Years ago, some naughty guys used to go into cloud in their gliders. They used a Bohli compass as an a/h, and they caused the Bohli to be banned from competitions.
They told me that it was quite easy to thermal up under the dome of a big cu, then fly through the cloud keeping things straight with the turn-and -bank gyro plus the asi and the compass. When all gyros were banned, they did the same thing with just the ( non-Bohli ) compass and asi. ( the gyro instruments might have been banned before the Bohli compasses, I don't remember which came first. )
The lesson I got from all this was that "clouds aint all the same" and there is a HUGE difference between a benign cu at 10,000 ft over flat land and a mean cu-nim which can suck you in and spit you out battered with hail. There is a story about a Canberra jet over Qld which entered a cu-nim at 20,000 ft and was spat out , all battered, at 50,000 ft.
There is a CASA video ( 180 seconds to live or similar ) which shows a foolish GA pilot flying low and getting caught out by rising terrain and narrowing valley, while trying to stay under the ( lowering) cloud. Again, this is quite different from the 10,000 ft medium cu.
Mind you, a whole flight under IFR would be beyond me for sure, especially the landing, so good onyer Mike and Matt. Thanks for sharing the story.