You guys are right but I still need to lose some weight. I just finished reading Hanna Reitsch's memoirs and thought while reading, that she was safer being so light. She was in real life a small woman.
But batteries are darned heavy things, unless you join the revolution and change to Lithium types ( LiPO4 is not dangerous I hope). 6kg down to 1kg is worthwhile I reckon.
AND, I reckon the regulations are pretty conservative PLUS, aircraft are built with conservative safety factors. The very next time somebody loses their Jabiru wings, I promise to look real carefully into the matter.
Once, I was worrying about how Libelle gliders had their rough-air reduced from 135 knots to 89 knots. Then I found that "smooth air" can contain a sharp-edged upgust of 15 knots!
In my 40 years of looking, I reckon I found 15 knots maybe once, and it wasn't sharp edged.
we foolishly believed the 135 knots and in the bad old days, we did start-runs at 135 knots and full water in rough air. Nobody ever lost a wing, except for the mid-air over Narromine when the hapless pilot returned minus about 3 meters of wing.