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Everything posted by chrisb

  1. So if IAS is still reading 100kts and there is a 20kt head/tail wind does is affect ground speed by the same amount? What if there was a 20kt crosswind, how will it affect ground speed?
  2. to make it simple, no wind changes and you start and finish the 350nm trip at 5,000ft
  3. Lets make this simple flying at 5,000ft at 100kts with no wind Is my ground speed really 185kmh? Under the same conditions would a 350nm trip take 3.5 hours?
  4. I dont believe its open source, you probably mean open api
  5. It's funny to abuse the crap out of them, they auto reply back with something positive. Then there is the die-hard manual scammer, you tell them its a scam, show them examples of scams, abuse them, explain how its a scam and they still try to convince you its legit.
  6. I've clocked up 1.6 hours so far
  7. Sounds like I'll run out of money before that happens
  8. I should have booked to go flying tomorrow :( now I have to wait till thursday
  9. I am enjoying it, want to do more flying :)
  10. It was great, I can see how people can spend so much money on it. btw I started another thread about this
  11. Just had my second flying lesson, flying straight and level I've got the procedure ok, a bit slow and I loose a bit of altitude
  12. Jab 160 at lilydale :) Going again this friday Would be great to have my own plane
  13. Had my first flying lesson today, was awesome
  14. Bit far for me, but maybe one day
  15. You had your own airstrip before you had your own licence?
  16. 12 days, isnt that a bit over kill?? Briefing before every flight, check. Anything I should be aware of that isnt obvious?
  17. Might aim for 2 a week
  18. Money wont be a problem for getting the licence. I expect to do about 1-2 lessons a week depending on what shift I'll be doing that week. The training planes are apparently new Jab 160s
  19. Well I've finally booked in and I'll be doing my first lesson this Friday morning. I have been recommended to do at least one lesson a fortnight
  20. I tried to get another loan with a bank I already have a loan with, made an oversight on the form and they refused the loan. Canceled the existing loan and went to another bank, one year later they offered me a permanent discount on there loan rate if i return with both loans. Cable TV, how much to move the service, $xxx. No cancel it cause I'm bored, how about we install the service for free, ok then.
  21. And I guarantee if you dont spend $6.50 on lunch you'll most likely spend it on something else other then the home loan
  22. That's the plan, a better learning outcome to be a better pilot.
  23. Im sure there has been. It's just speculation for me, once I get my licence, hopefully early next year and physically start to higher a plane settle in to some flying pattern. I'll do my own calculations based on my actual usage
  24. Im after anyone's opinion, how fast is too fast for traing, what would be an good training rate. As you say to not get too fatigued or inundated and instead have productive learning experience.
  25. What if I start off with a as you put it a "tough enough" but already second hand plane
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