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Everything posted by chrisb

  1. I do shift work so I have plenty of free time during the week So you're saying a few hours each day is fine? 5ish/hours/week for 30ish hours is about 1.5ish months
  2. So buy your own plane eventually What about buying your plane and leasing it out to a school for training or renting?
  3. If I took annual leave and just went training 8 hours a day could I theoretically do 40 hours and qualify for the ra-aus cert by the end of the week, or is that a bad idea? I was thinking of waiting until after 4/12/13 apparently there are going to be changes
  4. Opex and capex, well then you might as well include what would i be doing instead of flying if i was investing my money instead... and so on. fact is you're going to spend money otherwise its worthless. Syndicate vs Own vs Hire, you'd have to do your own maths but it seems to be heavily based on how many hours you can afford and actually do fly.
  5. Same story here, always wanted to fly, always thought it was too expensive. Except Im in my 30s and now have money and realize its also not as expensive as I thought it was
  6. TBH my other half oking getting my raa licence and purchasing a plane is much higher then this. I don't think this kind of thing will happen, mainly because of govt regulations
  7. Arnt SARTIME and EPIRB for saftey after you have had an accident, this is about preventing accidnets in the first place. Also from what i understand skylines wont work with no mobile phone data access. This thread has nothing to do with informing search and rescue after an accident cause suitable equipment of that kind already exists
  8. It'll all work fine if you stay within mobile phone range. It's when you leave mobile phone range that it becomes a big problem
  9. Treat the project like how they'd write a complex program And yes im interested in flying
  10. I don't have all the answers and might possibly be wrong with certain things I don't know how kickstarter works, never used it, just like i've never flown a plane, might want to keep that in mind
  11. Thats the only thing I'm after from a PPL, means i could then fly moorabbin to camden instead of tyabb to the oaks
  12. APRS was started by one person and its now worldwide and has an amateur channel dedicated to it, from looking at the aprs.fi website it is used by boats, cars, planes, people, weather stations etc Same with ozrunways, started with one person i believe and its now CASA approved. So its all possible. I keep going on about low price cause this is aimed at the rec and private pilot/driver/captain, they dont all have heaps of cash to use Firstly get your amateur radio licence, it will most likely be needed with the development and you can get help from knowledgeable radio experts, kickstarter project may be an idea. Get help to plan out the basics to make a solid working proof of concept, keeping it all simple, possibly use APRS or similar existing tech for the moment. Put forward a proposal to the regulatory in charge of radio frequencies and see what happens.
  13. Too high a price, there needs to be a basic version that does one thing and it should do it very well, "See where other planes are" The primary goal should be to have a device so cheap everyone can afford it as that is the only way you'll be able to "See where other planes are" Every other feature is pretty much pointless if this fundamental does not work
  14. Unrelated but, I'll be doing my amateur radio licence this weekend
  15. I still might just go raaus first then go from there
  16. http://aprsdroid.org/
  17. might be best to get it working using APRS on amateur frequencies first.
  18. no packet data allowed on CB ch 22, 23
  19. Start with the basics first. Prove it works in all conditions first, e.g. tx and rx data at 9,500' Go out of your way to find problems I still say, dont use the mobile network
  20. Prior experience should count for alot I agree you should still need some training but not 20 hours and it should be to PPL
  21. Pro: Evan has somee good ideas Con: Evan needs more understanding of digital radio communications, this is a major flaw with your concept so far
  22. Id also suggest APRS for data transmission or something similar, APRS has a few problems, apart from being amateur band, its slow and would clutter easily with many planes in the transmission range especially when repeating packets. WiMAX might be good, but I understand it cannot be setup in an adhoc network like wifi. I wouldnt bother with replicating things that already exist, especially existing instrumentation. As Im sure it exisits on just about every production plane and second hand plane around. I also assume that stuff would need to be certified if you want the plane registered and that wouldnt be cheap Get the absolute basics working first, internet access and all things related to that are fairly simply. Forget about all the features, focus first on getting the low transmission layers working first ie mesh type network similar to APRS working first as it will be the most difficult part, which is pretty much not possible due to restrictions. About the only thing you can do is put forward a case to get some bandwidth that can be legally used for this project, or convince everyone to get a HAM licence. Once you have the stable way to reliably broadcast and retransmit packet data similar to APRS, then work on the next layer like the actual data packet content, format and the management of them. Then you can use, display, manipulate this data
  23. I'd like to say the following 1. Shouldn't rely on the internet, it needs to work reliably especially if its for avoidance 2. Should be cheap, being an active device everyone will need a compatible device, no point trying to find aircraft that tx nothing 3. Should be simple, portable and generic, more uses (boating, 4x4ing) means lower price 4. Don't use propriety OS, keep it simple, robust and uncomplicated. APRS might suite, tx telemetry data, then rx filter and display useful data, e.g. other planes, weather etc. Big problem is it needs an amateur licence ADS-B seems similar but more complete and more expensive no doubt
  24. Well that makes the choice harder... anyone for Tooradin?
  25. OK read the page wrong, training school says avg student to takes 45 hours for RAA and x-country I planning to go to an RAA+GA school anyway
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