all!! :) Doug.
  15. Congratulations Octave, It must be an awesome feeling!! I can only imagine as I am yet to go solo even.(hopefully not far off!!)
  16. Hi Shifty, Tecnam P92 echo super. Doug
  17. Gday pioneer 200, Nice aircraft that.I fly a tecnam p92 and have been flying for around the same amount of time.What stage are you at?I imagine New Zealand to be a scenic place to fly? Hope your plane gets airborne soon. Doug.
  18. Thanks guys, Once I get my head around the tecnam and get my licence etc. I am looking forward to going up in a rag & tube type micro, they look like great fun!! Doug.
  19. Sounds like fun!! Doug.
  20. Hi Paul, Thank you and no worries I will tell the guys next week!What happened in feb?
  21. "slipped the surly bonds" Hi Ian, I am afraid to have to say this but I had no idea what you meant by "slipped the surly bonds", so I googled it and come up with a fantastic poem (high flight). So yes thank you, I think I have "slipped the surly bonds" and savour days like friday,;) I will!! Doug.
  22. Our obsession!! Well I am not sure if it counts for an "unusual moment" but I would like to say I had the best flying lesson I have had yet.It was last friday night at Shep and as I was driving to get there I thought no-way would we be going up.There were towering cumulus and scattered showers around,but when I arrived they were all off in the distance! Sue (my instructor) said it had been nice all day (flying conditions) and when we got up there I could see what she meant,it was absouloutly beautifull,there was nill wind and nill turbulence.There was a thunderstorm to the North which we kept a close eye on,a shower and rainbow to the east (which lasted the whole lesson) and clear skies to the south and west.It was the last lesson of the day 5 to 6pm.and it was a beautifull warm night, we both did not want to come down , but after about 6 or 7 circiuts I was over the hour and was starting to think I may have to wash dishes to pay for this lesson!! Anyway passed my pre-solo exam which really topped off a great lesson/night!! Hope you guys dont think im gloating , but I am just excited and can not belive how much I love this hobbie/passion(obsession) Thanks Doug.
  23. Thanks Fellas, This is all great.I hope there wont be any "unusual moments" for quite some time yet!!
  24. Thank you, and hopefully I wont be needing the luck!!! (but I will take it anyway). Doug.
  25. Thanks Chris, Good advice.I am loving every second of it.I am not in a huge rush to go solo thats for sure! actually I think I may never be brave enough to fly by myself!he,he. Doug.
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